How do you access the ThinkAtheist archive site?

Homepage Forums Advice How do you access the ThinkAtheist archive site?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  . 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    How do you get back to comment on the old site? I’m trying to reply to Unseen’s discussion from my laptop and it’s not letting me go there…



    I’ve noticed that if you just try to go to, you get redirected. But a link to a spot inside T|A seems to work for me. Then one can navigate around.

    From there you should be able to navigate to unseen’s discussion, assuming that link works for you. If it does, leave that tab open (if you can).



    Thanks Steve!! I finally figured it out…Hopefully this will be a smooth transition! 😉




    Copy and paste Unseens comment that you want to address here in a new thread, and answer here. If someone (you) types the @ before their screen name, they should get a notice that they’ve been mentioned. I did it with your name here so you can see the effect 🙂




    You used display name that is why it is not working correctly. You should have used username.

    Right way to mention someone is using his/her username that you can find in his/her profile url For example @bellerose

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  Rebel.


    Right way to mention someone is using his/her username that you can find in his/her profile url For example @bellerose

    …Yet the only way to determine that name is by going to their profile page? That seems a bit inconvenient, it should go off the display name because that’s what we’re looking at on the spot. (I realize, Umar, you probably have no control over that…but it seems some code geek somewhere wasn’t thinking.)

    I made both identical for no particular reason, and knowing this now, I would like to suggest others do the same.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  SteveInCO.


    @Belle, see “Links to ThinkAtheist (archive)” in my Tips group.



    Thanks everyone…we were in the middle of the conversation about Sancuary Cities and immigration stuff….I figured out how to reply…I suppose if Unseen wants to continue our discussion I’ll leave that up to him on this site.

    I think it’s cool to see everyone transition over with few problems. I agree with Unseen we should support those who need better visibility….to make the font black, and a little bigger…Anyway, thanks again everyone!!!!

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