Why Atheists Need Guns

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This topic contains 109 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Belle Rose 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #43222


    They were helpless because they were compelled by law to attend a school that was a “Gun-Free Zone,” where there was not even an armed security guard present

    This can only be written by a person so immersed in the world of gun illogic, that they cannot take a step back and see the multiple layers of absurdity in it. Just come down to Earth for a little while. Being way up there most of the time must be exhausting.

    I went to gun free zones in multiple schools in three countries and I seemed to have gotten by. If only the proliferation of deadly weapons could have made my life even safer!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  Davis.



    The right to bear arms wouldn’t be relevant to most of the cases you cited. Unless you are trying to establish your own bias, it’s not clear why a number of them are there.

    You weren’t there, so you wouldn’t know.

    An armed security guard in schools would give would-be bullies pause for thought. And me packing heat and displaying it would have given my workplace assailants and roadway stalkers pause for thought as well.

    And armed security would keep gang-bangers and assailants from my store. (A co-worker of mine was stalked just today by a man who keep asking for her phone number without taking “no” for an answer and screaming for her number at other workers when she was taking her lunch break. She bought two sprayers of pepper spray and I sure hope she can use it without the problem of all chemical weapons i.e. the wind blowing the chemical against the user. A pistol wouldn’t have the problem of pepper spray.)

    Anyway, it’s true of anyone facing threat to their Life, Liberty, and Property. Criminal attackers operate on incentives and impediments and the prospect of getting shot and killed is the ultimate incentive and impediment for them to to cease their crimes and back up!

    State level gun control laws aren’t going to be all that effective when straw purchases are still relatively easy in many cases, when loopholes exist, firearms can be stolen from lawful owners, and firearms can be acquired across state lines. Y’all fucked up long ago on this, and there isn’t going to be a simple piece of legislation that walks you back from the edge.

    Yet the gun restriction of these big cities are precisely what the gun control freaks rhapsodize and want to be policy for the whole nation.

    And the overwhelming bulk of guns used in the commission crimes (over 80 percent) are stolen, so no gun control law would stop such crimes. Only peaceful, law-abiding people are constrianed from owning the means of self-defense by these gun control laws. You’re making my argument for me. Criminals don’t obey laws. Wow! Jinx!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling and addendum of "her."



    The gun buy-back program in Australia and subsequent gun controls in Australia may have slowed down gun violence to a degree, but did not stop riots in the 2000s, nor did these programs stop increase in assaults, acts intended to cause harm, and rapes and sexual assault in most States in Australia. Nor did gun control stop abuse by officers of civilans not did it stop the disproportionate number of arrestees being Aboriginal.

    Crime in Australia–Wikipedia

    Crime & Justice–Australian Bureau of Statistics

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: More spelling. A new pad is oming



    The right to bear arms wouldn’t be relevant to most of the cases you cited. Unless you are trying to establish your own bias, it’s not clear why a number of them are there.

    You weren’t there, so you wouldn’t know.

    I don’t need to have been there. In a number of the cases cited, use of a firearm would be excessive force. You can’t pull a gun on kids knocking books out of your hand.

    State level gun control laws aren’t going to be all that effective when straw purchases are still relatively easy in many cases, when loopholes exist, firearms can be stolen from lawful owners, and firearms can be acquired across state lines. Y’all fucked up long ago on this, and there isn’t going to be a simple piece of legislation that walks you back from the edge.

    Yet the gun restriction of these big cities are precisely what the gun control freaks rhapsodize and want to be policy for the whole nation. And the overwhelming bulk of guns used in the commission crimes (over 80 percent) are stolen, so no gun control law would stop such crimes.

    The firearms used are typically legally manufactured, so reducing legal channels in the long run is likely necessary for reducing illegal access. I will concede it’s been fucked up for long enough that it would take some time to make a worthwhile reduction even if greater restrictions were put in place and America reduced its output of firearms as a result.




    You have a very limited perspective on home invasion, don’t you?

    I know enough to know I don’t want one and I know enough to put barriers and weapons between myself and home invaders.

    She has zero jurisdiction in Canada, but hey, why not just let her words compete on the free marketplace of ideas you tyrant?

    You don’t understand. She is not just some bitch with an exagerated view of herself expressing crazy opinions. She has communicated threats and “cease-and-desist” orders to international businesses and organizations that don’t toe her QAnon line on COVID-19 policy.

    And she’s lied to thousands of feeble-minded old people on fixed-income retirements and told them to not pay their utility bills, saying the bills were illegal and that utilities are free; (Not even Bernie Sanders promises as much “free shit” as this “Queen” does!)

    Followers of QAnon ‘Queen of Canada’ face mounting problems after being convinced utilities are free

    This, of course, means other utility users will have to make up for this.

    No, she is the wanna-be tyrant and all of you in The Great White North are getting screwed…unless people with guns, whether police or citizens, depose her.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling


    She has zero jurisdiction in Canada, but hey, why not just let her words compete on the free marketplace of ideas you tyrant?

    You don’t understand. She is not just some bitch with an exagerated view of herself expressing crazy opinions.

    I was being sarcastic.

    She has communicated threats and “cease-and-desist” orders to international businesses and organizations that don’t toe her QAnon line on COVID-19 policy.

    She doesn’t have the authority to issue “cease-and-desist” orders, neither does she have the means to enforce them.

    And she’s lied to thousands of feeble-minded old people on fixed-income retirements and told them to not pay their utility bills, saying the bills were illegal and that utilities are free; (Not even Bernie Sanders promises as much “free shit” as this “Queen” does!) Followers of QAnon ‘Queen of Canada’ face mounting problems after being convinced utilities are free https://news.yahoo.com/followers-qanon-queen-canada-face-232436123.html This, of course, means other utility users will have to make up for this.

    That isn’t something that gets handled with firearms. We don’t shoot people for fraudulent claims.

    No, she is the wanna-be tyrant and all of you in The Great White North are getting screwed…unless people with guns, whether police or citizens, depose her.

    She can’t be deposed. She isn’t queen of anything and you can’t kill an idea with a gun. There are numerous fucked up groups within Canada like Soldiers of Odin and the Threepers. And these groups? They think they are the good citizens with guns.




    Oh, and how could I forget.

    Queen Didulo’s lies could get thousands of Seniors killed from broken bones from stumbling around in the dark, lack of air conditioning, fans, and ice-makers like what happened with thousands of French elderly under their Socialized hospitals, rest homes, and facilities, lack of refrigeration to preserve fresh food, lack of power to charge cellular phones and laptops, lack of ventilators, CPAP machines, and dialysis machines, etc.

    There are all kinds of ways to die maliciously and unnecessarily that have nothing to do with guns.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Misspelling with no malice afforethought
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer.


    Oh, and how could I forget. Queen Didulo’s lies could get thousands of Seniors killed from broken bones from stumbling around in the dark, lack of air conditioning, fans, and ice-makers like what happened with thousands of French elderly under their Socialized hospitals, rest homes, and facilities, lack of refrigeration to preserve fresh food, lack of power to charge cellular phones and laptops, lack of ventilators, CPAP machines, and dialysis machines, etc. There are all kinds of ways to die maliciously and unnecessarily that have nothing to do with guns.

    Guns won’t solve any of those problems. You started a thread called ‘Why Atheists Need Guns’ but keep wandering off into territory where guns are either not useful or are entirely inappropriate.

    Nice lazy, incoherent dig at “Socialism”.



    The “all-about-guns” guys I knew growing up were the loser mamma’s boys who couldn’t get laid if their pecker was the only phallus on the planet. Spending their bus boy pay checks on little flashlight attachments and assorted fake tactical military junk while pretending they were bad ass killers. Practically circle-jerking to each other’s gun pics. Well-deserved classic inferiority complex.


    They were helpless because they were compelled by law to attend a school that was a “Gun-Free Zone,” where there was not even an armed security guard present….

    Yes, I think that not having armed guards outside elementary and middle schools is a disgrace. Children should spend their formative years getting used to seeing armed guards patrolling their schools first thing every morning as they pass through the metal detectors. They should also have regular active shooter training scenarios so not as many of them die the next time. Once the number of child deaths starts to fall it will prove the policy is working and get Ted Cruz more “contributions”.

    But I won’t blame the victims. I blame the parents. How dare they shun their responsibilities by sending their children to these mandatory government indoctrination camps. It would be better if they were home schooled.

    Then there will be no need to trouble politicians with coming up with solutions to solve the so called “gun problem”. One parent can become a stay-at-home teacher and the other can get a second job. Single parent families can just work more hours to pay the babysitter to teach them. That will do wonders for their social integration. I just hope the parents don’t have a problem finding a babysitter that is trained as a Montessori teacher and a marksman with a handgun. I think I might setup a chain of Montessori Ninja training colleges and learn them babysitters the whole alfabet.

    Now children repeat after me;

    A is for Advanced Individual Training. (Freddy, you need after school extra classes).

    B is for Bad Conduct Discharge. (Freddy, just wait until your father gets home).

    C is Continue Mission (Freddy, turn over the damn page).

    D is for Dining Facility (Eat your soggy vegetables Freddy).

    E is for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Freddy raise your hand first the next time).

    F is for FUBAR (Yes, Freddy it is).




    God, guns and gewgaws. Gimme that old time religion and a 45 to shoot that pigeon.




    Funny, if gun ownership is all about male inadequacies, why are gun control freaks so gung-ho to confiscate them? And does this mean women with guns have Penis Envy or are frigid?

    And if firearms ownership bespeaks male inadequacy, what does it say about the adequacy of all the anti-gun celebrities and politicians who depend on armed guards?

    Rant: Anti-Gun Celebrities All Have Armed Bodyguards

    And so what if those gun guys were circle-jerking. Are you a homophobic asshole as well as an anti-gun asshole?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling


    Robert, Funny, if gun ownership is all about male inadequacies, why are gun control freaks so gung-ho to confiscate them? And does this mean women with guns have Penis Envy or are frigid? And if firearms ownership bespeaks male inadequacy, what does it say about the adequacy of all the anti-gun celebrities and politicians who depend on armed guards? Rant: Anti-Gun Celebrities All Have Armed Bodyguards https://www.georgiapacking.org/threads/rant-anti-gun-celebrities-all-have-armed-bodyguards.233999/ And so what if those gun guys were circle-jerking. Are you a homophobic asshole as well as an anti-gun asshole?

    He doth protest too much, lol. It is the true nature of the issue, scared little boys. One easily can go on youtube and there they are in mommy’s basement going on and on how an SKS is more accurate than an AK. Morons stuck in quasi-puberty. And that percentage planning on “the great revenge, I’ll show them”, All of it under some sick guise of anti-communism, freedom and patriotism.



    Enco, are you opposed to reforms?

    Gun laws are trick laws?

    Free marketplace of death to work this shit out? So even as lethality of weapons increases bearing arms is an absolute right. The state has no business interfering?



    The “all-about-guns” guys I knew growing up were the loser mamma’s boys who couldn’t get laid if their pecker was the only phallus on the planet. Spending their bus boy pay checks on little flashlight attachments and assorted fake tactical military junk while pretending they were bad ass killers. Practically circle-jerking to each other’s gun pics. Well-deserved classic inferiority complex.

    As I recall, some were not bus boys. Some were stock boys at the local Dollar Store.

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