Another Theater Opens in the War of Dar Al-Islam (Them) Vs. Dar Al-Harb (Us)

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TheEncogitationer 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #53344


    Fellow Unbelievers,

    …And we need to brace too…

    Israel braces as Iran launches wave of retaliatory strikes
    By Lauren Izso, Jeremy Diamond, Hamdi Alkhshali and Adam Pourahmadi, CNN
    5 minute read
    Updated 7:18 PM EDT, Sat April 13, 2024

    Suavez qui peut (Save Who You Can!)
    Root, Hog, or Die!
    Watch Your Six!
    And Keep Your Powder Dry!



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    Fortunately, Israel has mostly foiled Iran’s drone attacks, with no fatalities, one injury, and little damage:

    The shadow war between Iran and Israel has been exposed. What happens next?
    Story by KAREEM CHEHAYEB, Associated Press • 1h • 3 min read

    Lest anyone engage in moral invertedness and claim Iran was in the right because of the Israeli attack on Iran’s Embassy in Syria, Iran’s Mullahs have supported Hamas and Hezbollah attacks on Israel since October 7 and before. Also, Iran’s proxies attacked The Israeli Embassy in 1992 and a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1994:

    Buenos Aires Israeli Embassy Bombing–Wikipedia

    Argentina court blames Iran for deadly 1994 bombing of Jewish center
    By Lucila Sigal and Lucinda Elliott
    April 12, 20242:03 PM EDTUpdated 2 days ago

    The Mullahs in Iran have long passed the “long trail of abuses” line set by the Founders against The British Empire.

    The Mullahs have sown a lot of bitch seed, and now it’s their whirlwind harvest time! They’ve got a bumper crop coming their way!

    Meanwhile, stay safe, stay free, and stay thirsty, my Unbeliving Friends! 🗽 🇺🇲 🇮🇱 🌎

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Addendums for clarity


    Fellow Unbelievers,

    Get a load of this:

    Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel – Turkish source
    Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, conveyed through diplomatic channels, aiming to limit escalation in the Middle East.

    Here’s the clincher:

    Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be “within certain limits.”

    Ol’ Lunch-Bucket Joe and/or his handlers thought is was all right for Iran to initiate it’s attack on Israel and harbor the delusion that Islamofascist Mullahs seeking world conquest acknowledge such things as limits!

    My only limits I want for the Islamofascist Mullahs in Tehran are spatio-temporal i.e. I want them to occupy no spatio-temporal coordinates i.e. I want them to die and free the people of Iran and the rest of the world who fear them!



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    The people of the Iranian Diaspora (and possibly also Iranians still stuck in Iran?) are standing against the Mullahs and with Israel! Hurray!

    Iranians, expats run online campaign against attack on Israel
    Story by Aakash Sharma • 14h out

    The local Iranians I know came to the U.S.A. in the early Eighties shortly after the Ayatollah Khomeini and ths Mullahs came to power and they hated what the Islamist regime did to their nation!. They love the opportunities for both business and pleasure offered by life in the U.S. and eaually hated the Islamo-Kamakazis who attacked us on 9/11/2001!

    The Grandparents were either Christian or Ba’hai and the Son was rather worldly. He owned small aparments, a laundry, and seveal convenience stores. He asked me once: “So, Enco (not my real name, of course) I’ve got this store here I’m wanting to either sell or convert to something else and it’s got this big post in the middle. You think I could make this into a strip club?”

    I smiled michievously and replied: “Hmmm! That would be a possibility!”

    I hope in the midst of everything now and in the future that this family stays safe and happy and free in these “Interesting Times.”



    Fortunately, Israel has mostly foiled Iran’s drone attacks, with no fatalities, one injury, and little damage:

    Come on. It was an “attack” more or less designed by Iran to fail: a) ample notice, b) drones flying toward Israel at the bare minimum speed to be able to stay aloft. It was intended more to send a message than to do damage.




    It was a swarm of aircraft not accounted for by the Israeli military and could have easily been a diversion and/or prelude for something even worse such as missiles, including a possible nuclear weapon. The Israelis were 100 percent correct to shoot them all down.

    By the way, the attack also included The Dome of the Rock at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and the one severe injury was to a 7-year-old Arab Bedouin girl. No word on the 31 others who suffered minor injury or anxiety, but the Mullahs of Iran clearly didn’t care who they hit as long as the targets were inside Little Satan Israel.

    King Abdullah II and Queen Noor didn’t want the Mullahs flying pieces of shit in Jordanian airspace either and their Air Force shot down 20 percent of them.

    2024 Iranian Strikes in Israel–Wikipedia

    War is still on like a pot of couscous. More to come…



    It was a swarm of aircraft not accounted for by the Israeli military and could have easily been a diversion and/or prelude for something even worse such as missiles, including a possible nuclear weapon. The Israelis were 100 percent correct to shoot them all down.

    Coulda. Wasn’t. And of course shooting them down was the right thing.

    There’s no indication, as far as I know, that Iran has nukes YET, though Trump gave them the opportunity to get back to work on it. Since it’s widely believed that Israel actually is nuclear capable, Iran would be very unwise to use one.




    No President in 45 years has adequately dealt with the Mullahs of Iran the way they deserve, but Biden did way more than Trump to help the Mullahs of Iran.

    Biden issued a waiver on sanctions in 2022 in exchange for Iran building it’s capacity for nuclear power production, even though the waste from that could be used to create “dirty bombs” and inflict incalculable damage and panic globally.

    Biden administration restores Iran sanctions waiver as time runs out to salvage nuclear deal
    Jennifer Hansler Kylie Atwood
    By Jennifer Hansler and Kylie Atwood, CNN
    3 minute read
    Updated 9:56 PM EST, Fri February 4, 2022

    Biden also unfroze $6 Billion in Iranian assets in exchange for release of U.S. hostages, which assets Iran then could use for either nuclear machinations or terrorism by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, or Hamas:

    The US freed $6 billion in Iranian money. Did it help fund Hamas’ attack on Israel?

    Biden further assists Iran by restricting U.S. production of petroleum while Iran produces and sells without let or hindrance.

    Biden is out of his depth and breadth in dealing with Mullahs who aspire to global conquest.



    Iran’s attack not as unsuccessful as you may think.



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    I just got off of work to learn this: Israel has struck back at the Mullahs’ latest swarm attack:

    Flight map shows skies over western Iran empty after Israel ‘launched a revenge strike’
    By Yelena Mandenberg News Reporter
    04:02, 19 Apr 2024UPDATED04:20, 19 APR 2024

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Edited Headline for brevity
    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Punctuation





    I saw a little bit of that video and it sounds fascinating. I’ll have to catch it later when I have more free time.

    Nota bene Dennis Prager is the master of False Binaries and Distinctions Without Difference, so you have to always keep that in mind with anything from Prager U. Certainly nothing pro-Atheist or even pro-Secular will come from this not-even-a-diploma-mill “University.”



    Swarms can involve highly sophisticated drones carrying highly powerful payloads or cheap and less sophisticated drones, perhaps less than half, maybe only 25%, carrying an explosive payload.

    The greater the number of drones, the harder to defend against them and the higher the likelihood that some will get through.

    The problem isn’t just that some will get through, it’s that defending against them can be more expensive than the cost to the attackers resulting in an unsustainable drain on the target’s military resources. The cost of defending against Iran’s attack is estimated to be in a range of $540-$670 million.  That’s just the money Israel spent. That may be dwarfed by the money spent by the United States and its allies in countering the attack.

    We are in a new age of warfare. Witness the success Ukraine has had against Russia’s navy with relatively cheap off-the-shelf technology, sinking Russia’s flagship and largely forcing Russia’s navy away from Ukrainian shores. Ukraine has also built cheap “kamikase” drones which have been effective in taking out far more expensive Russian hardware like tanks and mobile missile and howitzer units.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by  Unseen.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by  Unseen.



    I have thought and said right along that peace and stability in middle east is incompatible with Islam and that cultural/religious hatred of Jews is an international game but in Gaza it is just beyond belief how depraved the culture is. If you credit this guy’s story it is way worse than even i imagined. And the UN is a racist and hypocritical pile of shit.




    When judged by standards of Omniscience and Omnipotence, any human-created system of defense will be a failure.

    However, when judged by the standard of how much fatality and damage the drones could have inflicted on both the Israeli military and Israeli civilians vs. how much was actually inflicted, then “The Iran Dome” was largely a success, as were U.S., British, French, and Jordanian acts against the incoming drones.

    As for dealing with a swarm of any kind, the targets to hit would be the source of the swarms birth or manufacture, the source of it’s energy, the element in which it operates, and the source of it’s intelligence and guidance.

    A swarm of bees can’t get you if you either jump in a lake or use smudge pots and smoker devices to smoke up the air around them. Ultrasound and infrasound can divert, repel, sicken, and trap all kinds of pests, as can light and chemical agents.

    Applying this to electronic drones, these could conceivably be defeated with anti-radar scrambling signals or Aluminum foil confetti, a directional Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) to disable the batteries, corrosives or heat to melt parts or explode chsrges in mid-air, or on-ground sabotage by infiltrating and sympathetic agents.

    If at first your “Iron Dome” doesn’t succeed, upgrade to a Steel or Titanium Dome.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 4 weeks ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling and tense
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