The DALAI LAMA: Threat or Menace?

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Gandhi and Mother Teresa have been exposed to be, well, jerks. And sometimes very bad jerks.

    It’s time to take a skeptical look at the Dalai Lama. Is he a master of Buddhist selflessness and compassion or a master self-promoter who’d like to kick the Chinese out of Tibet in order to take the country back to its medieval ways? (Which, BTW, ain’t gonna happen.)

    Tibet now has paved roads, running hot and cold water, flush toilets, and KFC. l’m no fan of China and their takeover of Tibet was brutal, but I wonder how many Tibetans really would prefer to go back to living under the Dalai Lama?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by  Unseen.


    only religion could have someone take a petrol shower and light it off. screw the lama.



    When your daily life is better after the PRofC invades and takes over, that really says a lot. Contrast with Hong Kong.





    I really gotta get me a robe and walk around saying shit like “to be good is human”. Next thing you know I’ll have a palace and servants.


    Daniel W.

    That Penn and Teller video was the first thing Ive ever seen about how bad the theocracy of Tibet before the Chinese dictatorship took over.  It’s like choosing your poison.  I want to read more.


    I am troubled, however, to see that Teller has no genitals or body hair.  That poor man.


    At one time I wanted to raise a type of Peruvian ruminant, which some people in my area do, just so I could name it Dolly Llama.  Does that make me a bad person?  🤪


    Dolly Llama. Does that make me a bad person?

    Only if you are listening to music by Loose Windscreen. (my bad).


    Glen D

    Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalia Lama ,is a nice old man, who laughs a lot.  Seems to be cut from the same cloth as Pope Francis.  I read the Lama’s autobiography  perhaps 50 years ago, and was impressed. Of course, I was simplemindedly anti communist at the time. IE  devout Catholic

    Then as now, some inconvenient things were overlooked. Perhaps at the top is that under the Dalia Lamas, Tibet was a primitive , feudal theocracy, in which the people suffered greatly.  Also, that Tibetan Buddhism is arguably the most primitive and superstitious form of Buddhism.

    Only recently, that dear old man,  said with a laugh, that if a future Dalai Lama were a woman, she would need to be attractive.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Glen D.


    That Penn and Teller video was the first thing Ive ever seen about how bad the theocracy of Tibet before the Chinese dictatorship took over. It’s like choosing your poison. I want to read more. I am troubled, however, to see that Teller has no genitals or body hair. That poor man. At one time I wanted to raise a type of Peruvian ruminant, which some people in my area do, just so I could name it Dolly Llama. Does that make me a bad person? 🤪

    No, it just makes you a man with too much time on his hands.



    The Lama is open to a female successor (you know: same person but different body, like Doctor WHO), but that she must be attractive. This interviewer gives him every opportunity to clarify but the old horndog just digs the hole deeper. By the end, it’s perfectly clear he’s not talking about so-called “inner beauty.”

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