This is war

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This topic contains 78 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Davis 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    I said it before on TA and everyone told me I was crazy…..we are headed for WW3. I said “It will happen in the next 6 months…

    Believe me now?




    Simon Paynton

    To be fair, I think this is squarely the fault of North Korea.



    I believe there will be war too, & I have NEVER said you were crazy, but you are sounding like a continual, endless broken record!

    What are we supposed to do about that here?????!!!!!



    What are we supposed to do about that here?????!!!!!

    There is a lot “WE” can do. We the people….

    But the first step towards solving any problem is to ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM! I would say that responsibility falls on all of “our” shoulders (As in US citizens) who elected this…..I don’t even have enough expletives to describe him accurately at this point.

    “We the people” need to WAKE UP. Get off our twitter addicted ASSES and do something. Trump is leading us straight into a war. And I sort of think he’s doing it on purpose. I think Trump is dying to play with his toys and hit that red button.




    The only military option is to take out all (estimated at between 10 to 30) of their warheads, missiles, production and leadership in a preemptive strike. I doubt we even know where they all are. If we didn’t hit them 5 years ago, why would we hit them now? Perhaps we have better intelligence? I doubt it.

    If we did attack them, we can expect at least a few of their 10-30 Kiloton bombs to hit cities. Thousands or millions would die. And a few minutes later North Korea will cease to exist.

    I imagine the international community will force Russia and China to pressure N. Korea big time now.



    But the first step towards solving any problem is to ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM! I would say that responsibility falls on all of “our” shoulders (As in US citizens) who elected this…..I don’t even have enough expletives to describe him accurately at this point.


    Now what?

    Now, maybe this isn’t acknowledging what you’re asking for, but I happen to feel that this is an exceptional case for Trump, in that he’s just as likely to help solve the NK problem as much as anyone. He’s unpredictable, and the rest of the world is likely more worried about NK than they would be with a stable president. IMO, it’s very likely that the best “solution” will be instability at the highest levels in NK… meaning regime change, which has to happen from within.

    In the destabilized NK scenario, China is the most likely country to take on the role of bringing NK back to some kind of sanity, even if it’s a modern iteration of communism. Just like the rest of the world, they don’t want nukes to be used unexpectedly, either. If/when we get to the point of regime change managed by China, that’s when I’ll worry more about Trump’s instability and ulterior motives.




    Now What?

    We need to impeach Trump.



    I don’t think there’s ever been an impeachment that resulted in the departure of a sitting President.  Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.

    To impeach, you need a significant majority of congress to unite.  This is practically impossible at present with the Republican majority.  If the democrats turn that around in 2018, then there is a small possibility impeachment might proceed.  Until then, and in the light of the above, calling for impeachment is as likely to be beneficial as calling to Zeus to strike Trump with a thunderbolt.

    Whats Plan B?



    Hopefully Mueller finds him and his entire family guilty of treason and they all get thrown in prison…..



    So Plan B is hope?



    I know there are other ways he can be impeached. I am just still amazed at how many people keep enabling him.



    If you are holding out for impeachment, perhaps you should scan over this easy-to-read snippet on the matter of presidential impeachment…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by  Strega.

    Let’s wait and see how Plan A works out first.



    This is Plan A?

    If the Trump administration sticks to power politics, the best of the bad options might be to attack at the earliest stage, before North Korea acquires a fully deliverable nuclear capacity.


    We might need plans C, D and E in a few hours’ time. NK are unlikely to do anything that will annoy China too much. Trump can rattle his sabres back at NK but China will step in and act “diplomatically” to show the world that they are the new superpower. NK have had the opportunity to attack up to 30k US soldiers on its southern border for years.  Any ICBM’s fired towards the USA will be shot down. NK will also not attack Seoul as thousands of Chinese live and work there. What’s the latest on Obamacare?

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