
  • Happy New Year!  Greetings Reg, Simon Paynton, jakelafort, and others…. It’s been about a year since I’ve had any time to browse through the Atheist Zone site.  It’s me – the one theist who really appreciates your humor, thought, and dialogue!

    Reg, I had to read the article about Christian privilege sent in your December 26 Sunday School a…[Read more]

  • Ops – posted twice.  Sorry!

    I deleted the second post for you. Welcome back!


  • I’m with Dr. McCoy….”Crazy way to travel, spreading a man’s molecules all over the universe”.  I’ll take the shuttle!

    Greetings – it’s been a while and I am, if you recall, one of the few Theist that enjoy the AtheistZone.  I love Star Trek.  I have always considered the transporter as creating a perfect duplicate – in the sci-fi world, of co…[Read more]

  • Greetings Reg – it’s been a while.  I just ordered Michael Stevens “The Knowledge Machine”, which I see you are reading.  I’m curious about the “scientific” knowledge of ancient people.  Of course, the people of the ancient near eastern civilizations such as Sumer and other ancient Mesopotamian people had their religious beliefs. I’m also pr…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    @jakelafort, I’m sorry about the accident.  I was on a very dark country road a number of years ago – no street lights and no moon and no stars!  It was very dark, and I ran over an armadillo and felt terrible.  When I read that, I had flashbacks!

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    @jakelafort,  Fair enough. My bad… one of the challenges with the hypothetical (including my elimination of religion in 2200 CE). At least we can evaluate if the logic is cogent. If I was born, say, in Iran to a typical Islamic family,  does it follow that I would be a committed,  practicing, faith-defending Muslim? Place of birth being ra…[Read more]

  • Hey Reg, @regthefronkeyfarmer,

    I don’t know Perkins personally, but I’m no supporter.  As I said in another post, it’s really bad when “evangelical types” syncretistically blend nationalism with theology.

    You also talked about Catholics meeting in their church buildings and holding “Mass”, denying the reality of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.  M…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    Ok folks – I’m going to go out on a limb here.  Don’t crucify me – pun intended 😉 but do tell me where I’m wrong.

    Let’s keep my assumption of no god going and in addition, get rid of religion, too. Imagine then, not John Lennon’s dream, but to imagine with regard to real human beings, that somehow our world became completely devoid of all…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    If I follow, @jakelafort, you are accusing all theistic faiths with the promotion and support of slavery, rape, and racism. Am I following your line of argument?

    Assuming no god then, why not categorize such human practices, along with our currently embraced systems that support such practices (specifically the man made religious systems that…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    @jakelafort – the term “genetic fallacy” is simply the name of the fallacy.  In checking the internet a little, it apparently came from a 1934 text entitled, “An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method”.  It’s just a name.  Also, standing adamantly against slavery, drunk drivers, rapists, racists is different than standing adamantly ag…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    @jakelafort, Jake, you are funny! Please continue to use your colorful adjectives- it’s what you believe… woops… KNOW to be true. Like you, I am an “atheist” too, right? Regarding Osiris, Marduke,  Apsu, Tiamat, Enlil, Ahura Mazda, Gilgamesh’s supreme God Anu,  as well as Zeus, Apollo,  and all the rest… if I met someone who seriously wo…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    @jakelafort, Yes I was raised in church.  Not sure how much you know about black church culture, but I was in a small church outside of Washington DC.  As a high school student (way back before the Internet) I had questions and so I did something novel – I went to the library and looked things up!  I wouldn’t have put it this way back then, but I…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    Greetings Reg, @regthefronkeyfarmer,  Yes – I’m human!

    You said, “…my main thing is debating with theists of all or any Faiths.”  Interesting.  Hey, I’m game.  Is there a thread you want to start here on the AtheistZone.com, or do you want to do this via email one-on-one?  Either way, I’m game.  I’m confident I would learn something and who k…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks @jakelafort, I was responding to the question from @robert. I agree… no state established religion in the US, and all the ancillary implications therein.

    @davis, I too despise the “poison of religion”, and some of what you meant by that phrase I would agree with wholeheartedly but obviously not all. Also, I really don’t care if a bicycle…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

    …when you say “faith”, do you include Hinduism or Wiccan in our public square and if so, what would be the point of it all?

    Excellent question @robert.  I did not include those other faith systems.  In the context of this thread and the context of my response, specifically referring to Robert Jeffress – a mega-church Baptist Pastor  who supporte…[Read more]

  • fullermingjr posted a new activity comment 4 years, 7 months ago

    Yes, the fallacy of “argumentum ad populum” applies and as a theist, although I might have said it differently, I wholeheartedly agree!
    • fullermingjr replied to the topic Hello All in the forum Introductions 4 years, 7 months ago

      Greetings Anth Dee – @infjempath.  No, your introduction was not too long.  By the way, I happen to NOT be an Atheist but a theist of the christian verity, and I’m black, African American, or whatever were called now days.   I’m very happy that you failed at your attempt!  Of course, @simonpaynton said, “Religious people can be unspeakably crue…[Read more]

    • fullermingjr replied to the topic Noviembre in the forum Politics 4 years, 7 months ago

      Ivy – @asianne, I really don’t know.  I have participated in presidential elections since Ronald Reagan vs President Jimmy Carter.  However, this is truly the first time I am voting for the proverbial “lesser of two evils”, and that would be Joe Biden.  Yet, I don’t really know.  The electorate have already shocked the pollster over and over aga…[Read more]

    • fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago

      Greetings – @robert.  I was browsing around and found your comment about Robert Jeffress.  Back in the summer of 2016, he did what he called his “Tour for America”.  Me, being a “good” Christian was curious.  I had not paid much attention to Jeffress but since he was coming to my city and the event was free, I figured – hey, why not.  But I told…[Read more]

    • @robert you wrote,

      I was surprised how many of my fellow musicians/friends revealed their ignorance because of the pandemic coupled with the Floyd murder. I can’t even talk with them about any of this, they loose their minds

      I also can’t easily have conversations with some of my black friends and definitely some of my white evangelical friends r…[Read more]

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