About Me: |
Curious, seeking, very slowly gaining confidence. A whole, thinking worthwhile human being, no longer afraid of being told I’m “doing it wrong.” Some favorite blogs: http://defeatingthedragons.wordpress.com/ http://yearwithoutgod.com http://godlessinDixie.com http://rolltodisbelieve.wordpress.com http://rechelleunplugged.com/category/journey-to-atheism http://patheos.com/Atheist
Why are you here? |
Hoping to meet new friends, expand my mind, find out whether or not I am crazy for thinking I can escape my old religion. Learn another viewpoint on whether Jesus is real or not.
Why you left your religion. |
Too many things in real life are just incompatible with religion. After all I’d been through I never saw God do anything real.