Sunday School

Sunday School December 29th 2024

This topic contains 23 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jakelafort 1 month ago.

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  • #55668


    I was contemplating how things in US might play out if a spate of Muslim terror attacks ensue.

    My thoughts meander. Coinciding as it would with a Trump administration that has already shamelessly endorsed nativism? Restrictions, restrictions. Very few Muslims would be permitted to immigrate, if any. Would Muslims who are already citizens be kicked out? Random beatings of innocent Muslims like Trump’s Kung Flu induced beat a “Chinaman” message.

    Universities that have had progressive/islamists infiltrate and kill free speech and expose students as morons would likely be replaced. Good on that. Absolute intolerance and attacks against socialist/progressive/muslim demonstrations with their jihad, intifada, evil Israel, evil USA etc. In fact fights would break out and ultimately there would be no protests from that side.

    Greater impetus to commence a joint US/Israeli attack on Iran. And a better cause one could scarcely imagine. Gotta get nucs away from Muslims bent on annihilating Israel. And a nation of Iran so ready for revolution jonesing to end their nightmare.

    Sad thing is Muslims would be viewed as the enemy instead of Islam. We posit free will in everything. How many will reflect?


    After the cowardly attack in New Orleans, Trump linked it to illegal immigration on an unsocial media post. He gave no evidence for this claim.

    When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in the country … it turned out to be true…

    He went on to claim that crime “is at a level that nobody has ever seen.”

    This is also a lie. Violent crime has fallen steadily for over 30 years.

    The political climate and the rhetoric politicians engage in has a bearing on how Muslims will be perceived. Hate crimes surged after Sept 11 and not just against Muslims but against those assumed to be Muslim, like some Asians (from India) told to go home to Iraq, even thought they were 3rd generation Americans.  Trump will continue with such rhetoric, and it will probably stoke a wider backlash.

    He could issue another post to admit that he was wrong since he now knows that the killer was born and raised in Texas. He could also correct his statement of the crime figures. Neither event is likely as he has no presidential traits or any diplomat skills. He will no doubt issue statements claiming no responsibility for any violent retaliation done by any MAGA supporters. No point asking them to stand down or even stand by when they are going to get pardoned by him anyway.



    I checked with an LLM whether migrants crossing TX border were committing crimes at a higher rate than rest of us. As expected the answer is no. And if i recall it is much lower in terms of violent crime. Sickening demagoguery from Trump. But it is useful to him and works on his useful idiots. And from the progressives we only hear about cops murdering Blacks. It is useful to advance their narratives. No national story if it is person lacking color. That reminds me cuz i saw a movie today in which Blacks are referred to as Coloreds. Today Blacks and a wider group are people of color. So i was thinking how about an evolution to people who happen to be of color. Next is People who happen to have been colored in.



    On a hunch Simon will regard this experiment as relevant to his ideas about morality as they relate to evolution. Either way it is interesting.


    Anthill and the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.



    Obviously, the ants are trying to be closer to god.


    Simon Paynton

    On a hunch Simon will regard this experiment as relevant to his ideas about morality as they relate to evolution. Either way it is interesting.

    That is interesting.  The little ants can solve a collective lifting/navigation problem better than humans.  They are also all sisters.  The implication is that highly related organisms cooperate better than non-related human beings.

    I had to go to another page that wasn’t AI-generated.



    Makes sense to me.

    It is hard to read the tea leaves and consequences unforseen and unintended may unfold. If USA deports nine gazillion or attacks Canada/Denmark/Panama or some combination the prospect of war might be untenable so economic war might ensue. Pay me today. You fellas sure owe me a lot of money for the beer you drank, goddammit.

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