CANADA: The Friendly Fascist State

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    And airlines experience delays because Air Traffic Control is Government-run, union-dominated, non-competitive, and unwilling to change technology.

    By contrast, Canada and 60 other nations have fully or partially privately-ran Air Traffic Control systems with electronic flght strips and fully-IC microchip technology, with airline safety the same or greater than the U.S.


    And privatization doesn’t just mean changing the masthead of the paycheck. It means the ATC company is subject to the rigors of competition,

    Nav Canada is a statutory corporation. I am pretty sure it doesn’t have competition. Also, of the fifteen directors on its board, three are elected by the federal government and two by unions. I don’t know that it’s a shining example of your ideal here.




    When they say privatized ATC, it just changes who pays the employees. I worked for 35 years in that field, so I know all about the gazillions of regulations that keep flight safety to around 0.2 deaths per 10 billion passenger-miles. And any airline that flies into the airspace of another country must follow their regulations. Fortunately, unlike your libertarian dystopia do as you see fit model, the governments of nations get together to keep those rules and equipment uniform. As soon as they gave Boeing the benefit of doubt, lowered the FAA budget and allowed them to use employees as certification checkers. what did they do? Cheap it out and we watched TWO 737 Max jets go down.

    All right, give the date and place of the two jets downing.

    How many examples of human beings being dismal does it take for it to sink in that you can’t just leave it to the people? How many prosecutions, murders, thefts, jails filled to the top, white collar criminals, internet scams, illegal dumping of toxic chemicals, wars, suicide bombings, posers as doctors, child rapists, torturers, school shootings.

    So you’re equating all of these horrors with not wearing seat belts and helmets? And where have I have I ever opposed laws laws protecting Life, Liberty, and Property against all of these horrors? Another Strawman sacked and smoked.

    Yelp will protect you from food poisoning?

    Yes, if you read it. You know in advance which ones are the worst. And combined with the “Dirty Restaurant Thursday” featurette on the radio, you know even more. And once word goes out in the ether, that can’t be pulled back.

    For all you know, half the good reviews are from the owner and their buddies. There have been cases of owners even paying people to delete negative reviews.

    Again, that’s not possible with radio or podcasting.

    Let’s elect Trump. He’s a government outsider, drain the swamp. Pays off a sex worker with campaign funds and tries to coerce election officials to “find votes”. Drain the swamp, LOL.

    I’ve never supported Trump either. Are you sure your true profession shouldn’t have been Strawman mass production? Maybe marching them out of the factory like The Sorcerer’s Apprentice? 🧙😁

    You taking lessons from the Trump MAGA team? Kluge together stawman arguments and then say that’s what I am doing, LOL. Like I said it doesn’t matter who is paying ATC workers. They work under strict mandates. We all know the airlines were busy buying back stock as soon as there is an issue that slows their business, they want hand-outs. They fight and delay implementing safety measures and equipment that costs them profit. Just like Boeing did when designing the 737 Max. They squeeze our fat-ass population into tiny seats to make more money.

    I gave examples of dim human behavior and Trump was included.  I don’t give a shit who you voted for.



    Do Yelp restaurant reviewers go behind the kitchen walls and measure the temperature the mayo is kept at? So first a number of patrons have to spend a few days on the shitter, correctly diagnose the cause and if they happen to survive and also happen to write reviews and I happen to read and sort through enough reviews all is good? The kitchen just keeps operating for a few years making hundreds sick before finally it shuts down. Is that it? That’s your brilliant plan?




    “The difference is between unknowng, unwilling assumption of risk (buying defective, adulterated products) and knowing, willing assumption of risk (not buckling a seat belt.) The former Government should curtail, the latter it should not.”

    Seat belts or car seats for infants, babies and little kids? They’re not knowingly assuming a risk. So it should be fine under your rationale to give thumbs up to the government in requiring safety measures for tiny Tim and Nancy.

    And if it is okay to have penalties for defective, adulterated products then the government should have regulations, penalties for companies and individuals who fail to adhere to safety precautions and environmental requirements. For instance companies that dump pollutants into rivers and cause leukemia are imposing a hazard that the victims never bargained for nor were they knowingly assuming a risk. Furthermore if you are in love with idea of free markets then forget implied warranties of merchantability. If a products sucks or is dangerous the market will penalize it.

    Enco: “So you are saying that the life of not just every human, but every animal in the Animal Kingdom and indeed the life of every plant, protista, procaryote, eucaryote, and fungus in every other Kingdom of living things is a life of slavery???

    Now that is making trivia of slavery if anything does.

    Every living thing by it’s nature has to exert effort to attain what is required for it’s self-sustaining, self-generated locomotion! No whip from a master dictates that. Nature does.

    The difference between work in freedom and work under slavery is choice and who benefits. Freedom means chosen work to mutual benefit and slavery means one is forced to propose, while wnother gains and disposes.”

    So you are equating every form of life and its efforts to sustain itself to the example of a hard knocked life as i’ve indicated? That is beyond a stretch. First, because presumably a great deal of simple single cells organisms and plants are not sentient. Without being sentient it can not compare to the toll on the psyche of our heroic blue collar worker.

    Next we are no longer in a state of nature. Nature and its relationships are diverse. The closest connection between the animal kingdom and lets say the factory owner and our blue collar hero is parasitism.

    I am gonna stop and study ponies instead. From all i can gather, Enco, you are ineducable.




    Seat belts or car seats for infants, babies and little kids? They’re not knowingly assuming a risk. So it should be fine under your rationale to give thumbs up to the government in requiring safety measures for tiny Tim and Nancy

    I have no problem with requiring parents to protect minor children with seatbelts, helmets, and car seats. My problem is with the State treating adults as it’s children. That is when it goes too far.

    And if it is okay to have penalties for defective, adulterated products then the government should have regulations, penalties for companies and individuals who fail to adhere to safety precautions and environmental requirements. For instance companies that dump pollutants into rivers and cause leukemia are imposing a hazard that the victims never bargained for nor were they knowingly assuming a risk.

    Pollution is a violation of an Individual’s property right to their own person and the right to enjoy their own real estate. The proper way to address the problem is by allocating property rights in unclaimed natural resources such as land and bodies of water, to avoid The Tragedy of the Commons, then deal with pollution via tort or fines paid to victims and imprisonment if intent can be proven. This is perfectly cromulent with Free-Market Capialism and it’s support for private property rights.

    So you are equating every form of life and its efforts to sustain itself to the example of a hard knocked life as i’ve indicated? That is beyond a stretch. First, because presumably a great deal of simple single cells organisms and plants are not sentient. Without being sentient it can not compare to the toll on the psyche of our heroic blue collar worker.

    My point was that all life requires work. It may be in part or in whole drudgery to those living things that are sentient and sapient, but drudgery does not automatically equal slavery.

    It is only when one sapient being initiates coercion and fraud against another sapient being, absent due conviction for crimes against persons and property, that work becomes slavery.

    Next we are no longer in a state of nature. Nature and its relationships are diverse. The closest connection between the animal kingdom and lets say the factory owner and our blue collar hero is parasitism.

    Nature is everything that exists. A man’s dam is as much a part of Nature as a beaver’s dam and the same goes with dwellings, pathways, and ways of living.

    Coerced and defrauded labor of one for another is parasitic, but the precise biological term for voluntary human relations is symbiosis.

    How’s that for “educable?”




    More people could have got the memo on travelling faster than 20 Miles Per Hour had Newton published such a memo instead of holing himself up and writing tomes on The Book of Revelation.



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    Another Pop-Up Video Factoid: the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) actually prohibits use of baby carriers on takeoff and landing and evidently thinks having babies unrestrained in these times is better, even though it admits to have never tested the baby carriers!

    Are These Obscure FAA Regulations Putting Babies in Danger?

    Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand doeth! 🙄

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Eliminating unneeded title



    Nav Canada is a statutory corporation. I am pretty sure it doesn’t have competition. Also, of the fifteen directors on its board, three are elected by the federal government and two by unions. I don’t know that it’s a shining example of your ideal here.

    I’m sure they only maintain their service contract with airports and airlines to the extent that they route and direct flights safely and efficiently, which they’ve done for eecades.

    And at least unions and bureaucrats don’t have total control to implement “featherbedding” and other practices that hold up progress. While anything is tweakable, it’s a lot better set-up than the Government-run U.S. model.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling



    You just acted like it did matter who writes the paychecks for ATC. And money is not the motivation for the Government not allowing technological change in ATC, unless maybe it is campaign payoffs from ancient vacuum tube makers and the ATC union.

    The plan with Yelp is that if one person gets sick from a restaurant, that one person tells about in on Yelp and untold potental millions stay away from the restaurant, thus avoiding millions of food poisonings. Good news travels fast and bad news travels faster. Inspections are just icing on the cake.

    And you still didn’t didn’t give a date and place regarding the 737s. Evidence or it didn’t happen.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Addendum



    Nav Canada is a statutory corporation. I am pretty sure it doesn’t have competition. Also, of the fifteen directors on its board, three are elected by the federal government and two by unions. I don’t know that it’s a shining example of your ideal here.

    I’m sure they only maintain their service contract with airports and airlines to the extent that they route and direct flights safely and efficiently, which they’ve done for eecades.

    Don’t think it’s really up to the airports. In order to open up the field to other companies, new legislation would likely be required.

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