MIG-TOW. Have you heard about it?

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This topic contains 104 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 8 months, 1 week ago.

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    The problem driving MGTOW isn’t women generally, it’s Western women. Woke, feminized, #MeToo women. Men are finding that they have far fewer problems with women outside the Western world. Non-Western women still know how to be feminine and make men feel needed and important.

    But you can’t say that women are at fault for trying or succeeding in getting liberated. Men don’t necessarily know how to navigate this new egalitarian environment. They should try harder to understand the situation, not blame women for changing. It’s their responsibility to learn how to get what they want – which is pretty similar to what women want.

    People seem to have forgotten that for a society to thrive, someone has to raise kids. It’s a full-time job for 18 years.



    But you can’t say that women are at fault for trying or succeeding in getting liberated.  Men don’t necessarily know how to navigate this new egalitarian environment.  They should try harder to understand the situation, not blame women for changing.  It’s their responsibility to learn how to get what they want – which is pretty similar to what women want.

    Men are not at fault, either.

    Women get to be what they want to be. Western women apparently want to place having a career ahead of being a mother and wife…until they start approaching or pass the expiration date that “motherf**ker” we call Nature built into the species. All other things being equal, men prefer younger women and women who treat them well, always have and always will.

    Feeling entitled and being rude to men is not working for Western women, and that’s natural. You can’t expect men to want women who think men owe them something and treat them like dirt. Also, the way marriage works nowadays is grossly lopsided toward women, so why commit.



    People seem to have forgotten that for a society to thrive, someone has to raise kids. It’s a full-time job for 18 years.

    Feminism has been selling women a bill of goods, that she can have everything. She can get her PhD at 28 and then find a job, work at it for a few years and simultaneously be both a good employee and a good mom.

    That sort of accomplishment is impossible even with the advantages men supposedly have.

    As for being a good mom, implicit in what you said is the fact that you can’t make up for lost quantity time with kids by replacing it with quality time. For children, the quantity of time you spend with them is qualitative. And since men do make better employees for a variety of reasons in many cases, it often makes sense for the woman to be the homemaker and main parent.




    It’s nihilistic. Many of them fantasise about shooting up shopping malls.

    I think you are making the mistakes of conflating MGTOW with Incels and equating MGTOW to a hate group.

    Not desiring marriage and a family does not equal hatred and criminality, nor even misogyny. It simply means being shrewd and thoughtful about the lifelong burdens that can come with these.

    Also, Nota Bene Adolf Eichmann, and Dennis Rader a.k.a. The BTK serial murderer were both family men.



    Fellow Unbelievers,

    In addition to being a proponent of MGTOW, Tom Leykis also is an Atheist and had a featurette on his show called something like “Ask The Atheist,” where he welcome both questions and debate about the position of Atheism. There should still be YouTube videos up with the audio from the featurette.

    Tom merely mentioning that he was an Atheist I think was what got his program taken off of one of my locality’s talk stations about 30 years ago, since their other programs had a Christian Right bent to them.



    Almost 17 minutes of Western women displaying why Western men don’t want them anymore.

    Listen and discover how unrealistic their expectations have become.

    Sure, this isn’t all Western women, but why work to find out? One can always look out the Western women culture. One doesn’t even need to hop on a plane or ship to Asia, Latin America, or Africa. There are non-Western women right here in America available to date.

    But then, what’s the benefit in today’s legal climate of getting married (or even involved). You can have a nice woman for a friend and get a “blow and go” for as little as $50. If you are fairly wealthy, you can get a very attractive, intelligent, and skilled escort to spend the evening or night with you for as little as $500. In today’s world, it’s not necessarily a drug addict or a Ukrainian girl run by human traffickers who is doing escorting. It can be an 18-22 y/o college coed who has found that she can make five times when escorting what she’d make working 25 or 30 hours a week in a McDonald’s or Perkin’s Pancakes and have more time to study and unwind.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by  Unseen.






    Fellow Unbelievers,

    Here is one of Tom Leykis’ “Ask the Atheist” featurettes. As you can tell from the still-shot, he clearly does not hate women even if he doesn’t want to commit to one.😁

    In fact, Tom Leykis one time mentioned being married twice and said that when he was digging around in his yard, he would find buried liquor bottles from where one of his wives was hiding her drinking. Clearly, he wasn’t and isn’t the one with problem in the marriage and has good reason to not want to get married.




    What are you going on about?



    @ Enco

    That video of Tom doing his Ask The Atheist gig was a refreshing trip down memory lane. It was always one of the highlights of his show.

    Back in the dying days of AM radio, I used to listen to Tom religiously, mostly for the laughs I got has he handled all the cockeyed views of the women and religious nuts who called him trying to change his views.

    Nobody ever got close.



    Oh, the irony. How #MeToo has backfired on women in the workplace:

    I particularly like the clip about the woman who complained to HR that a guy in the office was making her feel uncomfortable by not being social with her and just sticking to business. Sometimes men are guilty both for giving a female coworker attention and also for not giving her attention.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by  Unseen.

    What we need is a Minister for Men’s Behavior. That will solve everything. Why did Monty Python never think of this?


    Simon Paynton

    Well, I agree with everything Sall Grover says in this video.  There’s always a baseline of atypical, antisocial people of either sex.  But patriarchy gives men an extra reason to be shitty, and it’s built in to society.



    Sometimes men are guilty both for giving a female coworker attention and also for not giving her attention.

    Not at work, but in life in general. I’ve been accused of being either a stalker or gay (standoffish). I just don’t get it.


    Simon Paynton

    Not at work, but in life in general. I’ve been accused of being either a stalker or gay (standoffish). I just don’t get it.

    It’s a minefield.

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