Sunday School

Sunday School April 9th 2023

This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TheEncogitationer 1 year, 5 months ago.

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  • #47729

    Happy Easter everyone!

    Religion in Public: Gen Z and Religion in 2022.

    The beginning of the end for religious discrimination in education?

    The Cuddly One may no longer be a Catholic as he thinks sex is a beautiful thing. Strange then that he said nothing about the latest report on the 150 Catholic priests accused of the sexual abuse of hundreds of children in Maryland.

    American Atheists sues West Virginia for forcing religion on incarcerated people while an Atheist sues Wyoming city for $24 million over its religious invocations.

    How teachers and librarians are subverting book bans in the US.

    Humanists call for an end to oaths in court as study finds jurors biased against the non-religious.

    Life gets tougher for atheists in Egypt.

    This video will cure you of your atheism!

    World of Woo: What has Deepak Chopra been up to, quantumly speaking?

    Environment:  Strategic EV charging could eliminate the need for costly new infrastructure.

    The latest AI wave will disrupt the workplace but it could end up creating more jobs. To dig deeper on the topic please see the first long read below.

    Artificial wombs will change abortion rights forever.

    The JWT confirms we’re looking at some of the Universe’s earliest galaxies.

    Long Reads:  ChatGPT is about to revolutionize the economy.  Just how Christian is Christian Nationalism?  Climate Change is transforming Greenland’s landscapes—and its language. The trouble with saying ‘They’re In A Better Place’ and the Christian White-Washing of grief. Standard Model of Cosmology survives a telescope’s surprising finds. In the architecture of the mind, where lies human imagination?

    Sunday Book Club: Bottoms Up and the Devil Laughs.

    Some photographs taken last week.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Video:  The cost of being an atheist in Africa. Interview between Richard Dawkins and Piers Morgan on Religion and Gender. Tracing Goya’s ‘dark’ journey from Spanish court painter to macabre visionary (I like all his work and have some of it tattooed on myself).


    Have a great week everyone!



    Thanks Reg!



    Reg and Fellow Unbelievers,

    Keep the “Ease” in Easter by shirking Original Sin, Expiation by Blood Sacrifice, Collective Guilt, and other Supernatural Nonsense!

    And keep fighting the good fight for Reason and Science! With the help of AI, Cybernetics, and Genetic Engineering, maybe all species will have a chance to be The Cadbury Bunny!🐇😁



    Good old humble Deepak Chopra better hurry up to spend away his $60 million net worth. So should the Dalai Lama whose net worth is more than double Chopra’s at $150 million.


    Patriarch Kirill, the Pope of the Russian Orthodox church is a billionaire who enjoys his luxury lifestyle, just as Jesus intended. Does he still think the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is justified by his puny little god? I wonder if he calls it a “holy special military operation” as he cannot call it a war or he might fall out of a hotel window.



    Patriarch Kirill, the Pope of the Russian Orthodox church is a billionaire who enjoys his luxury lifestyle, just as Jesus intended. Does he still think the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is justified by his puny little god? I wonder if he calls it a “holy special military operation” as he cannot call it a war or he might fall out of a hotel window.

    The Cosmic Conjurer works in mysterious ways wonders like the War in Ukraine to perform.




    The alleged flying evangelist would have to have grabbed the stair rail to the right of him, braced himself against the wall to the left of him with the other hand or grabbed a handle–all unseen by the camera, of course–balanced himself, then dangled his feet above the last step. He could conceivably have a lot of right arm strength and balanced himself single handedly.

    Moreover, if he really could levitate, why couldn’t he do it all the way down the staircase?

    I’m still the hardened Atheist I was before, and a little pissed that I wasted a moment on it.



    I’m still the hardened Atheist I was before, and a little pissed that I wasted a moment on it. 😁

    I am too. In my youth I was actually worried about not saying prayers correctly or about not being on god’s “A” team or even about burning in hell. Non-belief wasn’t even a consideration. Wasted thoughts, wasted emotions, wasted time and energy that I can never get back.



    If he could levitate in my living room I’d be flustered and amazed. However, it’s on film/tape and we only see his feet, so there are several obvious ways to fake levitation that way. How would doing the same trick David Blaine can do prove anything theologically anyway? BTW, at about 30 seconds in watch the floor for a shadow showing something quickly moving aside.


    The cost of bitcoin mining.



    There’s always another side to the story.

    Bitcoin wasteful of energy? What about the envirinmental footprint of the banking industry, which cryptos are designed to obviate?

    I don’t mean just the banks’ energy use, but also in terms of their investments, the businesses they finance, for example.

    Also, it’s easy for people who aren’t into crypto to forget that Bitcoin isn’t the only coin out there. Ethereum performs quite a bit like Bitcoin and recently switched from “proof of work” to “proof of stake.” What does that mean? It means Ethereum has reduced its energy consumption by 99.95%.

    Could Bitcoin make the same switch? I don’t know.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by  Unseen.


    Bitcoin or not, you still need someone to loan you money to buy a house or a car and do credit checks, etc. Also known as a bank.

    I am trying to figure out what problem Bitcoin solves (besides money laundering (now risky) and Ponzi plays) since it is too slow to actually use for commerce. It certainly doesn’t solve inflation or deflation, it’s all over the place. Doesn’t replace gold because you can’t shave off a piece on some dusty, barren road to buy food at a stand.

    I know there are plenty of bag holders and crypto-bros talking it up with a bunch of gibberish. Geez, they must be really smart, LOL. So far, it is just gambling that someone else will pay more than I did.




    What’s Ethereum. A distributed ledger with “contracts”, LOL. You never saw a face. Big fucking deal. Napster distributed music the same way decades ago and the business and the art has never recovered.

    If you are a douchbag that can’t trust anyone or any institutions, what’s the point? A world of individuals is the end of it. The answer is people have to stop being such cheating, immoral assholes.



    When a cyber attack occurs, the attacker could be an individual or a state. In the case of individuals, a ransom is demanded. Most of the time the ransom is paid. The payment is almost always in Bitcoin. It’s probably what keeps cryptocurrency alive 😂

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