Sunday School

Sunday School December 3rd 2017

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Simon Paynton 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6363

    Could it be that Roy Moore is still in the running because many male Christians view women from a biblical perspective? Can women look to President Trump for help? Becoming aware of stereotypes will improve the situation.

    Would you like to see Churches act like Super PAC’s? The good news is that most people don’t want to see the Johnson amendment overturned. However there are nationalists who aim to Christianize the entire government.

    The case of the gay wedding cake is not about freedom of speech.

    It is possible that the Tax Bill could end the right to abortion as it attempts to establish “personhood” from the moment of conception.

    The demise of the Church in Ireland.

    Does religion make people moral? Maybe we are just irrational when it comes to evaluating moral traits.

    International religious freedom and blasphemy laws. Would we be all better off without religion?

    Further to a discussion we had recently on Sufism. Five facts about the Muslim population in Europe.

    Here is a correct “fake news” report! Somersworth, NH, a small town with big ideas.

    This weeks’ Woo: The creep of quackery in modern medical care facilities.

    Climate Change: Déjà vu.

    The stubborn persistence of supernatural thinking. Why do beliefs cluster the way they do?

    Is there any evidence for a god to make any apologist seem rational?

    A look at the number of species in the oceans that are yet to be described including the aliens in our midst.

    What happens if China makes first contact with alien life?

    Could a few microns of graphene power a perpetual motion machine?

    I like to play tennis when I am not pondering the nature of reality.

    Progress in A.I. is not as impressive as you might think.

    Something is rotten in the state of higher education and a look at the politics of Science.

    What’s all this talk about the end of net neutrality?

    Some photographs taken last week and this years’ advent calendar.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil…..

    Coffee Break Video:  The science of cells that never grow old. Pat Condell has a new video. Sarah Silverman asks a profound theological question about God.


    Have a great week everyone!!

    Christians argue that we can’t see God because he is immaterial, invisible, and unknowable. Hey, that’s the same meaning as nonexistence!

    Ignots Pistachio.



    Thanks, Reg!


    The article on the persistence of supernatural thinking is worth checking out. I just realized that I have almost too many links this week but there should be “something for everyone”.


    Simon Paynton

    Something is rotten in the state of higher education

    – this video slays me.

    Modern Education this is scary

    I’ve been following Jordan B Peterson and the WLU Rainbow Centre at Laurier University for about the past week on Facebook, this was what I concluded in the end:  (I assume people can access Facebook, I can reproduce it here otherwise) – 30 minute discussion by relevant people, and my comments




    Simon Paynton

    My contention is that there are false people winding the situation up as hard as they can, just to cause trouble, and in the meantime, the “oppressed” groups are being thrown under the bus.



    This electrical engineer wasn’t onboard with all the immediate concern about AI. With N. Korea,  Orange Hitler, and a world full of religious zealots I still believe the changes in our atmosphere should concern us the most.

    Lots of great reading, thanks Reg.


    Simon Paynton

    This causes me to die into little pieces as well



    Thanks Reg!!!

    Speaking of stereotypes….I had to share this:

    Trust me…watch it til the end!!!


    Simon Paynton

    This is fabulous, a bit of honesty, we need to break eggs.  “I’ll be big spoon” lol

    Philosophy is always better with fat beats.


    Simon Paynton

    Preferably trance dancing as well, just full on rave, why not


    Simon Paynton

    Lights on, we’re all in the house, trance dancing


    Simon Paynton

    Could it be that Roy Moore is still in the running because many male Christians view women from a biblical perspective?

    these people are just awful, and shouldn’t be allowed:

    A Second Chance: This Amazing Organization Helps Disgraced Pedophiles Rebuild Their Lives By Getting Them Elected To Political Office


    Simon Paynton

    Does religion make people moral?

    – this article, about arrogantly boasting that being religious automatically equals righteousness, is one of the best I’ve ever read.

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