Winter Lily

  • @PopeBeanie – “It’s an artificial value that human beings assign to it.

    – are you saying that values are artificial? Values are human. We take value from physical flourishing, we value a healthy baby, for example. We don’t like to see our house go up in a fire.

    So there are such things in life as fact/value crossovers. Or s…[Read more]

  • @earthheart, I know what you mean about it not going anywhere. The plot is very meandering and somewhat random. I like it for that reason though. For me, that fits in with the personality of Holden’s character and what he is struggling with. It would not be considered a classic story-arc.

    However, you and I must have a different take on swearing…[Read more]

  • @earthheart, I think your definition fits well with what you wrote in your original post. Here is a definition of spiritual from good old Google that fits more with my understanding of it:

    Spiritual: relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

    The emphasis here is on things that are not material…[Read more]

  • @earthheart, “spiritual” is one of those terms that people use freely without defining what they mean by it. The two examples you have given seem like they are talking about experiences being emotional rather than spiritual. In which case the question would be “Can an atheist be emotional?”. To which the answer is obviously yes.

    Would you be able…[Read more]