The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

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    King Iyk

    Take The Time to Review and Confirm The Mathematical Proof of The One True God: The Holy Trinity.

    Within this text is The Proof, beyond an ounce of doubt, by way of the language of the Universe: Mathematics, that The Triune God is The One True God and The Holy Bible is His Word. << Review and Confirm Proof Here.


    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.  Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

    This verse from Deuteronomy 18 10-12 is enough to keep me from looking to numerology instead of listening to God’s Word.


    King Iyk

    The work Testifies to The Truth. “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” in Matthew 12:26



    It just seems too easy to correlate common numbers to so many patterns. It doesn’t add much awesomeness or profundity. I don’t think it even adds anything creative to myths. Anyone can find numeric patterns in just about anything.

    And by myth I mean any scriptures, Christian or other, written by men who believe strongly in what God is or wants, without any evidence at all that it is the actual word of God. Cultural upbringing and figures of purported authority who claim to know such things are who most convince people to believe what they are told.

    Personally, my favorite numbers are any primes greater than five.

    Here’s an outstanding number. Although I don’t believe the number 666 is particularly significant, I’ve always liked the number 13 since I was a kid with number 13 on my baseball uniform. This prime number has 13 zeros on each side of 666, not to mention it’s also a palindrome:
    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1



    The work Testifies to The Truth. “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” in Matthew 12:26

    Yes, the depths of wannabe, pattern-seeking slaves to find “tHE tRUTH”, on full display here. This reaching to create “evidence” is as pathetic as it gets when in 5 minutes you can follow real evidence that details the second-string YHWH’s promotion from the Canaanite pantheon to the old Jewish man in the sky. First, gods were up on the mountains. Then they were in the clouds. Next, they got relocated to space. Now they are outside of the universe.


    Simon Paynton

    Review and Confirm Proof Here.

    I think it’s interesting, but I don’t see what it has to do with anything.  Anybody can draw any shape onto any map of the landscape, and call it significant.



    There is no such thing that the Living God is 3 Persons.



    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire,

    Yep.  These religious ones in the Christian religion mostly believe God sacrificed His Son, Jesus for the sins of the world.  That is what religion does.  It has an “understanding of God”.  But the mind can not fathom God and you can only know God in Revelation.  And then He tells you that He died Himself for the sins.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by  Johan.


    The work Testifies to The Truth.

    How can a Father send “His Son” to die when He can do it Himself, Brother?   And then “his Son” reap the Love afterwards and He is just worthy of a disgrace?



    Christian or other, written by men who believe strongly in what God is or wants, without any evidence at all that it is the actual word of God.

    I agree.  The actual Word of God creates Life.  If the words you write is just religion it is prove that you have only a “mindset” on your particular “god” who is no God at all.

    Cultural upbringing and figures of purported authority who claim to know such things are who most convince people to believe what they are told.

    Yep.  That is how they do it.  But the Living God said only witnessing is from Him.  Convincing is a human endeavor without any power at all to actually show a Living God.

    Although I don’t believe the number 666 is particularly significant,

    The Living God said it is the “other god” in the world.  Which is the devil.  Or man.  He is god in intellect because he chose to be god himself.  Thus he is the “god of good and bad”.  While the Living God is just Good.   And of course you have to enter His Life in being His Child and obedient to Him.  Which Adam and Eve found to be undesirable.   Thus they chose to eat the tree of knowledge by which they are “gods” of this world.



    Yes, the depths of wannabe, pattern-seeking slaves to find “tHE tRUTH”, on full display here.

    You are totally right.  Worshiping a God creates you a slave of Him.  That is why many loves to have a god to be worshiped because they are worshiped too as “pastors, apostles, reverends, bishops and popes”.   And to get away with their lie they needed a “God to worship”.   But the Living God died on a cross and became a Father there when He gave birth to His Kids there.  Thus He is not worshiped by them but Loved by them.   Where He is called “Daddy” by them in Love.  And He enjoys raising His Kids in Edifying Meetings and not worship meetings of the religious people in the world.



    I think it’s interesting, but I don’t see what it has to do with anything. Anybody can draw any shape onto any map of the landscape, and call it significant.

    To me it is rather Discipline of the Living God.  He Loves all as His Kids.  And those believing in this “slave master” and His “exalted followers” whom all have to worship and pay too for the opportunity to worship them is a Disciplining from Him.  And the spirit by which they live is in fear of “hell” waiting if you don’t fall in.

    He always Disciplines He disobedient Kids with slavery.  But at the time of His Physical Kid, Israel, it was physical slavery.  And now in these days with His Spiritual Kids it is Spiritual Slavery.



    King Iyk

    Then, you should be able to spot blemishes in the proof presented above?


    Simon Paynton

    It sounds like an arbitrary quirk of number theory.



    Christian or other, written by men who believe strongly in what God is or wants, without any evidence at all that it is the actual word of God.

    I agree. The actual Word of God creates Life. If the words you write is just religion it is prove that you have only a “mindset” on your particular “god” who is no God at all.

    Cultural upbringing and figures of purported authority who claim to know such things are who most convince people to believe what they are told.

    Yep. That is how they do it. But the Living God said only witnessing is from Him. Convincing is a human endeavor without any power at all to actually show a Living God.

    Although I don’t believe the number 666 is particularly significant,

    The Living God said it is the “other god” in the world. Which is the devil. Or man. He is god in intellect because he chose to be god himself. Thus he is the “god of good and bad”. While the Living God is just Good. And of course you have to enter His Life in being His Child and obedient to Him. Which Adam and Eve found to be undesirable. Thus they chose to eat the tree of knowledge by which they are “gods” of this world.

    You look like an adult in your picture. How can you be so scientifically illiterate that you think the “Adam and Eve” myth is a historical event? Since there are two different opposing versions in Genesis, which one to believe? Hmmm. The need to explain our origins early in our development is not unique to your particular cult.

    This is a common theme in creation myths the world over. In China, the goddess Nüwa took a walk among the majesties of creation, but she grew lonely, so she paused along the banks of a river and began to fashion creatures out of clay. After making a few animals, Nüwa got bored, and catching her beautiful reflection in the river, decided to create creatures in her own image and name them humans.

    In Ovid’s “Metamorphosis,” written in Ancient Rome, the gods first separated light from dark, then earth from sky, then created all of the animals before deciding to make “[a]n animal with higher intellect, more noble, able — one to rule the rest.” Borrowing from older mythological sources, Ovid credited Prometheus with making men “by mixing new-made earth with fresh rainwater; and when he fashioned man, his mold recalled the masters of all things, the gods.”

    In one Egyptian creation myth, the god Amun commands the ram-headed god Khmun to create human beings “as a potter who molds clay on a potter’s wheel.” And according to Sumerian creation myths, which are some of the oldest on record, the primeval mother goddess Namma created mankind to do chores for the gods and birthed them by placing clay in her womb.


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