What is your ultimate goal?

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    I would like to ask everyone one simple questions, and one more complex question.

    Question number 1:

    What is your ULTIMATE goal when it comes to fitness?

    Question number 2:

    What is your map/plan to get yourself there?

    And I suppose I should throw in a bonus question:

    When do you see yourself reaching this goal? Why is it important to you and if you have been having trouble, what’s holding you back?

    I’ll share mine. My ultimate goal is to compete in the Ironman Triathalon. I also want to go back to competitive figure skating, and I want to enter a pole dancing competition.

    My plan to get there is to continue as I have been doing, working with professionals to get there. I have been working on getting my health back and it is happening. I know I cannot do it alone, and I don’t intend to.

    I want to reach my goal weight by the end of 2015. I have multiple old injuries from various sources I need to overcome. It seems impossible but it’s not. Nothing is impossible if you really want it and do what it takes to get there. What’s been holding me back right now is my right knee. I was swimming yesterday and it felt weak. I know it’s weak. It was my landing leg for all of figure skating jumps. It is my biggest liability. I have been extremely careful to continue working out without injuring it. If I injure my knee I will be held back indefinitely. So my training is slow…..and cautious….but at the same time pushing myself to my own limits…

    I’m 33….I will compete in the Ironmman Triathalon competition before my 40th birthday…..maybe before my 36th birthday….we’ll see 🙂

    What about you?



    my motto



    For the first time in my life…my goal is to drop about 10lbs and just get in better overall condition. Since I am very busy lately, my plan is to eat less each day and only when my body tells me. WILLPOWER!!!! And also either a run or do some weights every other day. This is from when I was 48…



    Damn Robert! nice 6 pack 😉 …So where is this 10 pounds you’re going to lose? lol….

    Trying to muster will power and deprive yourself by eating when you only feel hungry will not bring about any sort of sustainable weight loss….you might lose it but it will likely come back. You’re better off assessing how you feel…the goal isn’t what the scale says, but how your energy level is and are you mentally alert and focused? Here is the United States many people are starved of the nutrients they need to be healthy. Eating a whole foods plant based diet is the direction we need to go in…ALL of us….

    I’m guessing you already know that….why do you think you need to lose 10 pounds? Do you have a poor self-image? I think you look hot!



    Thanks, Belle…That was ten pounds ago, LOL. For me, eating less seems to get my weight back down faster (and easier) than workouts. Aerobic workouts, however provide that really cool feeling of euphoria…endorphins, I guess. However the knees and hips were not evolved for us to live so long..and they do wear out.



    Wow…I Just learned about anti-gravity yoga!….LOVE IT!!!!!


    Simon Paynton

    My ultimate goal is just to stand up straight, to have good core strength. I find the best for this is pull-ups and the rowing machine.



    I’d like to start doing some yoga every morning. Problem at the moment is that we are currently experiencing the Australian equivalent of the polar vortex thing you had in the US. It’s pretty damn cold and I don’t have any suitable clothes to keep me warm while I do the yoga. When it warms up a bit or when I get around to getting some more suitable clothes I’ll get started.

    As to why I want to start doing morning yoga, I feel like I need to stretch myself out more as my job consists of a lot of sitting. I also feel like being more flexible might make other exercise more appealing too.




    You can get in your bed under the covers and do a LOT of stretching…i do a psoas stretch off the side of my bed every morning 😉 it’s GREAT for people w/ desk jobs 😉

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