Sunday School

Sunday School December 15th 2024

This topic contains 16 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #55553


    When i was a kid and the topic of original sin was in play i was just amazed anyone would buy into that nonsense. Even JP with his ridiculous casuistry would not stoop so low.

    But i wonder if an extension of that thinking is not in play in the Christian mantra, ‘Who Killed Christ? The Jews killed Christ!’ And today all of those putative sins of Israel are assigned to individual Jews by woke morons and islamists. And while that is slightly different in that it is the same villain it is not a past sin but current that balloons to the group whether they are involved or not.

    Certainly the idea of collective guilt for past sins is not popular in terms of slave reparations. Although maybe it is with woke? In any event it all comes out in the wash.


    After hearing Trump today on the spending deal, I have decided to stop listening to him and to Vance when he takes over. Who voted for Elon Musk, btw?

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