Yeah, another AI is the end of us all post

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This topic contains 32 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Simon Paynton 7 months ago.

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    Mental illness doesn’t change someone’s basic personality: it couldn’t turn someone into a paedo.  It’s an act of sexual preference, but not a “normal” one.

    Sorry, that’s not logical. If it’s not normal, it’s abnormal, aka an “illness”. Of course, mental illness can change your personality. I think these guys feel powerless in the adult world because of some mental disorder and resort to tricking children; the only ones they can control. Priests are the most powerless people in the world, every move right down to their dress and daily schedule is governed by the church, so no wonder they prey on weak-minded adults and children like they do.


    Simon Paynton

    Of course, mental illness can change your personality.

    It can make someone do unusual things, but the way they do them will be in keeping with their personality.

    Paedophilia is an illness because it’s so maladaptive for all concerned.  It’s pathological: it causes harm over the long term.

    I’m sure that paedos flock to the priesthood because it’s a situation that gives them private access to an unending stream of vulnerable children and adults.



    If there are tons of deep fake kiddie porn pictures out there – how are we to know if there are real ones in there too?  Perhaps real ones would become more sought after as, I imagine, a high proportion of child abusers are sadistic by nature and would enjoy the thought of a child actually being harmed to bring them a few photos.

    Failure to be distinguishable cuts both ways and are we ready to poke the government’s nose into the art world? Think about all those paintings of naked cherubs or madonnas holding a naked Jesus. We tried banning porn back in the 1950’s-60’s and the courts generally wouldn’t have it. Obscenity is legal.

    You’re right: A few won’t be satisfied unless the know a child was abused. But that will always be the case, so the abuse can hopefully be greatly minimized if not entirely eliminated. We can be hopeful, because clinicians will tell you that many pedophiles feel a lot of guilt over their yearnings.



    Sorry, that’s not logical. If it’s not normal, it’s abnormal, aka an “illness”.

    First of all, not normal and abnormal are different concepts. Some leopards have spots and some, very few, are black, but a black panther is rare, not ill. A leopard with rabies is sick.

    Furthermore, the concept of normality is normative, defined. The concept is intellectual Silly Putty tending to be defined differently from place to place, country to country. It was okay in ancient Greece, for example, for men to diddle boys. Forty or fifty years ago, homosexuality, an actual but not dysfunctional sexual orientation, was an “illness.” We cruelly put them into mental health programs (or prison) to try to change them through therapy or punishment. We do the same today with pedophiles, driving the ones who want a healthier way to deal with their tendencies from revealing themselves even to therapists who might help.

    Of course, mental illness can change your personality. I think these guys feel powerless in the adult world because of some mental disorder and resort to tricking children; the only ones they can control. Priests are the most powerless people in the world, every move right down to their dress and daily schedule is governed by the church, so no wonder they prey on weak-minded adults and children like they do.

    So, despite your seeming hostility, you want to give them an excuse. Weird.

    I think priests and ministers are the best example of the ones you seem to want to depict all pedophiles as. The ones who enjoy the victimization aspect. Certain jobs/professions attract this sort because they offer better opportunities to abuse. Clergymen, teachers, and counselors at the top of the list.

    BTW, pedophilia exists in women as well. Have you noticed that most of the teachers accused of illicit activity with their students are female. And not just female, it seems most of them are attractive enough to have no problem luring an adult male—even a young but legal male—into their bed. See video below. Most of these women adult me would be glad to fool around with



    Any efforts to paint child predators as the victims here is disturbed. I am not giving pedos and predators any excuses by calling them mentally ill.  I would even call it psychopathic behavior and reiterate that they must be removed from society. If it was your 5-year old daughter who got “diddled” as you lightly put it, she would likely have emotional damage for the rest of her life. What is the price of a happy life lost….while you want just say it’s just a “sexual preference”?



    I don’t agree.



    Any efforts to paint child predators as the victims here is disturbed. I am not giving pedos and predators any excuses by calling them mentally ill. would even call it psychopathic behavior and reiterate that they must be removed from society.

    How do your basic assumptions not apply equally to gays and lesbian engaging in legal behavior?

    I think we can all agree that adults have no business engaging in sexual behavior with underage individuals, and as those individuals are younger and younger in age, even more so. There is certainly a big difference between someone who is 17 and 11 months old and someone who is 12 or 8 year old. And it matters not or little whether the offender is hetero, gay/lesbian, or pedophilic. If they are offenders, they are offenders.

    If it was your 5-year old daughter who got “diddled” as you lightly put it, she would likely have emotional damage for the rest of her life. What is the price of a happy life lost….while you want just say it’s just a “sexual preference”?

    Reread the prior paragraph. Having an emotional investment in a situation never improves the logic or justice of one’s feelings in the matter.



    I don’t agree.

    With whom or what explicitly?



    We are talking about adults who desire having sex with underage children. Has nothing at all to do with consenting adult LGTBQ+ people. They have normal sexual preferences, whereas pedophilia should never be considered to be a normal sexual preference and is rightly a criminal offense. That is the entirety of my point. Do you disagree with me? And do you think splitting hairs over legal age of consent down to the month and day is some sort of big moral problem?


    @ Robert

    You treat “normal” as if normality is a fact and not a judgment or standard. That is what we disagree about. For you, the ancient Greek men who diddled around with boys were violating some sort Truth handed down by God or perhaps built into the fabric of the Cosmos, and not simply a strongly held value and belief of a certain culture at a certain time.

    Pedophiles happen just like gays happen and just like people with the addiction gene happen and just like the heterosexuality genes that infect 90% of us. Yes, pedophilia is a deviance, but it’s a deviance from a norm, not from Nature itself. Believing it’s basically voluntary and thus can be fundamentally changed (not diverted or sublimated) is a mistaken approach based on no facts whatsoever.


    Simon Paynton

    You treat “normal” as if normality is a fact and not a judgment or standard.

    “Normal” can mean, neutrally, “most of the time” or “usually”.  In that sense, paedophiles are a small minority and therefore abnormal.


    @ Robert

    You treat “normal” as if normality is a fact and not a judgment or standard. That is what we disagree about. For you, the ancient Greek men who diddled around with boys were violating some sort Truth handed down by God or perhaps built into the fabric of the Cosmos, and not simply a strongly held value and belief of a certain culture at a certain time. Pedophiles happen just like gays happen and just like people with the addiction gene happen and just like the heterosexuality genes that infect 90% of us. Yes, pedophilia is a deviance, but it’s a deviance from a norm, not from Nature itself. Believing it’s basically voluntary and thus can be fundamentally changed (not diverted or sublimated) is a mistaken approach based on no facts whatsoever.

    The moral issue of an adult sexually manipulating a trusting child who naturally looks to adults for guidance with their limited experience and still-developing brains has nothing to do with the gods. This is why people have determined this should not be considered normal behavior. Now if the Greeks missed this moral point during a decedent era of their reign, this does not make it right. And I think the ability of adults to control trusting children is a component that gives these pedophiles pleasure. Can “Pedo-AI” provide that pleasure? Perhaps…..that will be some sick shit. I have no idea how the law will react to AI child porn.

    Natalie Portman remains proud of her role as a sexualized 11-year old in “The Professional”.

    But on opening her first piece of fan mail, she read a letter from a man who’d fantasized about sexually assaulting her, she said.

    That sums it up really. It is a form of violence in my opinion.



    You treat “normal” as if normality is a fact and not a judgment or standard.

    “Normal” can mean, neutrally, “most of the time” or “usually”. In that sense, paedophiles are a small minority and therefore abnormal.

    Yeah, like people who own parrots. Abnormal.



    @ Robert

    You talk about right and wrong like they are facts and not artifacts. You don’t seem to know the difference between facts and beliefs. Cultural values are not facts subject to verification and proof. If they evolve over time, like our beliefs about homosexuality, they are not and cannot be facts.



    @ Robert You talk about right and wrong like they are facts and not artifacts. You don’t seem to know the difference between facts and beliefs. Cultural values are not facts subject to verification and proof. If they evolve over time, like our beliefs about homosexuality, they are not and cannot be facts.

    You are speaking about cultural ethics which can be incorrect. Has sexualizing children ever been a moral act? Has rape ever been a moral act? Has owning people as slaves ever been moral act? The answer to those questions is and has always been a factual no.

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