Strap in: It's starting.
This topic contains 33 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by jakelafort 3 months, 2 weeks ago.
October 26, 2024 at 3:16 am #55001
October 26, 2024 at 3:08 pm #55003Strap in.
The anti-israel BS diatribe consisting of fallacies, ahistorical comments and reasoning on a level with a 10 yr old is starting.
October 26, 2024 at 3:42 pm #55004Strap in. The anti-israel BS diatribe consisting of fallacies, ahistorical comments and reasoning on a level with a 10 yr old is starting.
Classic poisoning of the well, Would the Middle East be the tinder box it is had Israel never been created?
Can you answer that yes or no, Jake? Honestly,
Israel may very well be drawing us into World War 3 if not the end of all civilized human life.
October 26, 2024 at 4:09 pm #55006Oh my god did you see what she was wearing? Was asking for it. F’in bitch!
October 26, 2024 at 6:19 pm #55007Oh my god did you see what she was wearing? Was asking for it. F’in bitch!
Clearly, that’s a roundabout nonsensical way of admitting that it’s likely the world would be a safer place. Thank you for your honesty. BTW, I’m not for abandoning Israel, but we need to be able to tell it forcibly on occasion that we aren’t backing it’s actions. Otherwise, the tail is wagging the dog.
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October 26, 2024 at 6:29 pm #55008They’re poisoning the well.
Using good Christian babies’blood for their matzoh.
We have to do something, anything to cleanse the earth of the scourge. Once they’re eliminated civilization will attain new and unexpected heights.
October 26, 2024 at 6:35 pm #55010They’re poisoning the well. Using good Christian babies’blood for their matzoh. We have to do something, anything to cleanse the earth of the scourge. Once they’re eliminated civilization will attain new and unexpected heights.
Umm… I think that may qualify as hate speech. BTW, while you were writing that, I added on to my prior post.
October 26, 2024 at 7:52 pm #55011Clearly, that’s a roundabout nonsensical way of admitting that it’s likely the world would be a safer place. Thank you for your honesty. BTW, I’m not for abandoning Israel, but we need to be able to tell it forcibly on occasion that we aren’t backing it’s actions.
But surely it has a legitimate right to be there in the first place.
October 26, 2024 at 10:25 pm #55012Simon says it has a right to exist!
That is leveling all sorts of accusations at the purveyors of truth and liberalism. The very word for its self determination is racism even though self determination is required because of centuries of racism against its founders. Even though there is no parallel concept questioning the right of oppressive authoritarian Islamic nations to exist or nations founded by conquest or other nations like India and Pakistan founded contemporaneously by UN partition and that threaten nuclear war and have a bloody history or by horrifying regimes like N.Korea.
It is an apartheid state! Even though the enemy from without is a citizen within with full civil rights. Even though the ethnic groups in Israel are diverse and all have full rights of citizenship and benefit from affirmative action.(remember how S. Africa benefited its Blacks with affirmative action? No? Oh well i am sure it did.) Even though it is surrounded by states that are truly apartheid.
Let me stop. Satire in this domain is shooting ducks in a barrel.
October 27, 2024 at 12:39 am #55013Clearly, that’s a roundabout nonsensical way of admitting that it’s likely the world would be a safer place. Thank you for your honesty. BTW, I’m not for abandoning Israel, but we need to be able to tell it forcibly on occasion that we aren’t backing it’s actions.
But surely it has a legitimate right to be there in the first place.
On what basis? Where do you think such rights come from? Under what right was Israel created (as a modern state) in the first place? Is there a precedent for creating states that way? How about some examples.
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October 27, 2024 at 12:40 am #55014I was asked today by some Irish guy wearing a keffiyeh as to why Israel would bomb Iran when it is actually Hezbollah in Lebanon doing the fighting. I replied that is because hundreds of Sudanese civilians were aerial bombed to death last week. I think I only confused him further. Then I asked him if he felt sorry for the soldiers that died when a Sudanese military plane crashed or for it’s two Russian crew members that also died. Did he care about the 300 civilians that were slaughtered in Tambul village or the survivors who were raped and taken as hostages in separate incidents also last week? Sound familiar? Remind you of anything? He knew nothing about it and looked even more confused. What about the North Korean army going to fight in Ukraine? Trump is in awe of Putin and Kimmie. Did that worry him? Nope, he had no idea.
Finally I asked him for his opinion about the new tattoo I am booked to get next week and which is the name of a journalist. Nope, he know nothing about that either.
October 27, 2024 at 12:46 am #55015@ Jake
I asked a simple question with a yes or no answer: Would the Middle East be the tinder box it is had Israel never been created?
I haven’t heard you or anyone else say “Yes, it would,” so essentially you all agree with me, or so it would appear.
October 27, 2024 at 1:53 am #55017@ Jake I asked a simple question with a yes or no answer: Would the Middle East be the tinder box it is had Israel never been created? I haven’t heard you or anyone else say “Yes, it would,” so essentially you all agree with me, or so it would appear.
The Jewish State of Israel is one of the oldest countries in the world. Muslims didn’t show up until 1900 years after it was established. After the Jews it was the Assyrians, Romans, Christians, Muslims and the Jews again, but some Jews remained in the area the whole time.
However, if the Brits did not enable the remains of the slaughtered community of European Jews to regain their ancestral homelands, of course the area would be fought over by Arab backed Sunnis and Iran backed Shias. Just like Yemen and Syria.
October 27, 2024 at 4:18 pm #55026The Jewish State of Israel is one of the oldest countries in the world. Muslims didn’t show up until 1900 years after it was established. After the Jews it was the Assyrians, Romans, Christians, Muslims and the Jews again, but some Jews remained in the area the whole time.
However, if the Brits did not enable the remains of the slaughtered community of European Jews to regain their ancestral homelands, of course the area would be fought over by Arab backed Sunnis and Iran backed Shias. Just like Yemen and Syria.
Israel has been a state since May 14, 1948. As of now, it has been a state for 76 years. Prior to that, there was no Israel as a country representing its occupants and with a government and dominion over its territory.
The creation of Israel, as you admit, was the fiat of a colonial power used to throwing its power around without asking anyone if it was okay.
You might want to hear the history of Israel from a different point of view. See video below.
But first, please respond to the question I posed early on: Would the Middle East be the tinder box it is had Israel never been created?
October 27, 2024 at 5:41 pm #55028I answered your question. Yes, the area would be as or more violent if the Jews were not there. Even though the place would barely be worth fighting over.
Look around at all the peaceful Muslims in Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, and the Congo that have nothing to do with Israel. Are there Jewish groups complete with suicide bombers running around all over the world that are anything like?:
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Ansar Allah
Boko Haram
Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham
Hurras al-Din
Islamic State
Islamic State East Asia
Islamic State in Libya (IS-Libya)
Islamic State Khorasan Province
Islamic State Sinai Province (IS-Sinai)
Islamic State Somalia (IS Somalia)
Islamic State West Africa Province
Jama’at Mujahideen Bangladesh
Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
Neo-Jama’at Mujahideen BangladeshOh, and let’s not forget the Taliban
And no, you don’t get to arbitrarily pick a date when Israel began just because it is in the modern era. There are very few places where the very original inhabitants are still there, and Israel is one of them. In fact, the entire Middle East was absolutely non-Muslim until they conquered the region through war while worshiping their warlord Mohammed, peace be upon him/s.
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