Sunday School

Sunday School September 30th 2018

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Meanwhile, Raif Badawi still awaits freedom…..and his sister as well.


    No flogging for blogging:



    Simon Paynton

    I really like the article about human dignity.  If it is “tenuous”, then this is because of more than its youth as a concept.

    If human dignity and human rights equates with the formula “the maximum benefit and minimum harm available” to someone, then what is “available” can vary a lot.

    The empathic response to pain – feeling pain because someone else is in pain – is easily disrupted.  We have to approve of somebody before we can feel pain in response to their pain, and therefore want to help them (empathic concern and helping are all of a piece).  We can disapprove of somebody for a number of reasons: because of their behaviour, or because they belong to a different group, especially a group that we feel threatens our own.

    So the history of human dignity has been the history of the widening of the “circle of concern”: whom to include within our moral circle of concern.


    Daniel W.

    Thanks Reg for a nice list of readings.

    With the RCC pretty much confirmed as a massive cult of power, hypocrisy, and sexualy depravity, ditto for conservative polititians, electorate who dont care, evangelicals and nonchristian Abrahamists just as bad…  Hindu awefulness and Buddhists proving they are no better… does humanity deserve its dominion over the planet?


    ….does humanity deserve its dominion over the planet?

    Let’s give ethical atheists and Humanists a chance at managing what we already care for. We don’t claim to have dominion over the Earth or the non-human species we share it with.

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