How the Democrats got EVERYTHING wrong

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    …according to Peter Zeihan, just about every group the Dem leadership (and many of us) thought would shift left, shifted right.



    I like the way he presents his ideas, but I’m still new to him and can’t determine how right he is over time. I’m prompted to add whatever Fareed Zakaria said… so I have to watch that now… finally. (It’s nine days old.)

    So Zakaria makes sense to me, too. His main points are made in the first 6-1/2 minutes, and the rest is with two guests.

    11 minutes total


    Belle Rose

    I never thought Harris would actually win regardless of the fact that EVERYONE was assuring me she would. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want her to win, I just didn’t think she would win. I remember having a conversation with my sister-in-law several months ago about Trump versus Biden when Biden was still in the race and I didn’t think Biden would win either. I just didn’t see it in the cards. My sister-in-law said there’s no way in hell that Biden wouldn’t win back then. I wanted to believe her, but deep down I knew that I didn’t. No matter how much I didn’t want Trump to win I knew that he would. How is it that they got everything wrong you ask… I think they have their heads stuck in the sand and they are in denial about a lot of things. They’ve been played and they haven’t figured out how.



    I am not terribly impressed with Fareed. Nothing too incisive there. He definitely raised a point
    that she might have in differentiating herself from Biden. And it was a question she should have been ready to answer. Especially since she is so associated with the progressive left it was incumbent upon her to abjure the worst of the far left. He did not place enough emphasis on the role of the campus protests and the endorsement of terrorists. The economy part imo he gets partially wrong. Sure for middle class and higher the economy was great guns during Biden administration but for people living on a fixed income the cost of groceries and associated necessaries was insanely high. Her notion of how she would stop price gouging did not address the essential problem. In any event if you want a better explanation listen to Harris. I am pretty sure Reg had it in sunday school last. I think it is called the Reckoning.

    Oh and one thing that i have not heard any pundits say that was such an opportunity missed and might have won her the election is to call him out on calling her stupid. His base was totally on board and as much as those who are on left or independent could see what a moron Trump is that is how the right felt about her. And ya gotta realize they idolize him. He is a personality of cult. So the opportunity to undress him is priceless. She should have challenged him to a live test of knowledge and congnition. Had he agreed she would have humiliated him. Had he declined she could have utilized his combined cowardice and loss of degate to demoralize him. The guy just calls so many people stupid and incompetent when he is what he accuses others. The fear of being unconventional is a fatal flaw in this case. My opinion only i know. Trump is more than a little unconventional isn’t he?

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