The barbarism of ISIS

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jason 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Ron H

    Saw on the news last night that ISIS had destroyed a 2000 year old Roman temple in the remains of Palmyra. I had no words to express how I felt other than what on earth would possess these cretins to do this. This was after they had beheaded an 81 year old man who was an expert in antiquities.

    There was a world before the invention of Islam. That is what they can’t accept.

    The sooner these barbarians have been exterminated, the better.


    Simon Mathews

    I agree, Ron, it’s barbaric what they did. Where do you stand on the “nothing to do with Islam” debate. Some people claim they literally are just thugs and happen to be using Islamic ideas such as a caliphate (presumably because they are too stupid to come up with anything original). Others say they are the quintessential embodiment of Islam – carrying out the Qu’ran to the letter.



    My 2 cents’ worth reads as follows:Right now it is convenient to demonize Islam. AND, there is no doubt Islam deserves a lot of or all the bad press it has been getting. However, if one looks at a bit of history, a few centuries ago, the Christians were getting the same kind of bad press from Muslims. AND, anyone familiar with the history of Europe is acquainted with the fact that Christianity often enough turned on and destroyed deviant Christians. Also, anyone who is knowledgeable concerning Oriental societies will know about Hindus and Buddhists massacring for the deity.
    What is the point here? In my not at all humble opinion, the problem is not with Islam or with Buddhism or Christianity.
    All of these systems have led to slaughter and fanatic stupidity. The problem is with religion in general. It makes people batshit crazy. So, while Islam may deserve the billingsgate it has been receiving, the opprobrium is, at least partially, misplaced. It should be laid at the doorstep of organized religion rather than at the door of the mosque.


    Ron H

    I agree that the problem is a fanatical devotion to religion. It makes them irrational, as it does to any fanatics.

    The early Christians destroyed all things pagan they could. Just think of what was lost.



    The problem is with religion in general. It makes people batshit crazy. So, while Islam may deserve the billingsgate it has been receiving, the opprobrium is, at least partially, misplaced. It should be laid at the doorstep of organized religion rather than at the door of the mosque.

    I mostly agree but am recently taking a step even further back… the problem isn’t just religion, but any in-group vs out-group taken to its extreme. I.e. I might call it something like “extreme intolerance”, which has arisen in societies and taken on wide-scale (and now “world”) significance since the beginning of civilization. Specifically for religion, we could call what’s needed a “reformation”, such that theism or hero worshipping (e.g. in North Korea) should never be allowed to enforce intolerance, even over minorities.

    I’d call N. Korean citizens “batshit crazy” and intolerant of dissent, even though it’s not really their fault. It just happens that religion (with its eternal beacon of divinity) has been by far the easiest version of extremism to enforce.


    cecilia fx

    it’s no different than idiots in America like Kim Davis – ok she hasn’t killed anyone (yet), but she has no respect for others. The nuts here who kill doctors because sometimes they may do abortions….or bomb health clinics….or ken hamm who lies to children about science and history…..all examples of disrespect for reality.

    and it’s old news…there have always been scum idiots. We can’t ever stop fighting against them. I don’t mean war. They main difference between the middle east countries and western countries is separation of church and state. ISIS gets to do some serious damage because there’s no laws in place to handle them properly.



    ISIS gets to do some serious damage because there’s no laws in place to handle them properly.

    Yes, they explicitly believe their law is from God.


    Ron Henson

    I bet this site will not allow me to make original post, only to reply. Most sites are fucked up and this one will be no exception.


    Ron H

    Hi Ron Henson, Not sure what you want to do, but you certainly can start a topic in a forum.



    The aim of every religion is to gain power among the weaker ones. ISIS, using Islam as an instrument is one concrete example of how religion can be very deadly. Even Christianity have violence in its veins if you will take their book literally.

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