Movies you think more people should watch

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    To follow on from Unseen’s music post I have added this one about movies or films, whichever you prefer. Let’s try to keep it to unusual one’s rather than the obvious mainstream blockbusters. Think “critical acclaim” rather than “number of Oscars”.

    I will start with Paris Texas for the story, the scenery, the music and the cast. I think it is beautifully crafted. It had me captured from the opening scene.


    I love Blood Simple, the Coen brothers first film. A story of betrayal and revenge. None of the characters have any redeeming traits but they are all engaging. It was re-released in 4k in 2017 and this is the one to watch. If you don’t know it please don’t hunt for trailers or scenes as it could ruin it for you. Watch a BBC review here though. These are the guys who brought us The Big Lebowski which you should also watch. Basically, if it by the Coen Brothers, watch it.


    Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia.



    I will start with Paris Texas for the story, the scenery, the music and the cast. I think it is beautifully crafted. It had me captured from the opening scene.

    I noticed that music is by Ry Cooder (a fave of mine), and Wim Wender directs, both most responsible for the epic/historical movie Buena Vista Social Club (links to preview & $3 pay per view).

    Here is an 11 minute (maybe from BBC?) blurb on it. Cooder/BVSC mentioned earlier by Robert.



    This is not quite on topic, but I want to bump this topic up for review anyway.

    I highly recommend you watch the new, mixed science and science fiction series at Netflix, Alien Worlds. It’s an awesome presentation of both how evolution works on Earth, and how evolution might work on other planets!

    Season 1 has four episodes (see below), and I hope there are more seasons to come. (Although imo the last episode was relatively meh.)



    I like movies that have a lot of lines that stick, and, some of my favorites in that category are Princess Bride, and, many of the Monty Python films.

    That is because I like funny lines, and, while I appreciate the gold mine that the God Father, etc, provide, overall, I have a soft spot for well written comedy.



    @ TJ

    Today is the thirty-year anniversary of the day I asked my childhood sweetheart, the woman of my dreams and the most beautiful woman in the world to marry me. All three said no.

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