Did you know ChatGPT and Gemni AI could do this?

Homepage Forums Science Did you know ChatGPT and Gemni AI could do this?

This topic contains 26 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 1 month ago.

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    I asked “can you create an image for me showing what michelangelo’s pieta would look like if h.r. giger did it?”

    Gemini AI:















    Now, it’s YOUR turn.



    What would the painting the last supper look life if all the people were famous cartoon characters?

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by  Unseen.

    Pieta by Jacob Isaacsz van Swanenburg (ChatGPT)


    Jimmy Carter by Goya


    I think the eyes are the wrong color….



    I don’t get the Jimmy Carter one. What was the query?


    Jimmy Carter if painted respectfully by Goya.



    Was that because Carter died today or is it just a huge coincidence?


    I had just read of his passing. I was going to ask for it to be done with Mt. Rushmore as a theme but thought the depiction was quite good so went with it.



    BTW, Reg, in your version of the Pieta, it looks like Jesus has a gigantic erection.


    Jesus won’t be too hard on his audience for staring at it for He is Risen! It could indicate the second coming is not so far away?



    Jesus wonโ€™t be too hard on his audience for staring at it for He is Risen! It could indicate the second coming is not so far away?

    Ezekiel 23:20 and she lusted after their lovers, whose sexual members were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.



    I once knew a girl who had “Ezekiel 23:20” printed on her t-shirt. Whenever anyone asked her what the verse was, she would tell them to open their Bible and look it up. She also has Leviticus 19:28 tattooed on her arm. ๐Ÿ™‚

    In case any of you don’t have a Bible nearby…..here it is ๐Ÿ™‚



    Jimmy Carter if painted respectfully by Goya.

    I can’t get Gemini and ChatGPT to create images of people (I guess the Pieta got a pass as a work of statuary). Which AI did you use for the Jimmy Carter example?


    I used ChatGPT 4o (“Four with lower case ‘o’). It has DALL-E built in but will create any image directly from the normal input window. I have the paid version (about $20 pm I think). I usually use this site to convert to jpeg.

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