The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity

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This topic contains 149 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  King Iyk 2 weeks, 1 day ago.

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    Yeah, it is amazing how the one true religion is by far the most likely the one you were indoctrinated into and depends on your regional culture. One would think this points to obvious validity problems with all religion, but no….mine is true and thus all others are lesser humans.

    It is beyond stupid and provides great utility great when so called leaders want to conduct conquest and war. And god is on our side, and we are doing god’s work by murdering _____ (insert biblical tribe or nation of your choice).  Religion pats itself on the back for what, free Thanksgiving day meals.




    Robert and Reg i am on board examining religion through prism of evolution and culture. Valid.

    But what interests me most is the biology of religious belief. Turns out and i was unaware there is a field known as neurotheology. I would love to see studies relating brain development of babies/kids who are unindoctrinated v indoctrinated. I am curious whether all ardently held beliefs activate or are caused by or result in the same brain chemistry and circuits. For instance i see so many unshakeable beliefs that seem similar to religious beliefs. The progressives have their’s. The trumpists have their own. Ever try reasoning with them. It is very similar to reasoning with a religious zealot. And how is it that there is literally such a wide gap between the believers cognitive capabilities in areas sans religion compared to religion?

    When you realize how decisive beliefs are in behavior, in being amenable, willing and able to carry out horrific acts that would not occur in terms of the persons natural sentiments then it is clear that understanding belief formation/retention is central to our survival and well being as a species.



    3.) The Word: Proves The Bible to be The Word of God….. such circular reasoning merits a zero, which happens to better represent god.

    When you don’t know what is being said then you will say this is “circular reasoning”.   The Word means to us the Word of God which creates Life.   And in the Bible the Life those Words creates in us proves the Bible to us to be the Word of God.   It is not reasoning but Spirit.


    Ever try reasoning with them?

    Yes. But it is always a futile task because no one has ever reasoned themselves into the beliefs they hold. No theist ever sat down and decided to look at all the world’s religions and chose the one with the best evidence for it. This is because there is no evidence for any of them. Only subjective arguments.  They hold faith to be the pathway to truth. I understand that humans are an evolved species thanks to verifiable knowledge. The theist contends that “god-did-it” in a few days and that is their Truth. It is in the Bible and the Bible is true because it is inspired by the God they believe in.

    When you ask a religious person to explain the Genesis story in a reasoned way you are challenging their worldview. They get defensive because they have too much to lose in admitting they could be wrong. If it turns out that the Big Bang is not correct, I have lost nothing. It is not a fixed ‘Truth’.  I will just amend my understanding of it and go about my day. But the theist must believe the genesis story. If not, could all the rest of the book be wrong?

    This is a scary position to be in. Even having a little doubt can be terrifying to them. When I debate with them, I no longer argue which of us has the correct belief. I ask them what they believe and why they believe it. Then I take a Socratic approach and maybe ask what level of certainty they hold each belief in. Do they consider faith to be the best pathway to truth? Why don’t they believe in other a different god, etc.

    Rather than try reasoning and arguing with them, I make them challenge their own beliefs. I just listen and then ask more questions. Sometimes we get to see the curtain fall 😊



    Like Reg says…it is the quest for immortality and fear of death that works behind the scenes. Wanting to reunite with loved ones in the clouds.

    And then you have the Truth.  It is about Relationship of Love with the Living God.  Of course He also settles our “fear of death” which now exists only in you.  And of course we have our “immortality” which you still wish you had.  And we have our meeting with Loved ones too.  Which you wished you also had.


    Yes, Johan, the Bible is true because it is the inspired word of god and god would not lie because he is god so the Bible is true.



    how do you get yourself to ardently wholeheartedly and without a shred of doubt to believe the most transparent crap?

    Only one way this can happen.  In meeting with the Living God Himself.  And enjoying this Great Person in a Love Relationship.


    Johan, do you really believe you will exist in 473,000,016 years time?



    accept the conclusion that “I have only one life and my death is the end of my existence”.

    Sad.  And of course creates fear of death.  While I look forward to a Greater Life after death in Joy and Excitement.  Which give my Life on earth so much more Purpose and Fulfillment.

    The theist still calls out for his\her Daddy and hopes for and expects an eternal reward for believing “My God is real”.

    The Kids of God are not “theists” but Kids enjoying their Dad in a Love Relationship.   The reward is already here in being raised by Dad in His Great Life already

    their demise will make them immortal

    We are already that.  But it is not just an everlasting Life going on after the death of our bodies but also experienced already now.  Where we have Everlasting Joy, Peace, Love, Excitement, Power etc.  And nothing of the “bad feelings” humans experience in worries, stress, anger, resentment, irritations, etc.

    But mostly I see these communities as insular and intolerant of the ‘other’, their moral guidance as rigid and the comfort given as false.

    Sure.  They are the religious and not the Real Kids of God.  Who still lives in display of evil humanity.


    Religious people think that they made a conscious decision to believe in their god(s). No, they just came to believe it over time, via cultural immersion or small group indoctrination.

    Yep.  True of the religious.  But the Kids of God have a Relationship of Love with their Dad.   And it started at the moment we actually met Him.

    I guess I could sound less harsh towards theists that might read this critique, but I would be dishonest to do so.

    Yep.  It is harsh to them.  But the Kids of God don’t find any “harshness” in them.   We see the humanity and its opinions for what it is.


    Do I really believe that I will become an immortal and be conscious of my own existence in 47 million years’ time” you might like to let us know why you think that is an intellectually mature position to hold.

    No need to try and convince you.   You are welcome to your opinions.




    Johan, do you really believe you will exist in 473,000,016 years time?

    Everlasting Life is not that short.  You missed it.

    Yes, Johan, the Bible is true because it is the inspired word of god and god would not lie because he is god so the Bible is true.

    Nope.  It is True because it created Me to be the Real Bible.



    Yeah, it is amazing how the one true religion is by far the most likely the one you were indoctrinated into and depends on your regional culture.

    I was indoctrinated with Calvinism.  And then I met the God of the Bible.   And gave up all religious thinking for Living With Him as My Dad in my Soul.   And manifesting His Life to all I meet.


    Johan and King Iyk – do you both believe in the same God? @king Iyk, are you also an immortal like Johan?



    Love it. Reg has the senolytic emetic, emphatic about being socratic. Makes sense.



    Yeah, it is amazing how the one true religion is by far the most likely the one you were indoctrinated into and depends on your regional culture.

    I was indoctrinated with Calvinism. And then I met the God of the Bible. And gave up all religious thinking for Living With Him as My Dad in my Soul. And manifesting His Life to all I meet.

    If you lived in India with your Hindu grandparents and parents maybe you would have met Hanuman, the monkey god instead. He embodies humility unlike your god who is a self-admitted jealous, murderous dictator. Hanuman’s birthday is celebrated widely throughout India. It is known as Hanuman Jayanti. This festival falls on the full moon of the lunar month of Chaitra. This is typically in the month of April. It falls on the heels of Lord Rama’s birthday, or Ram Navami.

    Unfortunately, by default you are an atheist as far as Hanuman is concerned and he does have the power to destroy. Since you and Hanuman are immortal, maybe keep one eye open for him throughout the millennia, you know, just in case.



    That is a great pic of the monkey god.

    I once met a Hindu guy at his new Indian restaurant. I had been friendly with his wife at one point. Say no more. Anyways he starts telling me about the monkey god. I had to bite my lip so freakin hard to keep from laughing. I caan hepit.

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