erock68la replied to the topic
A philosophical question about men in the forum Men of Atheist Zone 9 years, 6 months ago
“Can you be wrong by yourself? Or is veracity rooted in community consensus?”
True is true even if no one believes it. False is false even if everyone believes it. Yes, you can be wrong all by yourself.
erock68la joined the group
Men of Atheist Zone 9 years, 6 months ago
erock68la replied to the topic Are we Islamaphobic? in the forum Theism 9 years, 6 months ago
Should none of the scripture be taken just as it is written? Or just the “good” parts? Or just the “good” parts that don’t specifically call for action?
I understand not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but in this case the bathwater is a toxic, festering, bubbling, green sludge pool of a bath and the baby is drowning and poisoned…[Read more]
erock68la replied to the topic Are we Islamaphobic? in the forum Theism 9 years, 6 months ago
Nerdy Keith said:
It doesn’t, it only proves that some people had extreme views and took an ideology too far.
By “too far” do you mean they follow the scripture literally, as it is written? What’s too far? To actually kill the people it says to kill? Is it too far to just hate and threaten the people it says to kill? Is it too far to try a…[Read more]
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 6 months ago
I have witnessed on occasion southerners become a little extra-southern in the presence of non-southerners. The accent becomes a little thicker and the language and expressions a little more colorful. I wonder if you experienced some of that.It sounds like you were in mah neck o’ the woods. I live about 30-45 minute drive east of Baton Rouge.
erock68la replied to the topic
The big red atheist button in the forum To Do or not To Do 9 years, 6 months ago
So all it removes is the belief in god? What about the memory of belief in god? For many that belief is the glue that holds their fragile psyche together.
It would be very tempting to rid the world of it and let the chips fall where they may. But I agree with Strega, “madness and mayhem”, so no. -
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 6 months ago
I was born and raised in Louisiana and I never once heard a real person say “War of Northern Aggression”. I’ve only ever heard it said in movies by actors doing a bad imitation of a southern accent. I don’t know who “the people down there” are who say that but I never met them.
That being said, there are plenty of toothless morons who fly…[Read more] -
erock68la replied to the topic
The outing game in the forum To Do or not To Do 9 years, 7 months ago
Apples and oranges, Bob.
If a candidate touts himself as a champion for “family values” people should know if he is frequenting hookers or banging pages.
If a candidate preaches fiscal responsibility then his own financial records should be made available.And besides, not many successful national politicians ever ran against predatory banking…[Read more]
erock68la joined the group
To Do or not To Do 9 years, 7 months ago
erock68la replied to the topic So, I am atheist. in the forum Introductions 9 years, 7 months ago
Pleased to meet you.
erock68la replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 7 months ago
I think the purpose of these arguments is not to definitively disprove god, but rather to attempt to meet theists where they are in their thinking and to get them to recognize just one inconsistency in what they think. Many theists wear their delusional belief systems like a suit of armor, and arguments like the problem of evil or…[Read more]
erock68la replied to the topic Nothing much to say in the forum Introductions 9 years, 7 months ago
To be honest, your smiting of late has been lackluster. Kind of ho-hum. I almost can’t tell your powers apart from natural occurrences. I can tell your heart’s not in it. And Hollywood shows more imagination.
erock68la replied to the topic Reeling from Christian friend's bigotry in the forum Advice 9 years, 7 months ago
Yes, god is exactly like climate change, except for all the evidence for climate change.
“Mocking and belittling others not like us”? Got yourself a little pot and kettle thing going there, don’t ya? -
erock68la replied to the topic Nothing much to say in the forum Introductions 9 years, 7 months ago
Ya know what could help when they slack off in their constant adoration of you? Smite ’em. Send ’em a hurricane or a tsunami or something. That’ll whip ’em into shape and make you feel better at the same time.
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 7 months ago
So are you suggesting, as the eugenics movement did, that humans should select breeding partners based on social desirability of offspring, rather than on love and commitment to each other?
Uh, no. I’m suggesting that people are capable of making considered and deliberate choices about who they will and won’t breed with, based on whatever the…[Read more]
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 7 months ago
Do you have a source to back up your claim that “early Darwinist eugenicists” wrote sterilization laws and not good ole god-fearin’ white guys? -
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 7 months ago
Humans (for the most part) are certainly capable of selecting for themselves with whom they breed, as opposed to the mindless breeding by animals based on instinct and availability. Somehow I doubt Robert was advocating for selective breeding of some humans by other humans. Usually it takes religion to elevate one group of chosen people over others.
erock68la replied to the topic Fly the flag of the Confederate States of America? in the forum Politics 9 years, 7 months ago
Yes, I can think of a situation where it would be appropriate to fly the CSA flag. Louisiana has a long and unique history of flags. Louisiana was a territory controlled by Spain, France, and England, and it changed hands back and forth several times. It was part of the West Florida Republic. It was a Confederate State and a United State…[Read more]
erock68la became a registered member 9 years, 7 months ago