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This topic contains 156 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #42440


    No, I haven’t been censored. The title is shameless clickbait. The subject is censorship, and not just censorship but who it is who’s doing it. Lately, it’s the liberals.

    Jimmy Dore is a comedian and political commentator. This video is political commentary but it is laced with occasional quips and zingers. Jimmy, BTW, is somewhere to the left of Leon Trotsky.

    Gone, it seems, are the days when the left used a broad definition of free speech to get their ideas out. The left now has done a 180 degree retreat from free speech and openly promotes and praises kinds and degrees of censorship. The excuses are wide-ranging from “Wrong ideas are disinformation that’s keeping us from stopping Covid” to “Discussions of parental consent to gender dysphoria treatments by schools triggers people,” and on and on. It’s limitless.

    What my liberal friends are forgetting is that once censoring ideas you dislike only works for you when and if you and your kind are in power.

    This video is definitely related to the free speech issues raised by Jimmy Dore.



    ‘Mericans have become so stupid we will ‘free speech’ ourselves right into a dictatorship. As a corporation that owns a platform, Twitter can allow or disallow whatever content they want to. If anyone wants to startup another fascist/Qanon/Trump/Putin mis-information message board, they should go right ahead. There are many of them.



    Absolute free speech is a total fantasy. It is impossible and virtually nobody would support it when you realise how many laws that actually curb free speech exist which are utterly uncontroversial. If you are against libel, copyright infringement, causing a panic or speech that incites a crime but are against laws which curb the most vile of hate speech which unambiguously interferes with some groups: equality, safety, opportunity and dignity…then you aren’t a free speech crusader as you claim…you are simply selective of free speech in which protecting someone’s reputation or intellectual property is essential but the basic quality of life of the most marginalised and vulnerable is “meh”.



    Short and sweet Davis. Left me with nuthin to add…



    The six companies that own just about all the media the average American sees.

    That’s bad enough, but three companies pretty much own them.

    And that video is at least three years old based on the upload date. It’s gotten much much worse since Covid hit. With our pandemic-depressed economy, they’ve been buying more and more. BlackRock has been buying up rental properties, and I don’t think their plan is to drive rents down.

    Anyway, what has that to do with free speech? Well, when an idea becomes troublesome, do you think they’ll sit back and take their lumps or will they do what we see them doing with dissent about the vaccines, for example. When you own a cash cow like Pfizer, you don’t want it criticized, and so you pressure your media holdings to stifle dissent.

    Another factor is the government. Why is the mainstream media message pretty much a parroting of the Federal Government and CDC line? Because the government can step in and control media using access. Who do you think gets the best White House access, CNN or Fox? Social media also have to worry about a government crackdown, so they limit the access of dissenting voices.

    Nothing to worry about here. You can go back to sleep.




    By the way, I don’t get the feeling many of you watched at least the first Jimmy Dore video. He doesn’t make shit up. He presents evidence.



    Unseen…a youtube video, unless it cites scholarly, academic or properly analysed is not a source. I don’t understand how you can talk about evidentiary value with a comedian making internet video.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Davis.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Davis.


    The US has lost many anti-vax morons to Covid. The power of jesus didn’t work. So many health care workers reported how they begged for the vaccine on their deathbeds. I have a former co-worker who will never walk again. His feared “big pharma” was out to get him, LOL. Shoulda got the shot. I’m sure a lung transplant doesn’t involve big pharma now does it?



    Unseen…a youtube video, unless it cites scholarly, academic or properly analysed is not a source. I don’t understand how you can talk about evidentiary value with a comedian making internet video.

    A source is a source. Call the video a raw source, though (apparently, you didn’t watch it) he makes many citations along the way, and his points are mostly logical points that don’t need citations or peer reviews.

    Most of us don’t exist in a scholarly bubble where knowledge only comes with footnotes and peer reviews. Your worldview, in this regard, is absurd.

    BTW, I don’t know about your world, but most people make rational decisions all the time without seeking out journal articles and attending seminars. We just choose between Jif and Skippy peanut butter based on the information we have in the moment. Remember, most human decision making is neither deductive or inductive, it’s abductive.

    You may not know that in America we respect political comedians because they often make points that can’t be made any other way, often with far fewer citations than Jimmy Dore uses. Obvious examples are Mort Sahl, George Carlin, and Dick Gregory.

    Now, I don’t know if you paid any attention yet to my follow up post talking about the six corporations that own almost all the media sources and the three super corporations that own them. Don’t assume that they value free speech. Rather, I’m sure that when free speech becomes inconvenient, they don’t hesitate to suppress information. Information about the Pfizer, vaccine, inconvenient to the corporation that owns Pfizer and also the the super corporation who owns them, has only come out after a Freedom of Information Act motion filed in a Federal court.

    I’m tired of hearing the “They’re private corporations and can do whatever the fuck they want. Now I’m going back to sleep” kind of response.

    We’d better wake up to the fact that they are actively shaping our attitudes. Noam Chomsky called it “manufacturing consent.” In fact, sadly, it may be too late.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Unseen.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Unseen.


    The US has lost many anti-vax morons to Covid. The power of jesus didn’t work. So many health care workers reported how they begged for the vaccine on their deathbeds. I have a former co-worker who will never walk again. His feared “big pharma” was out to get him, LOL. Shoulda got the shot. I’m sure a lung transplant doesn’t involve big pharma now does it?

    The Pfizer documents revealed among other things that natural immunity, which you get by getting sick with the disease, is at least as good as getting vaccinated, and that Pfizer knew this full well, but pushed for even people with natural immunity to get shots, probably because each shot was money in their pocket.

    Doctors and nurses and EMT’s, firemen, police, and teachers were fired for refusing the shot because they felt they didn’t need it. And they were right!  And that’s not all the information Pfizer suppressed as we’re learning now that Pfizer is forced to release its data:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Unseen.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Unseen.


    Anyone know whether natural immunity plus vaccine is better than either standing alone?



    Anyone know whether natural immunity plus vaccine is better than either standing alone?

    I know at first dose (and I believe second as well) hybrid immunity was observed to be stronger. In terms of risk-benefit, it would seem counter-intuitive that it’s better than vaccination alone, though I suppose nature does have a fondness for making asses out of everyone.



    Anyone know whether natural immunity plus vaccine is better than either standing alone?

    An excerpt from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/vaccine-induced-immunity.html

    Substantial immunologic evidence and a growing body of epidemiologic evidence indicate that vaccination after infection significantly enhances protection and further reduces risk of reinfection, which lays the foundation for CDC recommendations.

    That doesn’t precisely answer your question, and full research on it isn’t in. Answers could depend on which variants, which vaccines, and in which patients. I listen weekly to clinical researchers, doctors (especially with clinical/hospital experience), virologists, evolutionists, epidemiologists, immunologists, and so on In any case, both natural and vaccine-induced immunity wanes in both over time (depending on how durable T-cell and B-cell memory is in each person). While subsequent vaccinations will boost immunization again, which is probably preferable to just waiting for another infection.

    As for future research results, we’ll just have to wait for it from that “scholarly bubble where knowledge only comes with footnotes and peer reviews”. Btw, I felt that Kim Iversen in the latest video above was kinda turning molehills into mountains in some cases, while such a large, naive audience just eats that shit up and then doesn’t learn a damn thing about anything except “see, like, science is so wrong, like all the time, see?”. Yes, profit motive can spur companies like big pharma to hide facts or lie, and I get that, but many of the points made in the video were admissions of merely “what they don’t know yet and didn’t want to admit they don’t know”, or “ruh roh, look at this possible risk which we’re not sure is actually a real risk yet but need to mention it in case it’s a real risk”. (By the way the myocarditis is a much more serious risk in people not vaxxing then getting covid.)

    This research and stuff takes time and money to bear fruit for science and medicine and preventative medicine (and sick patients), while idiots like anti-vaxxers spew real misinformation. The point about lowered level of leukocytes for a week after being immunized is practically moot, since it was already general knowledge that you’re not effectively immune for weeks and should be taking precautions during that time anyway. Well ok, so anti-mask idiots might, just might be more careful for a week if they knew about their lower leukocytes.




    The Pfizer documents revealed among other things that natural immunity, which you get by getting sick with the disease, is at least as good as getting vaccinated,

    I hate to say it, but this is nonsense. So, IF you survive, now you have immunity. This is a basic logical failure. 95% of the side effects people experience are also symptoms (but worse) of the disease. Once the vax was available, nearly everyone in the ICU was unvaccinated; many who posted on FB “I have an immune system”. They fucked around and found out that it is your overactive, unspecific immune system that helps to kill you. The one they did not “train” with a vaccination, resulting in an aggressive inflammatory response with the release of a large amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines in an event known as “cytokine storm”. I realize now that this type of 2-step understanding must be difficult for many to grasp or something.




    Not a single one of these dead or gravely ill anti-vax geniuses showed up at a comedians’ house or a church doorway, or at Fox studios, a youtuber’s kitchen, or Facebook headquarters when they were gasping for air? Why not, I do wonder? I mean they were the medical experts they listened too. They are not accountable like the actual experts are they? They have ‘free speech’. They are killers of morons, nuff said.

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