The most comprehensive search available at the moment here on AZ is the Forums Search, which searches both the General Forums and the Group Forums. The magnifying glass icon in the upper right next to your avatar doesn’t work, although I think it did at one time. (I’ll pass this on to @rebel.)
Google’s search can be more flexible, although its results may not include posts that are less than a day or so old.
USING GOOGLE SEARCH: Click on one of the following links, then ADD the word(s) and/or phrases you’re looking for to the google search box:
However, note that google’s often not nice about presenting the best search results, as they’re increasingly motivated to get as many clicks from you as they can get, even in ways that actually ignore a word in your search query. One tactic to make your specific query work better is to put each of the most important word(s) or phrase(s) inside their own quote marks, which, at the time I’m writing this, better limits the results while also displaying them with the quoted items, in bold.
A couple of Google Search advantages:
- You can narrow down and AZ
or TA search results by clicking on the Tools button and selecting a date range
- The images search is awesome! (Adding search terms are optional and may or not help you find something in particular, so just click on google search’s Images button and see).
- Plus, you can narrow the images search down to groups or forums, e.g.:
— P.S. —
— You can bookmark the list of search results in your browser.
— For geeks and protogeeks, you can filter results by adding appropriate folder names to the search path.
This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by PopeBeanie.
This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by PopeBeanie. Reason: search both AZ & TA at once; add context filtering
This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by PopeBeanie.
This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by PopeBeanie. Reason: TA is no longer available; Added "quote your words" tip
This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by PopeBeanie. Reason: Added detail to images searches