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This topic contains 16 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    #BuyCanadian: Pocketbook patriotism takes off amid U.S. trade tensions.

    ‘I’m not going to let you push my country around,’ says Winnipegger after cancelling U.S. cruise.
    Bonnie Hallman of Winnipeg had been booked to board a Disney cruise next summer to bask in the untamed wilderness of Alaska, which she had longed to see since flipping through copies of the state’s tourism magazine as a teenager — until a simmering trade standoff with the U.S. forced her to rethink her travel plans.
    The 53-year-old geography professor said she scrapped her dream Alaskan getaway in favour of a trip to P.E.I. shortly after President Donald Trump took aim at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for pushing back against American tariffs on steel and aluminum.
    She’s among a number of social media users who have resolved to #BuyCanadian in an effort to bolster homegrown industry amid fraying trade relations with the U.S…………..more

    Drug patents could be Canada’s special weapon in U.S. trade dispute
    Taking an ‘asymmetrical’ approach and targeting U.S. intellectual property has worked in the past, experts say……….



    It’s rarely a bad idea to “buy local”. Except of course in USA when Trump owns the business, I’d boycott it.

    Meanwhile, I think that Trump’s desire is to foment unrest and get populist adrenaline to flow, so any emotional reaction or retaliation from any other country is another arrow in his pocket… until enough Americans wake up and get rid of the asshole.

    He’s the penultimate Ugly American, and should be shamed until he departs our planet.



    I’ve never hated someone I’ve never met as I do that poor excuse for a leader, & so-called human being.




    I suppose an American can make that assessment. But the rest of us…we cannot judge American culture. It has emerged from a different and beautiful culture where the people and how they express themselves is to be heard and seen…not judged. It is arrogant to think that people from social-assistance countries should have the right to look down on a place with their own unique vibrant version of democracy where a candidate gets less votes but still becomes President. Their country is a deeply spiritual one, and while their embedded religion may present itself in ways that are disconcerting to us, it is up to them to decided how it manifests itself into society, even if that involves people sending their thoughts and prayers rather than letters to their congressman for legal change or a condemnation of what drove such tragedies. In the end, it’s not for us to change them. Their seemingly bizarre power structure and alpha-male leadership is but one of the many diverse and special forms in the world where the President and two different legislatures are all voted in and are able to grid-lock one another for months or even years. This simply informs one’s life resulting in a sense of time and space unique to the world. While watching FoxNews may seem grotesque and bewildering, their cultural narratives are rooted in something quite je ne sais quoi! Something many of us cannot put in words. American culture and politics should be learnt, experienced, immersive … not spoken down to in sarcastic ironic patronizing ridiculing parodical lampooning mockery.

    Think again before you apply social-assistance-state values onto a country with its own vibrant prospering flourishing cultural beauty!!!


    Daniel W.

    @jadeblackolive, I don’t blame anyone for wanting to boycot US goods and services.  I have a feeling the situation will get uglier before it gets better.


    @davis, I’m an American.  I’m a product of the area people call “The Heartland” – a term which reminds me a little of “Das Vaterland”.  I was a US soldier at a time when that was reviled by many, but thought it my duty, and I did it honorably.  I’m profoundly ashamed of the direction the country has taken, the tribalism, religiosity, racism, propaganda, greed and inhumanity.

    For what it’s worth, there are many places on the planet where things are worse.  But I expected and hoped for better, here.




    I feel bad for you & everyone there who has to put up with that farce in Washington.




    The point of that comment had little to do with trashing the USA but instead to lampoon “cultural relativism”. Relativists claim that other worldly practices are beyond the sphere of our moral judgement as they live in their own subjective context and we have no right to apply our own moral compass onto them.

    In cases like this, hard core  social justice postmodernists (especially those who play the intersectionality game) scream bloody murder at homophobia, the objectification of women and the separation of patriarchal religious influence in schools. And for the most part i think they are totally right in doing this. However, cross the border from Spain to Morocco (a 15 km straight of Gibraltar and you have shifted people’s world view to such an extent that it is inappropriate to judge Moroccan men from keeping their wives from leaving home, beating the shit out of their gay brother and menacing a cousin who is thinking of leaving the Islamic faith…with the possibility of prison, and even possibly an honor killing (extrajudicial execution).

    As America has some unique qualities in the western world (some very good ones) and some notable peculiarities (ranging from bizarre to frightening), in a sense they are a tiny bit culturally apart from the rest of the western world with socialist-welfare-assistance states. I satirically tried to respond to Pope’s “judgement” of America…with a cultural-relativist response, judging Pope for judging a different culture.

    But now that I’ve explained it…it doesn’t really make much of a statement nor is it witty or humorous.





    There is nothing about the United States that makes the current direction of US politics a permanent one. The overwhelming majority of the facets of American life is identical to other western countries. It’s the irrational and sometimes cold/cruel peculiarities that always stick out. Perhaps the future will see a kinder approach to social problems and some assistance (even if it is moderate) to the many many in need (sick, homeless, disabled etc). It is already mostly the case in Massachusetts, Vermont and California. A common trend in the US is to fiercely oppose a progressive change, and then, once it is adopted by many states….the conservative state then adopts such change and tries to out do other states and change with a vengeance. One can only hope that will happen!!!


    Daniel W.

    @jadeblackolive, the other day I was at Trader Joes, looking at coffee beans.  I saw the Sumatra, which I used to love, then thought, no, in Indonesia they kill atheists and gays, round them up and put them in prison.  Then I looked at the Kenya, and thought, no, that one’s just as bad.  Finally I bought some Ethiopian coffee beans, but I didn’t know if they are any better.  So I understand your not wanting to buy Made in the USA.  In the other hand, looking at puppy foods, some with ingredients from china have contained melamine, which has killed dogs, so I bought a brand with ingredients from USA and Canada.


    @davis, now I get your point 🙂  I do hope that the next election cycle will see some improvement, but that is hope without evidence.  I still don’t get it – even Catholics and some Evangelicals are in an uproar about the US stealing babies and children from illegal immigrants and holding them hostage – but I bet they still want to keep this president and keep the Republicans in congress.  As, I bet, do many in the “Heartland”, the South, and other socially conservative / retrograde regions.  Which is enough to keep the psycho tail wagging the lumbering big dog, for a long time. (Tail being the South, Midwest, Inter-mountain West, and the big dog being the USA).





    @daniel, yes we still have to be careful where we purchase from. I’ve been buying ”ethical coffees” where treatment  & wages are fair.



    I think I saw @daniel W. drive by the other day with his coffee cup…..




    Of course if you really love coffee….

    Kopi luwak (Indonesian pronunciation: [ˈkopi ˈlu.aʔ]), or civet coffee, is coffee that includes part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). Fermentation occurs as the cherries pass through a civet’s intestines, and after being defecated with other fecal matter, they are collected.


    @robert, the most expensive cat shit in the world!


    I met an American couple today who have decided to move to Ireland as they can relocate their jobs to here within the same company.

    “What was the main factor in your decision”, I asked. Dublin is not Calif. especially in the winter.

    Yeah, but you don’t have Trump…..said the ex-Marine and her husband agreed.

    Apparently many of their co-workers are doing the same. They are all in highly skilled and well paid knowledge economy jobs and are used to working outside the USA but now they want to be based outside it too.


    I remember after the Tiananmen Square massacre (1989) I blurted out that I would boycott Chinese goods as a protest. I immediately corrected myself for being stupid as this would only harm individuals and not the Communist Party. I will still travel to the US for Thanksgiving this year. I will spend time in both Georgia and Florida which seem to be separated by more than just Alabama.

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