Atheist Zone

We are a community, social networking, & news site focused on bringing free thinkers together, & Breaking the misconceptions about atheism.

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  • All religions are like chocolate bars. They all contain the same basic ingredients in varying amounts. Dark chocolate (the OG) is just cocao beans and cocoa butter while milk chocolate, a modern interpretation of the original, is sweetened with sugar to keep the dopamine flowing. Some chocolate can be beneficial to the immune system but it may…[Read more]

  • Reg,

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali takes on Richard Dawkins over New Atheism.

    What no one is asking is: If Theism and the tenets of Christianity are without basis in evidence, then just how exactly are they “useful” in defending the ideals of Western Civilization, or for that matter, for anything else? Why does this remind of wor…

    [Read more]

  • Enco, it would be interesting to get to the bottom of Ayan’s adoption of Christianity.

    Such a trippy life and so much overcome and now a world view that makes no sense against her background and intelligence.

  • Reg,

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali takes on Richard Dawkins over New Atheism.

    What no one is asking is: If Theism and the tenets of Christianity are without basis in evidence, then just how exactly are they “useful” in defending the ideals of Western Civilization, or for that matter, for anything else?

    Why does this remind of workplace prankery, where…[Read more]

  • jakelafort posted an update 1 day, 18 hours ago

    2nd time linking the following. For anyone who wants to know an expert’s analysis of the Israeli war against Hamas. John Spencer is guest on Harris’ podcast. He has 20 plus years as army combat vet. An expert in urban warfare and teacher at West Point. Quite naturally the Jew haters have condemned Israel with misused labels like genocide and they…[Read more]

  • Someone didn’t give these punks the memo that the criticism is not meant against (((the Jews))):

    I’m not claiming there’s no antisemitism in the world. Duh!

    Criticizing the Israeli government’s genocidal tendencies in Gaza is humanism, not antisemitism.

  • Reg,

    Water is fortunately not a zero-G compound and as Amateur Hydrologist David Byrne observed: “There is water at the bottom of the ocean.”

    The trick for the Saudis is to either transport water from the ocean or get it from the clouds by seeding them with dry ice and then make the attained water both sterile and potable. Oh, and there is…[Read more]

  • Strange how leftists can get so far off track with the Gaza terrorists. And what are we to make of an old dude who throws on a cheap wig and stuffs a bra with some rubber strap-on tits and claims to be a lesbian….

    It never occurred to me that so many guys would exploit the good will for trans people or purposefully cheat female athletes, but…[Read more]

  • Murray captures reality here. Such a rare occurrence.


  • Unapologetic, Murray is giving a panegyric to Israel and to its brave citizens who exhibit an esprit de corps and selflessness in defending their own and their country. He heralds their bravery and as a war correspondent/journalist whose seen real shit all over the world: wars, atrocities, insurgencies and the like juxtaposes the failure to…[Read more]

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