Sunday School

Sunday School August 25th 2024

This topic contains 48 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #54523


    Actually, even the logical construction of the premise is incorrect because of the use of ‘OR’. This implies that a migrant can’t be a mental patient AND a criminal AND a rapist. This first statement needs to be proven true before any rational inferences may be made about it.

    “Or” is the oddball logical operator because it comes in inclusive and exclusive forms. “If you are born in the U.S. or are a naturalized citizen, you can vote” (inclusive) “You’re with us or you’re against us.” (exclusive)

    You are either native born OR are naturalized (exclusive cases, THEN both groups can vote, that’s a third operator). You are not “native born” AND “naturalized” (inclusive and logically wrong).

    You are with us OR against us (exclusive, you can’t be both). You are not with us AND against us (inclusive and logically wrong). I could add a third operator “THEN you can vote” like you did with the other example, implying that if you are undecided or ambivalent, you can’t vote.

    Not much programming you can’t do using only AND, OR, NOT, IF (x) THEN (y) logical. statements


    Simon Paynton

    Actually, even the logical construction of the premise is incorrect

    You’re right.  If someone is a rapist then they are automatically a criminal.


    Reason is a BASIC requirement of logic.

    10 LET X = 1 ‘ Assume X is a logical value, where 1 represents TRUE and 0 represents FALSE
    20 IF X = 1 THEN GOTO 30
    25 GOTO 50
    30 PRINT “Continuing because X is logical (TRUE).”
    40 GOTO 60
    50 PRINT “X is not logical (FALSE), going to end.”
    60 END



    Yeah it is hard to avoid snickering at those morons. Jihadis? Sure if they were born into Muslim families in an Islamic nation. Are they essentially any different from the progressives?

    What strikes me over and over is how stupid it is to credit identity politics. The far left is despicable in its creation and perpetuation of antisemitism. Funny how that criticism of Israel plays out. It is about the government they say. Jews are attacked and the lefties everywhere in the world identify with Hamas and vilify Israeli captives. BLM. Wokeism. Garbage in. Garbage out. Brains go down drains when fervent beliefs are at the fore.

    Beliefs are so fervent and attached to identity that a threat to the belief is perceived as a threat to the individual. Humans are the ultimate in moldability. Pliable brains can be programmed to believe absolutely fucking anything. There is nobody home. Don’t go knocking if that brain is locking.

    So yeah the average Trump supporter v the average progressive? Better educated is the progressive i have to assume. Big fat hairy worthless deal. If you want to support humanist values then being a progressive is the absolute worst possible way to do so. Progressives have become what they despise. I am gonna not rant.

    No need to criticise Trump supporters. It is just so painfully obvious how deranged they are. I would love to see mandatory critical thinking classes K through 12. (good luck getting teachers who are up to the task) Can’t imagine anything is more important. Not sure it would do much good but we gotta stop producing ideologues. Somehow…hello AI will you be so kind…


    Simon Paynton

    So yeah the average Trump supporter v the average progressive? Better educated is the progressive i have to assume. Big fat hairy worthless deal. If you want to support humanist values then being a progressive is the absolute worst possible way to do so. Progressives have become what they despise. I am gonna not rant.

    It’s a mistake for Progressives to assume that Conservatives don’t have normal human feelings of compassion and respect for human life, etc.  I think a fundamental difference between the two is that Progressives focus on charity, while Conservatives focus on deservingness.  They’re two valid ways of seeing the world which need to be combined and balanced.  Another difference is that Conservatives want to “look after their own” while Progressives are more universalist in outlook.  But we need to do both, while they belong to different periods in history (small groups vs. large groups).

    From this article: the relative in-group / out-group concerns of conservatives and liberals.



    Simon, outwardly and perhaps superficially it makes sense the distinction between universalism and parochialism. What is it that drives an individual to be more associated with the right or left?

    What strikes me is the implicit assumption of free will. I am sure economics is a driver of one’s views. Twain said show me where a man gets his corn pone and i’ll show you where he gets his pinions. Not a matter of choice though is it?

    I’d be interested to see a study or studies on political leanings of parents and adult children. How much do they diverge and what conditions cause or are associated with adult children who lean in opposite direction. I have a feeling it is a lot like religion. Grow up in a moronic god fearing Trump household with the guns and apple pie mythical America greatness where they hate faggots and women gotta know their place…kids are going to be same way unless they change something fundamental in their lives. And i would expect same for liberals and progressives.

    And yet there are events that can turn hard core ideologues. Jews are historically democratic and have been at forefront of liberal causes like Black rights. And in spite of the overt antisemitism of the hyperfocus on Israel/blind eye to rest of middle east and the projection of western sins on Israel and by extension all Jews including obvious lies to calumniate the former…Jews remained progressive. Now that changed after Oct. 7. It is hard to stay invested in a tribe that is responsible for rekindling and rehashing a lot of the hatred against your tribe and has made Jew hatred mainstream and open.

    Point is all of the antecedents have to be examined to have a clear indication of why an individual is a lefty or righty. Pointing to some innate or chosen personality trait or empathy etc is misleading.



    Not sure whether a fervent progressive or Trumpist is more ardent. Man oh man they despise and dehumanize the other side. Both certain of their moral high ground and how intractably stupid the other side…



    Not sure whether a fervent progressive or Trumpist is more ardent. Man oh man they despise and dehumanize the other side. Both certain of their moral high ground and how intractably stupid the other side…

    The love for Hamas in American Universities is not an accident. Look at Qatar alone….

    In 2022, a report by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) identified Qatar as the most significant foreign donor to American universities. The research revealed that from 2001 to 2021, US higher education institutions received US$13 billion in funding from foreign sources, with Qatar contributing donations totaling $4.7 billion to universities in the United States.[1][4][5] According to the report, the institutions did not disclose these donations as required by law.[1][4][5]

    Oh, the irony of the “Islamophobia campaign” across the schools that has LGBTQ people out in the streets protesting in favor of their own mortal ideological enemies and against a tolerant democratic society. It is mind-numbing. Palestinian/Iranian monsters have proudly weaponized their own children and babies. It is the same old disgusting iron-age, pleasing the gods bullshit. Their stupidity has no bounds.



    The pervasiveness of the Islamic agenda in our institutions of higher learning…cough, cough…is shocking even to a cynic. At least this one…

    And even as i have for a long time thought people can be programmed with any beliefs i used to think it required early indoctrination. Nope..


    @jakelafort I have for a long time thought people can be programmed with any beliefs I used to think it required early indoctrination…

    It reminds me of a recent conversation I had with an Evangelical of some type. He was trying to tell me that he did not believe in Evolution. I told him I agreed with him. He looked puzzled and asked me to explain further.

    I told him that I accept the Theory of Evolution as an interpretation of the available evidence to indicate that the Theory is factually correct. I understand that we are evolved from a common ancestor and that genetically, we share a great deal in common with all other species. But I do not hold it as a belief. When you tell me that you don’t believe in Evolution all I hear is someone telling me that they have no proper understanding of how Science works. It is not that you don’t believe it, it is that you do not understand it, and that is obvious to me from the long-debunked arguments you are making against it.

    You accept what you are told on faith and these become your beliefs. Then you actively attack atheists with arguments, not to convert us to your way of faith but only to  reinforce your own beliefs. Scientists pursue the truth by looking for a theory that best explains the observable facts. When they find it, other scientists attempt to demolish it. If they cannot, then it can be accepted and it becomes part of our understanding of one aspect of nature. When other information is discovered that leads to it being changed, we then adapt the new knowledge into our understanding. Our “beliefs” have not been shattered as theists often claim. All that has happened is that we have improved our theory.

    We do not believe in the Big Bang. We hold it to be a credible theory, again based upon observable evidence. If a new space telescope gives us new evidence that alters the theory we don’t fret about it. We evaluate the new evidence and its implications and then we adapt our views. No sleep is lost over it. So, you cling to faith-based beliefs to form your reality and I build mine upon strongly supported evidence-based theories. Your beliefs are static, my understandings are always being further enhanced.

    If Darwin went into a medical university today to take a degree course in Modern Evolutionary Science, he would understand very little of it because his theory has evolved so much in the last 150 years. But it still demonstrates that we are an evolved species. Don’t take my word for it because there is plenty of information about it in other books.

    He still disagreed and refusing to argue any further while insisting that I made a deliberate effort to not see any value in the beliefs held by Christians, that I was just being closed-minded.

    Feigning my shock and surprise at such a statement I replied –

    In seeking to hear the reasons for believing in the Christian God, I might be compelled by an intellectual curiosity that transcends the mere pursuit of knowledge, venturing instead into the realm of existential inquiry and metaphysical contemplation. The desire to engage with your theistic arguments is not simply an exercise in academic rigor but an acknowledgment of the profundity with which such beliefs have shaped the moral, philosophical, and cultural landscapes throughout history. To disregard these perspectives would be to eschew the rich tapestry of human thought, wherein theology intersects with ontology, epistemology, and ethics, don’t you agree? By embracing this discourse, I open myself to the possibility of encountering a paradigm that offers coherence, transcendence, and a narrative that speaks to the deepest yearnings of the human spirit. Thus, my inquiry into the reasons for belief in the Christian God is not merely a superficial dalliance with dogma but a serious, thoughtful exploration of ideas that have profoundly influenced civilizations and continue to offer a framework for understanding existence, purpose, and the ultimate reality. But I am not sure if asking Christians is the correct approach if you assume from the start that I am being close-minded.



    I have a good friend who actually believes humans were created by god via a golem spell. His big argument is ‘something’ had to create all this. This is very common.

    Religion gives life a purpose, explains its origins, promises eternal justice and escape from death. Plus there’s music and cupcakes and feelin good about yourself because you chipped in a fiver.

    Darwin has nothing compared to all that.



    Not much programming you can’t do using only AND, OR, NOT, IF (x) THEN (y) logical. statements

    Yeah, there are many ways of writing functionally identical logical forms.

    BTW, you might be interested in G. Spencer Brown’s logical calculus as presented in his classic book, Laws of Form. His logic is notable for not having four basic operators, not three, not two, but only ONE.

    The book is, I think, out of print. In any case, you can download it in PDF format by googling on g spencer brown laws of form pdf


    Simon Paynton

    Point is all of the antecedents have to be examined to have a clear indication of why an individual is a lefty or righty. Pointing to some innate or chosen personality trait or empathy etc is misleading.

    There are some personality traits that broadly correlate with left and right, but that doesn’t mean they cause them.  Left wing people are more open to experience; conservatives don’t like loud noises.  Conservatives have a pessimistic view of human nature and think people need to be controlled to get the best out of society.  Liberals are optimistic about human nature and think people need to be set free.

    Beyond that, it’s two complementary ways of looking at the world, and we need both influences.


    @unseen – The Law of Forms is a very interesting idea. I had never heard of it before. It is like applying an “Occam’s Razor” to algebra.



    @unseen – The Law of Forms is a very interesting idea. I had never heard of it before. It is like applying an “Occam’s Razor” to algebra.

    Many years ago, when I was in college, I was obsessed with logic, so I studied Russel, Carnap, the early Wittgenstein, and others. However, when I stumbled onto Laws of Form, it blew my mind.

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