MIG-TOW. Have you heard about it?
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This topic contains 104 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by _Robert_ 8 months, 1 week ago.
June 4, 2024 at 5:53 pm #53949
As with so many others, you use the word “traansactional” as if it is a bad thing.
What would be the opposite of “transactional”? One party giving all to the other party with nothing in return?
June 4, 2024 at 6:15 pm #53950Unseen and Simon, “Designed”? “Bestowed”? Am I on the right Forum? 🤔
You don’t think you’re being a little overly literal, perhaps?
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June 5, 2024 at 7:55 am #53954That’s the feminist parody of the relation between the sexes.
It’s the basic social game plan of patriarchy.
Just because something is “natural” – i.e., it exists in nature – doesn’t mean it is good.
The alternative to hierarchies of any kind is egalitarianism.
June 5, 2024 at 7:58 am #53955Do you think there’s something unnatural or sinister about these gender divides? Does Vonnegut’s Handicapper General need to step in.
Or maybe, just maybe, we should cherish that women are women and men are men in ways that go fairly deep?
The sex differences aren’t so much “men enjoy things, women enjoy people”, than the deep social differences we see in society that encourage men to be kept in charge and women to be kept powerless.
Males and females reproduce differently. Males produce millions of cheap sperm. It’s in their interests to get as many different mates as possible.
June 5, 2024 at 4:00 pm #53956Just because something is “natural” – i.e., it exists in nature – doesn’t mean it is good.The alternative to hierarchies of any kind is egalitarianism.
When anything rises to the top in nature, it’s because it’s the most workable (best) of the alternatives.
Why can’t egalitarians settle on a distribution of duties wherein men get leadership roles and the ability to wield the society’s power and women get more service and custodial roles, because those roles suit men and women better, on the whole?
June 5, 2024 at 4:06 pm #53957The sex differences aren’t so much “men enjoy things, women enjoy people”, than the deep social differences we see in society that encourage men to be kept in charge and women to be kept powerless.
Women are not powerless. Certainly not in the courts. Where does this purported powerlessness manifest itself?
Males and females reproduce differently. Males produce millions of cheap sperm. It’s in their interests to get as many different mates as possible.
And yet, while men commit adultery more than women, the gap is not huge. About 20% for men and 15% for women. But your argument is absurd. I think until I read your post, I have never thought about the low value of my sperm. ROFLOL
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by
June 5, 2024 at 4:54 pm #53959@ Simon, you may have the gender power dynamic backwards:
June 5, 2024 at 6:04 pm #53962I have never thought about the low value of my sperm.
The sperm are plentiful and cheap, yet reproduction is of the highest value. Females produce a few costly eggs (because they take a lot of growing into a baby). The reproductive dynamic is different for each sex. This gives rise to the social differences we see.
Proto-human males and females used to be vastly different in size, the males much bigger than the females. Then self-domestication happened, we became egalitarian, and the males shrank down to almost-female size. This would account for men being slightly larger than women.
June 5, 2024 at 6:47 pm #53963The sperm are plentiful and cheap, yet reproduction is of the highest value.
No, the problem women have nowadays is that men are walking away from female reproductive abilities. We men are putting a negative value on having children. So are women, for that matter, until it’s too late for them to find a mate and bear a child.
Your conception is silly.
June 5, 2024 at 7:41 pm #53964No, the problem women have nowadays is that men are walking away from female reproductive abilities. We men are putting a negative value on having children. So are women, for that matter, until it’s too late for them to find a mate and bear a child.
I’m laying out the fundamental background game plan for the sex differences that we observe in the social sphere. As for your theory, men have always walked away from their child-rearing and provisioning responsibilities.
June 5, 2024 at 8:26 pm #53965@ Simon
Men have a responsibility to support their children ethically and legally. Children need a man in the house because women tend to want to be friends with and not alienate their children. Men, by contrast and ideally, are authoritarian and are more likely to set and enforce rules even if their kids hate them for it. Kids (and women, often) don’t believe in rules.
As far as walking away from responsibilities, the law makes that financially difficult for men, and even though children statistically do better when raised in a two-parent or single father household, women initiate the majority of dv0rces, the effect on the children notwithstanding.
June 6, 2024 at 8:55 am #53966As with so many others, you use the word “traansactional” as if it is a bad thing.
What would be the opposite of “transactional”? One party giving all to the other party with nothing in return?
Surely a close relationship is the place for generosity rather than cynical bargaining. Some things are sacred or priceless (e.g., goodwill, trust) and can’t be bought with profane, worldly currency.
June 6, 2024 at 4:36 pm #53967A little more common sense from Tom Leykis:
June 6, 2024 at 6:08 pm #53968@ Simon
Is it any wonder that men are preferring their male friends and “Rosey Palm” to getting involved with women.
June 6, 2024 at 8:41 pm #53969You know, when I was in college and probably up until recently, one safe way to get some money to help you meet your rent or car payment, was to donate blood or sperm. Sperm banks were supposedly anonymous. All the sperm buyer got were general ideas about your race and health but not your identity.
Well, women like the one in my previous post there, are finding ways to crack the veil of privacy. I won’t say it’s often, but it sure looks like the proverbial camel’s nose under the wall of the tent, doesn’t it?
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