Even if SARS-COV-2 came from a lab leak…

Homepage Forums Science Even if SARS-COV-2 came from a lab leak…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 6 months ago.

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    … it just adds one more challenge to the overall necessity of prediction, prevention, early detection, and mitigation of the next pandemic. Pandemics historically have zoonotic causes. Research should be more transparent, and while China has failed here, research is still the best way to get ahead of the zoonotic challenges.




    With DNA manipulation that can only be done in a lab, one can either do what’s called a “gain of function” or  speed up evolution to make something happen that evolution might bring about given enough time.

    Dr. Jeffrey Sachs headed a group of expert researchers for Lancet, the top medical journal, who think that a natural evolution of the virus is highly unlikely.

    A longer discussion:

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