MIG-TOW. Have you heard about it?

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This topic contains 104 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 8 months, 1 week ago.

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    Every teen girl should see this video by the age of 16. We have a divorce rate of around 40% overall and the damage done by the absence of a father in a child’s life is well documented. Fatherless children are at a significantly greater risk of turning to criminality and/or incarceration, to using street drugs, and of being murdered or committing suicide. Fatherless girls are more likely to have children out of wedlock, too.




    The term “Patriarchy” certainly applies in the Islamic world, Hindu India, and in The Third World, but I don’t see that term having any application in the United States or Europe or in many places influenced by the ways of The West.

    This is especially the case when men are much more likely to live shorter lives for a variety of reasons and when all of the most dirty, filthy, boiling-hot, freezing-cold, long-houred, lowest-paid, least-appreciated, dangerous jobs in our society are almost completely held by men.

    And even if men predominate as captains of industry, who is it that makes and/or motivates the overwhelming bulk of the economic decisions which both create and direct markets for goods and services? If you guessed “women,” you win not just a cookie, but the cookie factory.

    Everybody’s got their someting and that includes both perks and shit deals. Making it better for all is more likely to happen when we look past sex and gender and go where the evidence leads.



    You can love a woman and not live with her, because once you do that, you have an invisible third partner in your life: the government. And, and once she decides to leave the relationship, it’s suddenly two against one.

    Looks like that cynical seemingly misogynistic shit Tom Leykis was right after all.



    Yet despite all of this there are couples who still have beautiful relationships and literally love each other till the end and beyond. I don’t think there is much in life than is better than knowing someone so well that in some situations, with just a glance you both break out in laughter. Or when you accomplish something, and someone actually knows how hard you worked and acknowledges what you did. Or maybe it’s just hearing someone laughing or singing along with the radio from another room, or the smell of a fresh pumpkin pie that someone is baking. Or someone to run you down to the ER when your appendix or gallbladder is done with you, and you are doubled over in pain. And the satisfaction you get when you are the one comforting someone by being their rock. Sharing the human experience with a worthy mate is a wonderful thing.




    @ Robert

    a) Too bad we can’t see the future before we jump into it; 2) people change.

    Maybe this guy who does believe in true l0ve has the right idea.



    It’s less effort to just live a smaller, more private life. Happiness can come from many lifestyles. I experienced the single life for years after a difficult divorce. It was nice and just what I needed back then. Dated a bunch of different women. Was playing in a popular rock band on weekends. Worked on my financial investments…earned a shit-ton of $$$. Stocks were booming. Lifted and ran than I ran and lifted some more. It was OK.

    I just knew it wasn’t my best life the entire time.


    Simon Paynton

    Cynicism and a transactional, bargaining attitude and trying to buy women will make nobody happy.  That’s not the way to have a happy relationship.

    Unseen wrote:
    She also has to give the guy the feeling that she’s not contending to be the alpha in the relationship

    So one of them has to be the alpha?  And it’s the man?



    So one of them has to be the alpha?  And it’s the man?

    I had a friend decades ago, a sociology PhD whose mate was working on his MA in sociology. She said that she let him decide the toss-ups because 50/50 doesn’t work. A coin with heads on both sides can’t decide anything.

    Males are designed by Nature to be the alphas in most cases. This is dictated by gender-based physiology, hormones, and psychology. Yes, society plays a role, but what are those s0cial assumptions based  on? Certain undeniable differences between the genders.

    BTW, it’s better to be a sigma male than an alpha.


    Simon Paynton

    Males are designed by Nature to be the alphas in most cases.

    You’re talking about patriarchy.  Males are designed by Nature to reproduce, and patriarchal domination and control is the least risky method of: mate retention; ensuring paternity; and maximising reproductive success by mating with the maximum number of females.

    The gorilla is the perfectly patriarchal species.  The silverback has a number of female mates with whom he has children.  These gorillas are all very loving towards each other.  He dominates and controls “his” females, and he also protects and serves them and his family, as ultimately they are his chances of reproduction.



    @ Simon

    That’s the feminist parody of the relation between the sexes.

    You are usually obsessed with cooperation. Well, in a cooperative situation, people gravitate toward roles that suit them and their relative skills and abilities. How can you say there’s anything unnatural about males assuming protection and leadership roles given the natural differences between men and women in  terms of physiology, hormones, and psychology?

    People have cooperatively adopted patriarchy as the system that works best for all involved. Where in the world has a matriarchy ever proved to work at all on much bey0nd an island or village scale?



    Males are designed by Nature to be the alphas in most cases.

    You’re talking about patriarchy. Males are designed by Nature to reproduce, and patriarchal domination and control is the least risky method of: mate retention; ensuring paternity; and maximising reproductive success by mating with the maximum number of females. The gorilla is the perfectly patriarchal species. The silverback has a number of female mates with whom he has children. These gorillas are all very loving towards each other. He dominates and controls “his” females, and he also protects and serves them and his family, as ultimately they are his chances of reproduction.

    Growing up on my street, most of my friends (and eventually me as well at 12 years old) were raised by single Moms and grandmothers. My teachers were almost all women (nuns), our babysitters were all females. My cousins were all girls. Males were generally absent. Not much of a patriarchy. I remember the cool rich kids in school were making fun of “square families” with khaki-wearing dads. I was longing to be part of one.



    @ Simon

    Men and women have been bestowed disparate talent sets which is a major reason why there’s a gender divide.

    Think about why are there no (or at least so few) great woman painters whereas women, at least nowadays, are fully equal to men in the letters? Why no major conductors (the top 10 symphonic orchestras all have male conductors) whereas about half of the top classical soloists are female? Why are there no female Formula 1 drivers and almost no female dragster drivers? Why do males abound in the most rough and tumble areas of the military while most nurses are women?

    Do you think there’s something unnatural or sinister about these gender divides? Does Vonnegut’s Handicapper General need to step in.

    Or maybe, just maybe, we should cherish that women are women and men are men in ways that go fairly deep?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by  Unseen.


    Mgtow st the gym.



    Feminist delusions. “Men don’t like me because I’m too pretty and too smart.” Might it be the tattoos? the online posting of photos of your ass? the wacky wardrobe choices? the cigarette smoking?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by  Unseen.


    Unseen and Simon,

    “Designed”? “Bestowed”? Am I on the right Forum?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Addendum
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