The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

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This topic contains 149 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  King Iyk 2 weeks, 1 day ago.

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    A person could be an entity.

    Now in Jesus a person is a God.



    What sort of loving father gives up on their kids (including babies and animals) and intentionally drowns them all in a flood?

    He only took them to Himself.  And they learn a most valuable Truth.  Bad actions creates bad consequences.

    What kind of father demands one of his children to murder his child to demonstrate obedience?

    The child was warned but still wanted to murder.  So he had to suffer the consequences of disobedience.

    From causing women pain in childbirth because a rib-woman ate an apple,

    That apple was a choice to be “god” herself.  So she had to get children herself without assistance from God.  As she decided herself.

    to requiring a human sacrifice to save us from himself.

    He died in Jesus Himself.

    These are all borrowed myths passed down by people trying to explain natural suffering, war, disease and so on.


    Little kids getting brain cancer and parasitic worms that eat the inside of eyeballs should tell you that there is no “loving father”.

    They all made their choice not to have a Loving Father.

    We simply don’t know the answers to the most basic questions, and I have the courage to admit that.

    Honesty is always a Good Example to a dishonest human race.

    However, you and the masses must survive on made up stories that are obvious bullshit.

    You want to think like that. Then you can have it.

    And while you are busy talking to yourself and hearing all the answers you like, there might be an ounce of integrity telling you otherwise.

    You are welcome to tell me where I was dishonest.  I can not get offended.  Dad died for your sins and you have none.  It was in the first place not for you but for Him and Me.   To be able to always Forgive the humans in their foolishness and sinning lifestyles and attitudes.


    You quicky squash that thought because it’s scary.

    Seems you missed?

    Our ape brains spinning with a small planet, positioned in a galaxy, hurling through a space so vast that we cannot comprehend any of it. So, I better get myself adopted by a Canaanite storm god (as discussed on clay tablets) and play “make-believe”.

    Nope.  Don’t become dishonest.   God Loves Honesty.  Dishonesty have its bad consequences.


    Earlier you categorically stated: Point 9.  a single God existing as three identical entities….

    I then explained to you that: In the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, there are not three separate or identical parts, but rather three distinct persons—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—who are of the same essence (homoousios) and fully God.

    Today you seem to agree with me as you are now stating that that they are distinct rather than identical.

    The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist as distinct yet coequal hypostases within the divine essence, such that their individual distinctions neither augment nor diminish the totality of God’s being, but rather subsist harmoniously within the indivisible unity of the Godhead. – TRINITY

    You have voided you proof completely by changing its premise.


    So, Here is the challenge I put forward to all AZ family members:

    Through deductive, consistent and coherent reasoning, as demonstrated in this Proof, arrive at an equation like this (A + B + C + D = A) and you might begin to have a counter for this Proof and sway my beliefs.

    You seem to misunderstand some basic math. In fact, you reminded me of how I once helped a PhD student get an A for an exam. In my early 20’s I worked for an economic think tank in a London University. I was supervising end of year exams and a student handed in her paper almost an hour early. I noticed she had not filled her ID number on the cover sheet. When she was doing so, I noticed that she had made a serious omission on a question about Ricardian Equivalence where government spending does not equal increased private sector activity.

    The basic formula is G≠C

    She had left it as G=C.

    I tapped the answer with my pencil, and she quickly put a \ through the equal sign. I found out later that she got her A grade by 2% points.

    Could you answer the question I (Reg) asked previously:

    What is wrong with this equation:

    apple + orange + orange + orange = apple.

    We are not trying to ‘sway your beliefs’. We don’t hold logic or math as beliefs.


    King Iyk

    God + The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = God ​ The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist as distinct yet coequal hypostases within the divine essence, such that their individual distinctions neither augment nor diminish the totality of God’s being, but rather subsist harmoniously within the indivisible unity of the Godhead. – TRINITY

    You can’t just manipulate mental constructs that are not proven to exist to prove other mental constructs that are not proven to exist. In the process you violate basic math and logic by using magic. You delude yourself with blind faith and this is not worthy of further discussion.

    Unwittingly, you lend further credence to this proof. The concept of the Trinity has long confounded the minds of humanity, defying the bounds of conventional logic. Any equation that seeks to embody the essence of the Trinity must equally transcend the confines of rational constructs.


    The challenge still stands.



    Yes, we have the “One True Scotsman” here. As are all the others, LOL.

    Nope. I am “One True South African” here. As are all the others, LOL.

    Can you please take Elon Musk back then. The “True Scotsman is a logic fallacy common to theists. Somehow their claim or interpretation is the one truth. Even though all the many different claims or interpretations are equally unsupported.

    There is not one statement in this thread that Reg has said that I disagree with. We know that the best path to knowledge and truth is scientific methodology. It is all about trying to falsify itself, always testing and looking for better answers. In fact, making claims that are unfalsifiable is not part of our thought process. Making unfalsifiable claims is what faithful belief is all about.


    King Iyk

    So, Here is the challenge I put forward to all AZ family members: Through deductive, consistent and coherent reasoning, as demonstrated in this Proof, arrive at an equation like this (A + B + C + D = A) and you might begin to have a counter for this Proof and sway my beliefs. You seem to misunderstand some basic math. In fact, you reminded me of how I once help a PhD student get an A for an exam. In my early 20’s I worked for an economic think tank in a London University. I was supervising end of year exams and a student handed in her paper almost an hour early. I noticed she had not filled her ID number on the cover sheet. When she was doing so, I noticed that she had made a serious omission on a question about Ricardian Equivalence where government spending does not equal increased private sector activity. The basic formula is G≠C She had left it as G=C. I tapped the answer with my pencil, and she quickly put a \ through the equal sign. I found out later that she got her A grade by 2% points. Could you answer the question I (Reg) asked previously: What is wrong with this equation: apple + orange + orange + orange = apple. We are not trying to ‘sway your beliefs’. We don’t hold logic or math as beliefs.

    You may choose to dismiss the scriptural foundation of this proof, yet one fact remains indisputable: the equation was derived through a systematic and coherent progression of ideas. At every stage of its development, I stand accountable and ready to offer complete clarity where required. Like I said to Johan: The concept of the Trinity has long confounded the minds of humanity, defying the bounds of conventional logic. Any equation that seeks to embody the essence of the Trinity must equally transcend the confines of rational constructs.


    You may choose to dismiss the scriptural foundation of this proof, yet one fact remains indisputable: the equation was derived through a systematic and coherent progression of ideas.

    Please cite the relevant verse(s) to demonstrate the scriptural foundation of this proof. And which Bible they are taken from (I have 4 different ones). I have not dismissed anything. You are just refusing to answer any questions. Are you a Catholic and have you offered this poof to any Catholic hierarchy?

    Platonic and Stoic ideas about the nature of being and substance,  helped frame the doctrine in terms of “one essence, three persons.” Some scholars suggest that pre-Christian concepts, such as triadic deities found in Hinduism, Egyptian religion, and Greco-Roman traditions, may have influenced or paralleled the development of the Trinity concept in Christianity.

    Are these some of the ideas you considered when you say that you derived the equation through a systematic and coherent progression of ideas. Did you reference any ideas on the ‘Trinitas’ arguments of Tertullian or maybe even Athanasius?

    While Judaism emphasizes strict monotheism, some Christian theologians interpret certain Old Testament passages as foreshadowing the Trinity? Did you give this any consideration?


    If only someone had this proof back is 1054, then the Great Schism would never have happened. It might even have prevented the sacking of Constantinople in 1204. You must have considered that at some point on your journey? I think you should email it to the Vatican immediately. They might make you a Saint. Imaging not being just a regular immortal but an actual Saint!!


    Simon Paynton

    You may choose to dismiss the scriptural foundation of this proof, yet one fact remains indisputable: the equation was derived through a systematic and coherent progression of ideas.

    That still doesn’t make it true.  Also, a book can’t prove itself.  It may have some things in it that correspond with reality, but that doesn’t mean that everything in it is true.


    Simon Paynton

    The concept of the Trinity has long confounded the minds of humanity, defying the bounds of conventional logic. Any equation that seeks to embody the essence of the Trinity must equally transcend the confines of rational constructs.

    Are you saying that God can’t be expressed as an equation?  Whose side are you on?



    Can you please take Elon Musk back then.

    Sure.  In me Loving Him as a Family Member of God’s Family I would Love to do it.  But the problem is with him.  He enjoys his life in who he is too much to become a Child of God.   Where He is equal with all His other Brothers.


    The “True Scotsman is a logic fallacy common to theists. Somehow their claim or interpretation is the one truth. Even though all the many different claims or interpretations are equally unsupported.

    Sure.  In human logic you are right.  But God is not part of human logic but above it.

    There is not one statement in this thread that Reg has said that I disagree with.

    Sure.  Being in logic you will agree with good logic.

    We know that the best path to knowledge and truth is scientific methodology.

    Sure.  But obviously it is not a path that can give you knowledge about God.

    It is all about trying to falsify itself, always testing and looking for better answers.

    Sure.  But you will find no answers for God in it.

     Making unfalsifiable claims is what faithful belief is all about.

    Only in your logic.



    Like I said to Johan: The concept of the Trinity has long confounded the minds of humanity, defying the bounds of conventional logic. Any equation that seeks to embody the essence of the Trinity must equally transcend the confines of rational constructs.

    There is no such thing as 3 in 1 being 1 or whatever.  It is only seen in Revelation.  Where the Living God, YHWH, created for Himself a body in Mary and Lived The Word of the Son.  And the Word of the Son becomes His Word which creates the Real Son in all who who believes in the Word of God.  Where the Word of God is Jesus.   And thus you are the Person of Jesus the Word creates.   And in my hometown there are already many who are the Real Jesus Christ.  Whom I gave birth to as His Mother.  Because as Scripture said the Real Jesus can only exists in a Mother and a Father.


    While it’s certainly entertaining to align theology with digital roots, I can’t help but imagine your God nudging an angel and saying, “Look, someone has finally cracked my code with single-digit sums!” Even Nikola Tesla was fascinated by the numbers 3, 6, and 9, believing they held special significance in understanding the universe. Maybe Pythagoras is nodding approvingly and whispering, “Finally, someone gets it!” I suspect that if Christian salvation truly depended on your ability to add up digits correctly, heaven will be a very lonely place, especially as you are an immortal.


    King Iyk

    While it’s certainly entertaining to align theology with digital roots, I can’t help but imagine your God nudging an angel and saying, “Look, someone has finally cracked my code with single-digit sums!” Even Nikola Tesla was fascinated by the numbers 3, 6, and 9, believing they held special significance in understanding the universe. Maybe Pythagoras is nodding approvingly and whispering, “Finally, someone gets it!” I suspect that if Christian salvation truly depended on your ability to add up digits correctly, heaven will be a very lonely place, especially as you are an immortal.

    Here is a sequence of closed-ended questions, each designed to elicit a simple Yes or No response. Participants’ responses should then be cross-referenced with the Proof to ensure their alignment with truthfulness.

    ​Answers should be given like so:​1. Yes​2.No.​etc.​

    Ø Is the doctrine of the Trinity in Christian theology defined as the belief that God exists as one divine essence in three distinct persons: The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit?

    ​Ø Within the framework of the Trinity, The Father is acknowledged as the ultimate Source of all divinity(John 17:3), embodying the very essence and nature of God. In the context of the proof presented, is The Father symbolically represented by the number “3”? Is God also assigned the number “3”?

    ​Ø Hebrews 1:3 portrays the Son as the perfect and absolute replica of the Father, reflecting His essence in its entirety. If the Father is symbolically represented by the number “3,” a perfect replica would naturally result in a sum total of “6.” Within the framework of the Proof, is the Son symbolically assigned the number “6”?​

    Ø In the context of The Proof, the Holy Spirit is symbolically represented by the number “9,” while the Son is denoted by the number “6.” Scripture affirms that The Son is derived from the Holy Spirit, as stated in Luke 1:35. This raises a profound question: if the number “9” is inverted, does it yield “6”? Could this symbolic transformation reflect the spiritual truth that The Son is derived from The Holy Spirit?​

    Ø Does the proof suggest that aligning the crucifixion cross within the framework of a time clock serves as the key to unveiling the ultimate Truth which The Proof considers to be The Holy Trinity?

    ​Ø Did this alignment of The Cross into a Time Clock correspond with a previous demonstration of a Trinity of Numbers with a recurring sequence of 3, 6, 9?​

    Ø Upon fixing the cross into the time clock, did the coordinates reveal how the three members of The Trinity are united as a singular God?​

    Ø In Christian Theology, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit exist as distinct yet coequal hypostases within the divine essence, such that their individual distinctions neither augment nor diminish the totality of God’s being, but rather subsist harmoniously within the indivisible unity of the Godhead.​

    Ø Could the statement above be represented with the following equation:​God + The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = God?​

    Ø Was such an equation derived through a series of consistent and coherent ideas in The Proof?​

    Ø Does the equation transcend the established principles of mathematics?​

    Ø Just as The concept of The Trinity has confounded the minds of Men, does the stated equation share the same characteristics?

    ​This is The Book With The Seven Seals and The Lion of The Tribe of Judah has triumphed. He has opened The Book With The Seven Seals, and The Truth now stands revealed.​

    King Iyk. King of Kings, Lord of Lords.​​


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