The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

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This topic contains 149 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  King Iyk 2 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • #55749

    If Man is five, if Man is five
    If Man is five, then the Devil is six
    Then the Devil is six, then the Devil is six
    The Devil is six, and if the Devil is six
    Then God is seven! Then God is seven!
    Then God is seven!

    This monkey’s gone to heaven.



    Then, you should be able to spot blemishes in the proof presented above?

    Sure.  God created man in His Image.  One Person only.  Just like Us.  That is how we can enter with Him in a Child Father Relationship.   And In Jesus He died for us and not a “son” of His.  Jesus was a body He created for Himself in Mary to Live the Word of our Creation as the Real Jesus Christ.  And the Person who died is Jehovah.  Who became your Daddy you can Love now in you being His Beloved Son, Jesus.  Exactly the same as your Dad.

    And here is a nice Edifying Song.  Where Dad creates your Soul as His Child or Son.  Not a “worship of God” song which creates slaves who are inferior to a “God”.


    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by  Johan.


    You look like an adult in your picture.

    You saw well.

    How can you be so scientifically illiterate that you think the “Adam and Eve” myth is a historical event?

    How can you be so mistaken by “thinking” I do?

    Since there are two different opposing versions in Genesis, which one to believe? Hmmm.


    The need to explain our origins early in our development is not unique to your particular cult.

    Yep.  Even you have it and did it for yourself.

    This is a common theme in creation myths the world over.

    So what is yours?

    In China, the goddess Nüwa took a walk among the majesties of creation, but she grew lonely, so she paused along the banks of a river and began to fashion creatures out of clay. After making a few animals, Nüwa got bored, and catching her beautiful reflection in the river, decided to create creatures in her own image and name them humans. In Ovid’s “Metamorphosis,” written in Ancient Rome, the gods first separated light from dark, then earth from sky, then created all of the animals before deciding to make “[a]n animal with higher intellect, more noble, able — one to rule the rest.” Borrowing from older mythological sources, Ovid credited Prometheus with making men “by mixing new-made earth with fresh rainwater; and when he fashioned man, his mold recalled the masters of all things, the gods.” In one Egyptian creation myth, the god Amun commands the ram-headed god Khmun to create human beings “as a potter who molds clay on a potter’s wheel.” And according to Sumerian creation myths, which are some of the oldest on record, the primeval mother goddess Namma created mankind to do chores for the gods and birthed them by placing clay in her womb.

    Thanks for telling us all the religious opinions they have.  But was it really necessary or a “waste of intelligence and time”?



    It sounds like an arbitrary quirk of number theory.

    You sure there is nothing else?



    If Man is five, if Man is five If Man is five, then the Devil is six Then the Devil is six, then the Devil is six The Devil is six, and if the Devil is six Then God is seven! Then God is seven! Then God is seven! This monkey’s gone to heaven.

    Nice poem.  Thanks.



    You look like an adult in your picture.

    You saw well.

    How can you be so scientifically illiterate that you think the “Adam and Eve” myth is a historical event?

    How can you be so mistaken by “thinking” I do?

    Since there are two different opposing versions in Genesis, which one to believe? Hmmm.


    The need to explain our origins early in our development is not unique to your particular cult.

    Yep. Even you have it and did it for yourself.

    This is a common theme in creation myths the world over.

    So what is yours?

    In China, the goddess Nüwa took a walk among the majesties of creation, but she grew lonely, so she paused along the banks of a river and began to fashion creatures out of clay. After making a few animals, Nüwa got bored, and catching her beautiful reflection in the river, decided to create creatures in her own image and name them humans. In Ovid’s “Metamorphosis,” written in Ancient Rome, the gods first separated light from dark, then earth from sky, then created all of the animals before deciding to make “[a]n animal with higher intellect, more noble, able — one to rule the rest.” Borrowing from older mythological sources, Ovid credited Prometheus with making men “by mixing new-made earth with fresh rainwater; and when he fashioned man, his mold recalled the masters of all things, the gods.” In one Egyptian creation myth, the god Amun commands the ram-headed god Khmun to create human beings “as a potter who molds clay on a potter’s wheel.” And according to Sumerian creation myths, which are some of the oldest on record, the primeval mother goddess Namma created mankind to do chores for the gods and birthed them by placing clay in her womb.

    Thanks for telling us all the religious opinions they have. But was it really necessary or a “waste of intelligence and time”?

    What a zero-content response. Your babble tells you not to rely on your own intelligence. You are in perfect compliance. Congrats.



    If Yahweh is three persons, I can beat that. I’m nine persons and I don’t need mathematics to prove it. I’m a son, a brother, a father, a grandfather, and a great grandfather. I’m also an ex-husband, an uncle, and a grand uncle. I’m also a self.

    An omnipotent and omniscient being would know how to prove himself without resorting to revealing himself through mathematics.

    Mathematical proofs have no real world power. A mathematical proof can only prove a mathematical fact. To prove something worldly, you need a formula with some of values representing real world facts. Otherwise, it’s just an empty exercise.



    Nothing wakes you up more to how far gone humans are than a person under the influence of religion.



    Mam, you are wearing a cross and have a bible in your back seat. Please step out of the car. You are under arrest for gross stupidity detrimental to public safety and the greater culture. You have a right to request counsel. Anything you say is automatically stupid and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand these rights as i have explained them? If you cannot afford an attorney a priest will be appointed to you and you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your stupid ass goodbye.



    Mam, you are wearing a cross and have a bible in your back seat. Please step out of the car. You are under arrest for gross stupidity detrimental to public safety and the greater culture. You have a right to request counsel. Anything you say is automatically stupid and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand these rights as i have explained them? If you cannot afford an attorney a priest will be appointed to you and you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your stupid ass goodbye.

    Christians are fear-based prey for priests and preachers like Jim Baker. Check out the “picky eater” guy.



    Nothing wakes you up more to how far gone humans are than a person under the influence of religion.

    Yep.  I agree.



    What a zero-content response. Your babble tells you not to rely on your own intelligence. You are in perfect compliance. Congrats.

    Congrats.  you managed to write on “zero-content”.  As for my “intelligence”.  I knew that is not up to par with God.  So i accepted His Way of Living.  Which is Love and not intellect.   And now I can forgive everyone with lack of Love towards Me.  And enter them into My Grace of God’s Love because their sins are paid.  Where I just walk the second mile with them.



    An omnipotent and omniscient being would know how to prove himself without resorting to revealing himself through mathematics.

    Totally right.  That is why those who desire Him as Father meet with Him.   Those who don’t care about that is not disturbed by Him in His Love for them.



    Mam, you are wearing a cross and have a bible in your back seat. Please step out of the car. You are under arrest for gross stupidity detrimental to public safety and the greater culture.

    Yep.  God never was interested in those things.  But our Hearts.  Where we accept Him as our Dad and are raised by Him in His Godly Life.  Where we don’t carry the Bible but are the Bible.   And we don’t hang crosses but Lived as one who died on the cross and are born again as a Child of the Living God.



    Christians are fear-based prey for priests and preachers like Jim Baker.

    All religions are fear based.  But the Children of God with Him as their Daddy is love based.  Thus they don’t have priests but Brothers.

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