The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one?
This topic contains 165 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by TheEncogitationer 1 year, 11 months ago.
October 31, 2022 at 8:24 am #45409
or let you down, really. Principally because he doesn’t exist, but also other reasons.
This is not the experience of your fellow atheist, Mike, who really got helped by His Mom, Sister. Where he had exactly your problem too. Maybe you should learn from his experience in this regard.
October 31, 2022 at 8:28 am #45410Rick Astley has brought more joy to my life than Jesus. Although, Jesus has better abs. It’s hard to know which of them to trust. Theology is tricky.
I agree, Sister. But now you have Reality in me. If you don’t fear, or deceive in getting off the bus. Like your fellow Brother Abaddon did. And He saw the Reality. That i am not into theology.
October 31, 2022 at 8:38 am #45411You are in our home now. Please respect the house rules.
I’m pretty sure he’s fucking with us
So climb out and see, Sister. Sitting inside the Bus with fear is an evil spirit “f#cking with you. And deceiving in acting you looked at the evidence is another evil spirit f#cking with you, Sister. That is not what your fellow Brother Abaddon did. Maybe you should invite him to see action. Because it seems you are all “paralyzed with fear”? But maybe he fears now too. After facing only the one side of the persecution and not the other side too.
That “one sided judgment” can thus be easily recognized for the fake it is. Because a True Judgment listens to both sides of the story. And your fellow Atheist, Abaddon, could never do that. He was just running in fear from Michael and Billy and Daniel. To his own disgrace there. And to the proving of his fake judgment of me.
October 31, 2022 at 8:50 am #45414I would put a twenty on not fucking with us…psychotic break…and take one to two.
I took you to my Family Life in Real Time. Why are you scared to get off the bus? And sitting inside and hide and taking “bets”, Brother. That is actually a disgrace to you. That is not what your fellow atheist Abaddon did. He got off. His only mistake was not wanting to listen to the other side of the persecution too. He was too deeply involved with the one side in his “sacrosanct brotherhood”. Which was a “back biting” situation.
October 31, 2022 at 8:59 am #45417Seems nobody can do what your fellow atheist, Mike did? Entering my Life in my group. And allowing me in his life on his timeline? Why not, Brothers and Sisters? Fear or deceit? Which are both evil spirits demolishing your lives. So of course him being brave and you being cowards and deceivers should be your Pastor now. Where Pastor is just the Good Example to change the lives of others for the better. And thus i informed him of the witnessing power his bravery has. And bringing him in front of your eyes. For you to look at one another. He who got out of the God Bus and you hiding inside.
And then I take you in your God Bus to your group. And all over the world in all the social media that I am. In that post. Shared to all. Where I am in all the major social media platforms. And in the big Facebook platform in approximately 130 groups. Which is approximately 7 million people reading what I said. But of course not all will do it. And not all will do it in detail. But the Word is spreading. And now all who wants to can enjoy the God Bus. Looking at you from outside or being with you inside in hiding too. Because we are the Light of God to the world in darkness.
And here we actually have now your “fear of Facebook”. Your faces. Which you want to hide because of the disgrace of who you actually are. But hiding yourselves away from one another is a deceitful relationship. Not the honest ones we as Christians should have. But which most also try to hide from. Even in Christianity. In being “hypocrites”. And missing out on “honest God Relationships”. Because God is not into hiding but Transparency. And He teaches us to be the same. And then we become a problem to the sinners in the world. And they persecute us. For Transparency. As you can see in my human family where I stay now.
October 31, 2022 at 9:32 am #45423Seems i can not add that “human family” where I stay now. So I just do it in this next post.
This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by
October 31, 2022 at 9:32 am #45424Seems nobody can do what your fellow atheist, Mike did? Entering my Life in my group. And allowing me in his life on his timeline? Why not, Brothers and Sisters?
If I had to guess, it’s because Mike can afford better drugs than I can.
And all over the world in all the social media that I am. In that post. Shared to all.
Probably not on this forum for much longer, though. If I had to place bets, it feels like the banz hammer is immanent.
October 31, 2022 at 10:00 am #45426If I had to guess,
Yep. you have to guess if you feared to get off the God Bus and to take a look for yourself. Or of course you act in deceit in having looked. Because humans are normally very inquisitive. So there is no reason to think you are not a normal human being, Sister. Both evil spirits are very rampant in human lives.
it’s because Mike can afford better drugs than I can.
And how do you think your fellow atheist who stands for your opinions are going to feel, Sister? When he as actually in the spirit of “bravery”?
“And all over the world in all the social media that I am. In that post. Shared to all”.
Probably not on this forum for much longer, though. If I had to place bets, it feels like the banz hammer is immanent.
Yep. I know. Humans live in intellect and not Love of God. Thus they have no interest in Relationships. Just in their pride being protected. Because having to look at one another sinning souls which are opened up for all to see is not a nice feeling when you can not accept the Discipline of Loving Parents calling you to repentance. Then the Judgment of the Righteous God needs to be ran from. With Adam and Eve of course into hiding. As you are already on the Bus. But just trying to hide some more.
And thus to try and keep face evil threats and bans are the last option to try and act strong. But it is actually deceit. Acting strong in running away is just bluffing yourselves, Sister. As you can see in “Nunya”.
October 31, 2022 at 10:15 am #45430And how do you think your fellow atheist who stands for your opinions are going to feel, Sister? When he as actually in the spirit of “bravery”?
Who? Mike? Mildly amused, probably. Or perhaps tepid and disinterested.
October 31, 2022 at 12:00 pm #45431@Johan – Because you have this “excuse” that Facebook is worse than “your forum”. And you fear the “Facebook monster”.
Why are you using quotation marks? I never said that. I do not fear the “Facebook monster”. I do not accept FB as an authority on anything. Somebody writing something does not make it true. Same way I don’t accept biblical quotes as proof of anything. Enjoy the geluksalig of your religious fervor.
October 31, 2022 at 12:12 pm #45432@Johan – Because you have this “excuse” that Facebook is worse than “your forum”. And you fear the “Facebook monster”. Why are you using quotation marks? I never said that. I do not fear the “Facebook monster”. I do not accept FB as an authority on anything. Somebody writing something does not make it true. Same way I don’t accept biblical quotes as proof of anything. Enjoy the geluksalig of your religious fervor.
Oh, oh I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastard! Come to Facebook and take what’s coming to you!
October 31, 2022 at 4:41 pm #45433Oh Brother Johan. Thank you, for I have seen the light. I want Relationships on the bus. My life is a complete mess. See, I’m not very bright and even though I know the scriptures are a mishmash of regurgitated ancient mythology, chockfull of contradictions and errors I will submit myself as the worthless slave that I am and believe in anything anyone tells me without evidence. So I hereby submit to Allah and the great prophet Mohammed because of you. Allahumma Barik.
PS. Johan we need to talk. Iman thinks maybe you took the wrong bus. Allah is not kind to apostates, Allahu Akbar!
October 31, 2022 at 5:47 pm #45434October 31, 2022 at 6:34 pm #45435LOL
October 31, 2022 at 6:51 pm #45436God: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Me: Fair enough, but what about beside you, all parallel like in a neat line? -
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