The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

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This topic contains 149 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  King Iyk 2 weeks, 1 day ago.

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    Jesus had to get his Y chromosomes from somewhere. The Holy Spurt (as they say in Oklahoma) must have had only Y’s to donate or there would be a 50% chance Jeebus would be Jezebel. We really need to add a Y-term into Iyk’s incredible proof of nothing equation. I feel so spurtual today. If we do finally differentiate this high order calculus and find the least common denominator, you can bet the serpent has entered the math class.



    Johan and King Iyk – do you both believe in the same God? @king Iyk, are you also an immortal like Johan?

    Sure.  There is only One God.  We are just different Brothers in different Spiritual Age.  Some of us are Older and some are Younger.  And the Older assist the Younger to grow up to where they are.



    Love it. Reg has the senolytic emetic, emphatic about being socratic. Makes sense.

    Not much there for our topic.



    If you lived in India with your Hindu grandparents and parents maybe you would have met Hanuman, the monkey god instead.

    Sure.  But the Living God would still have saved me from that religion too.

    He embodies humility unlike your god who is a self-admitted jealous, murderous dictator.

    He does not mind your opinions on Him.

    Hanuman’s birthday is celebrated widely throughout India. It is known as Hanuman Jayanti. This festival falls on the full moon of the lunar month of Chaitra. This is typically in the month of April. It falls on the heels of Lord Rama’s birthday, or Ram Navami.

    Yep.  All just religion.

    Unfortunately, by default you are an atheist as far as Hanuman is concerned and he does have the power to destroy.

    Some more religion on him.

    Since you and Hanuman are immortal, maybe keep one eye open for him throughout the millennia, you know, just in case.

    A religious God does not have a case in the presence of a Real God.



    That is a great pic of the monkey god. I once met a Hindu guy at his new Indian restaurant. I had been friendly with his wife at one point. Say no more. Anyways he starts telling me about the monkey god. I had to bite my lip so freakin hard to keep from laughing. I caan hepit.

    So you were too scared to assist the poor guy?   As you are trying in here?



    If you lived in India with your Hindu grandparents and parents maybe you would have met Hanuman, the monkey god instead.

    Sure. But the Living God would still have saved me from that religion too.

    He embodies humility unlike your god who is a self-admitted jealous, murderous dictator.

    He does not mind your opinions on Him.

    Hanuman’s birthday is celebrated widely throughout India. It is known as Hanuman Jayanti. This festival falls on the full moon of the lunar month of Chaitra. This is typically in the month of April. It falls on the heels of Lord Rama’s birthday, or Ram Navami.

    Yep. All just religion.

    Unfortunately, by default you are an atheist as far as Hanuman is concerned and he does have the power to destroy.

    Some more religion on him.

    Since you and Hanuman are immortal, maybe keep one eye open for him throughout the millennia, you know, just in case.

    A religious God does not have a case in the presence of a Real God.

    Yes, we have the “One True Scotsman” here. As are all the others, LOL.


    Johan – How do you know there is only one god? Are 1.2 billion Hindus wrong? Their gods were around long before Jesus was mentioned. Are you sure King Iyk is an immortal too?



    King Iyk

    This conversation we are having has immortalized you as well.


    King Iyk

    The Objective of this Proof is to prove The One True God is The Triune God and it intends to do so by demonstrating how three members of The Trinity could be united as one God: The very nature of The Triune God by way of Mathematics and The Word of God.

    The proof begins by showing how the digital root of any trinity of numbers is 3,6, or 9 and this sequence is eternal.
    111 » 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
    222 » 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
    333 » 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

    444 » 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 » 1 + 2 = 3
    555 » 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 » 1 + 5 = 6
    666 » 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 » 1 + 8 = 9

    The recurring sequence 3 6 9 is magnificent for its representation of The Truth: THE HOLY TRINITY !!!

    By a careful examination of the scriptures, particularly Romans 5:6 which states

    “For when we were yet without strength, in due TIME Christ died for the ungodly”. The Cross was fixed into the time clock.

    Further validations of The Cross being fixed into the time clock are provided by 2 verses in the scriptures:

    1.) Romans 8:34; Which states; “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. CHRIST JESUS WHO DIED—more than that, who was raised to life—IS AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD and is also interceding for us.” On the cross, we see God, The Son positioned at the right hand of God The Father.

    2.) John 14:6: which states; “I am the way, The Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” On the cross, it is impossible to get to The Father without going through The Son. If you come through the vertical beam, you must go through the Son, likewise if you come through the horizontal beam. The Son is the One and Only mediator to The Father.

    (See proof for full illustration) >>

    When the Cross was fixed into the time clock, we see that it aligned with the trinity of numbers illustrated earlier: The coordinates were 3 6 9 and 12. This is in alignment with the trinity of numbers illustrated earlier.

    The Triune God is an Ultimate Unit existing in eternity as Three distinct Entities in The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

    When all three entities are united to become an ultimate unit by deriving the digital root of the sum and the digital root of the unifying Godhead\God is derived, the result is:

    The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = 3 + 6 + 9 = 18 » 1 + 8 = 9
    God = 12 » 1 + 2 = 3

    The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = 9
    God = 3

    The Resulting Numbers are 3 & 9

    9 is comprised of three 3s. 9 ≡ 3 3 3 i.e. a single God existing as three identical entities: God, The Father, God, The Son, God, The Holy Spirit.

    When all components of The Cross are united to become an ultimate unit by deriving the digital root of sum, the result is:

    God + The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit

    = 3 + 9 = 12 » 1 + 2 = 3[God]

    God + The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = God

    The Three members of The Trinity have been united as God.

    The Objective of This Proof, which was to demonstrate the unification of the Three Members of The Trinity as a single God has been achieved.



    God + The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = God

    Again, the (Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit) term must equal zero in your equation. This is 3rd grade math. We have already invalidated your proof of god premise as a ‘False Dilemma fallacy‘. This argument eliminates all possibilities except those specifically chosen by you. It is also a circular argument. You can’t use what you are validating to validate itself. The bible claims there is a god already. You need arguments from outside the bible to prove its claims.

    Anyone can insert numerical patterns in any story they make up. We can find numerical patterns anywhere. You seem incapable of comprehending this. You have me wondering why is that? Have you ever studied all the types of fallacies that science must avoid? Maybe start there.

    This is your last chance before it’s time for me to ignore you. Just tell me, in simple terms exactly why god is a requirement for someone to find patterns in any book? Do you know for a fact that fictional books can not contain numerical patterns that could be used to assert symbolic meanings?


    King Iyk – Do you agree with my Proof for Dracula here?


    Point 9.  a single God existing as three identical entities….

    This is a core part of your proof. It is wrong. It is wrong because there is no Christian theology that asserts this. This is your own exegesis.

    In the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, there are not three separate or identical parts, but rather three distinct persons—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—who are of the same essence (homoousios) and fully God.

    Christian theology, particularly as formalized in the Nicene Creed (AD 325, 381), asserts that:

    Three distinct persons – The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct from one another in their relational roles and personal attributes. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Spirit, and the Spirit is not the Father. Each person engages in unique roles within salvation and creation (e.g., the Father sends the Son, the Son redeems, the Spirit sanctifies).

    One divine essence – They share the same divine nature or essence (Godhead), meaning they are co-equal, co-eternal, and consubstantial (of the same substance). They are not separate entities or beings, but rather one God in three persons.

    Indivisibility of God – Christianity does not teach tritheism (belief in three separate gods), nor modalism (the belief that God is one person manifesting in three forms). Instead, the Trinity is considered a mystery where one God exists eternally in three distinct persons.

    The orthodox explanation often uses formulations like:

    “One God in three persons”
    “Distinction without division”
    “Unity in diversity”

    Analogies often used to explain the Trinity, though imperfect, include:

    The sun (source, light, and heat), illustrating different roles but one essence.
    Water (liquid, ice, and vapor), though this risks falling into modalism.
    A triangle (three distinct sides, one shape), reflecting unity in diversity.

    In conclusion, within orthodox Christian belief, the Trinity consists of three distinct persons, not separate or identical parts, yet they are united as one God in essence and being.

    Can you please state your source for the claim that they are 3 identical entities.  Your proof depends on this as it is the cornerstone of it.

    What is wrong with this equation:

    apple + orange+orange+orange = apple.




    This might help with your Bible studies.



    Yes, we have the “One True Scotsman” here. As are all the others, LOL.

    And who is he, LOL.



    Johan – How do you know there is only one god? Are 1.2 billion Hindus wrong? Their gods were around long before Jesus was mentioned. Are you sure King Iyk is an immortal too?

    The only way.  Asking Him personally.   What other way can there be?  He is a Father and any Father Loves the few Kids who actually desires Him as a real Dad to ask Him and listen to Him explaining it.   What else can God be?

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