Science — the kind that requires evidence and reason.

Working Sciences, Simple to Advanced

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PopeBeanie 2 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10593


    I plan for this thread provide illustrations of how science works. I ask that any additional posts to this thread be made brief; to the point wrt the process(es) of observation, discovery, hypotheses, formulation of theory, experimentation, publication, or your views on the process itself.

    The “simple to advanced” aspect to these posts gives us leeway in attempting to appeal to various levels of expertise in our audience. I.e., the primary motivation right now is to broaden the audience, perhaps to even outside of AZ.



    Flavivirus research (including Zika), from mid-2016.



    I simply adore this video and it really is all about how science works and would also inspire anyone who is not afraid to think.




    Nice video on Darwin’s work. Inspired me to look up “gemmule” (which is defined differently today), which in turn led me to the similar topic “endospore“… developmental biology concepts not known yet in Darwin’s times.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by  PopeBeanie. Reason: fixed gemmule link

    tom sarbeck

    Science requires both deduction and induction.

    One without the other — such as Albert Einstein’s thought experiments, or mathematics only, or theoretical physics — can and has resulted in flawed science and vast waste of taxpayers’ money.



    tom sarbeck

    Flavivirus implications are more “frightening” to theists than to atheists; we accept natural selection and its consequences.

    Think MMO, means, motives, opportunities. The current crop of theists in America’s government seem determined to reduce the means and opportunities to cope with the consequences.



    tom sarbeck

    Ah, the People of Science videos. Thanks, Robert. I have seen and enjoyed several of them.



    I love Universe Looking Glass presentations.  A few examples:

    Do we have to accept Quantum weirdness?

    De Broglie Bohm Pilot Wave Theory explained

    “Many Worlds” is a simplification of quantum mechanics

    This calculation tells you your chances of being sick

    [A case of Endometriosis]

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