
Fighting Trumpism and Single Party Takeovers

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PopeBeanie 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    (This topic can be made broader than what the title indicates, with Populism, Nationalism, Authoritarianism, and Oligarchs on the rise around the world. E.g. Macron’s re-election is a pleasant exception. Even if you’ve already seen these news pieces, I consider some of these “iconic” to the Trump Era.)

    The following skips to almost six minutes in for timesavers, but I’d watch the whole video:



    Is there a question to talk about?



    Is there a question to talk about?

    I can’t think of a good one. Perhaps this topic is more of a commentary on the evolution or devolution of our democracy. I feel like I’m documenting significant changes, but maybe I’m overestimating their significance as standalone observations? I even think of Think Atheist as significant history that’s worth preserving.



    Florida Man Demands Ban on Bible in Schools Using DeSantis’s Own Law Against Him

    A political activist and atheist in Florida is using a contentious law that allows residents to object to teaching materials in public schools to request that the Bible be banned from classrooms and school libraries throughout the state.




    This is a great summary of old news, Jan 6, but current because Trumpism is still a serious threat. I like this particular presentation produced by Ravi Gupta, one of my favorite journalists  and commentators. It’s 10 minutes long.

    (I’m sure the youtube warning is about cursing. Just click on “watch”.)

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