What happened to Atheist Nexus?

Homepage Forums Small Talk What happened to Atheist Nexus?

This topic contains 21 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 1 year, 7 months ago.

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    I popped over to AtheistNexus  and saw many names and faces that I have known over the last 12 years!!  Think I might sign up again…



    Do you mean atheistuniverse? Many are there from nexus, & I am personal email pals with a handful.


    Yes Mrs B. you are correct.  A handful of atheist friends is a feast of friends 🙂 I see some old theist names too, still hawking their invisible goods.

    No more money, no more fancy dress
    This other kingdom seems by far the best
    Until it’s other jaw reveals incest
    And loose obedience to a vegetable law.
    I will not go
    Prefer a Feast of Friends
    To the Giant Family.




    Hope to see you there.



    JadeBlackOlive:   Thanks for the information.






    I think what makes this site lively is all of the discussions of nonatheist topics from an atheist perspective. Frankly, I think you’ll agree, there are no new arguments for or against God to consider.

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