Sunday School

Sunday School July 28th 2024

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Simon Paynton 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #54367

    Donald Trump tells his beautiful Christian supporters they ‘won’t have to vote anymore’ if he wins election, giving them more hands-free orgasms in the aisles.

    Oklahoma superintendent vows to force schools to teach the Bible.

    Catholic Christian nationalism is having another moment.

    It takes religion for good children to do naughty things and how education can be an indicator of religious belief later in life.

    New Zealand report finds 200,000 abuse victims in care of state, faith-based groups.

    World of Woo: Meditation.

    Environment: Last Sunday was Earth’s hottest day in all recorded history, climate agency says.

    The “perfect map” paradox: Why scientific models can never be complete.

    The secret to a longer life may be in your head.

    Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods.

    Why did Homo sapiens outlast all other human species?

    How our genome is like a generative AI model and if we want to settle on other planets, we’ll have to use genome editing to alter human DNA when we get better at CRISPR-based engineering.

    Five ways Humans evolved to be athletes and will Olympic athletes ever stop breaking records?

    Long Reads:  Godwashing in Politics. Two thinkers who overcame the philosopher’s curse(s). The worst internet outage still hasn’t happened yet. Dinner with Daniel Kahneman. Trump and Vance are a weird threat to democracy.

    Sunday Book Club: Filterworld:  How Algorithms flattened Culture.

    Some photographs taken last week.  The Mangrove Action Project.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Videos:  The Christian Nationalist threat to American Democracy.  Atheist Debates – What’s wrong with Louisiana and Oklahoma? A Rational look at Irrationality: Steven Pinker. ‘Terrible policy and politics’: Rattner breaks down Project 2025



    Have a great week!



    Thanks, Reg!!!


    All in favor of Group Psychosis say “Aye”!


    Belle Rose

    Aye aye Captain;) we need more funny memes….keep em comin’ mate! 😂 😂


    Belle Rose

    We must figure out a way to laugh through this election otherwise we are all going to go crazy 😂 (is crazy and psycho the same?……) hmmmm





    Simon Paynton

    Two thinkers who overcame the philosopher’s curse(s).

    This article says that the philosopher’s curse is thinking that the world ought to match up with one’s intellectual creations.  That would include ideological thinking and group-think – forcing the mind to accept a certain view of the world, and ignoring facts that don’t fit.

    I think another philosopher’s curse is complacency, lack of curiosity, thinking one has it all figured out for good.  That’s pretty stupid and arrogant.

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