Pretty much sums up the frustration of modern academics
This topic contains 175 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Reg the Fronkey Farmer 4 years, 7 months ago.
May 24, 2020 at 5:23 pm #31613
Whatever happen to moderation? Can we afford the luxury of being moderates when extremists on both sides are making so much noise?
Perhaps the moderate and rational people can make some noise as well.
Yeah, if they want a culture war, let’s give ’em hell.
May 24, 2020 at 6:04 pm #31614I haven’t exactly been hanging about on that score 🙂 I am making plans with the postmodernist rabbit.
May 24, 2020 at 6:07 pm #31615Yeah, if they want a culture war, let’s give ’em hell..
Maybe the best way to do that would be to expose them to some culture 🙂
May 24, 2020 at 6:09 pm #31617Here is another postmodern cartoon.
Ironically, about 15 years ago while visiting my brother in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we went to an art exhibition which was truly amazing. As we walked through the various rooms, we saw a number of paintings on canvases of various sizes and shapes, all of them painted white.
May 24, 2020 at 6:22 pm #31618Bear with me and you’ll know why I’m putting up a Katy Perry video.
After this performance, Katy was criticized for “cultural appropriation,” a very common postmodernist critique. There is another video which I won’t post wherein a young white man with dreadlocks was also accused of cultural appropriation. This charge could also be directed against white blues singers and any Western white cooking up Indian curry in their kitchen, I suppose.
Anyway, ironically, when Japanese teens were asked about Ms. Perry’s performance, the overwhelming response was that it was “cool.”
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May 24, 2020 at 6:53 pm #31620I overheard a comment once that “the singer” did “kinda look Japanese-ey enough to play the part so that nobody could really take offense” with the production. It happened at the interval here. I just bit my lip.
I was taught by people from India to cook Indian food. I wonder (not) if its OK for for me to continue to do so? I mean I wonder if it’s “TK” as they say in Hindi.
May 24, 2020 at 7:36 pm #31621I overheard a comment once that “the singer” did “kinda look Japanese-ey enough to play the part so that nobody could really take offense” with the production. It happened at the interval here. I just bit my lip. I was taught by people from India to cook Indian food. I wonder (not) if its OK for for me to continue to do so? I mean I wonder if it’s “TK” as they say in Hindi.
So, if it had been Taylor Swift or Christina Aguilera, THEN it would have been evident that it was CA. Hmmm…
May 24, 2020 at 8:12 pm #31622So many Irish Catholics were “offended” by this comedy show that it was first broadcast on British TV (Channel 4). Some (but very few) find almost every scene offensive. I love to hear them ranting about it. Some were even more offended the second time they watched it!! Here.
May 25, 2020 at 6:45 am #31630That doesn’t make sense. You put it in “quotes” but then talked about it like it was a real thing. So what did you actually mean?
May 25, 2020 at 6:55 am #31631Was telling a friend a story about the film “the ring” where in the climax it pretty much scares the shit out of anyone who was told ghost stories as a kid. I saw it with friends in the cinema and everyone yelled out loud at the climax. My friend (there aren’t so many ghost story telling culture in Spain). He thought it was ridiculous that anyone could believe that a ghost comes out of a television. I questioned further and it turned out he believed in ghosts or spirits. But that he just couldn’t swallow it that they would somehow adapt to technology. I asked him to explain how ghosts work, through what mechanism spirits leave the body (energy was his most detailed answer). He said that ghost would have evolved as man evolved and that back in the cave man days there werent televisions so ghosts couldn’t use technology. I pushed for further expanation on how it works: explain how spirits leave their bodies. By what means is that possible? How does it work? What is this plain of existence and what rules to ghost live by, why are those rules like that and how do you know?
I don’t believe in ghosts for a second but I saw the film while in rural canada, where they tell ghost stories, frozen wooden houses make noises, security guards refuse to go to the attic or basement of buildings they patrol. In the cinema people were screaming. So yeah…the film really got to me (plus my grandmother told me ghost stories).
But he thought it was ridiculous to be scared…not because ghosts aren’t real (they are) but because logically you’re silly to think they could ever figure out how to get into a video-casette and haunt people.
May 25, 2020 at 9:39 am #31633That doesn’t make sense. You put it in “quotes” but then talked about it like it was a real thing. So what did you actually mean?
In quotes because I find many of those who claim to be so offended are only so because they jump upon the bandwagon of manufactured outrage. They did not really care about the issue until their peer group became offended and they joined in because of that and probably had not hear or seen about the event that led to fauxrage.
May 25, 2020 at 12:04 pm #31634Thoughts?
Very common of people to buy into the supernatural and then quibble over ridiculous details. Religion has conditioned the masses to this way of thinking. It is a challenge for me to have too many woo peddlers in my circle. They are exhausting.
Speaking of ghost stories, I do like them, here is my favorite from an unknown author.
My neighbors are quiet people. I rarely see them, but when I do there’s always a friendly wave or a warm smile. We almost never interact, so when they asked me over for dinner I was a little surprised. And truthfully a little uncomfortable – I had gotten used to our somewhat antisocial relationship. I had grown accustomed to our distance. I’m a bad liar, so it was easier to say yes than to make up some excuse. They told me the night and the time and I told them I would be looking forward to it.I’ll admit that I had a very nice time. We didn’t say much during dinner, but I felt welcome, comfortable, and relaxed. Closer to 8:00, I noticed they had begun glancing at a clock on the wall. Often, and with great discomfort. And then with a palpable panic.
They feigned reassurance when I asked about their change in demeanor. They both attempted to explain their behavior in overlapping dialogue. I found this particularly unsettling. Over their frantic words, I announced my appreciation for their hospitality and began to stand.
But then he asked, “Do you believe in ghosts?”
I was startled by the question and very uncomfortable. I wanted to leave. Badly. I answered his question and told him that I had an open mind to such things. And he asked me to sit.
He told me that he and his wife have had experiences. He said that their house had a presence…a ghost. He said that it came often. Every night in fact. He said it started in a corner of the basement, came up the stairs, opened the cellar door, and walked through the living room, into the dining room, and through the furthest wall. He pointed at the wall next to where I was sitting.
I realized this was the purpose of the invitation. They wanted a witness. Needed one. I could only think of two questions: What does it look like? and When does it happen?
He answered my last question first: At 8:18. Every single night.
We looked at the clock on the wall – 8:12.Then he answered my first question: We don’t know what it looks like.
When I asked him to explain, he told me they had both been unable to look at the presence. He said he and his wife have tried all these years, but can’t. I found this absurd. And the entire story, which I had actually begun to believe was now either a hoax, a distasteful joke, or a delusion of two very disturbed people. I pushed back my chair and stood.
A noise. From under our feet, in the basement. They looked down at their plates. I looked at the clock – 8:18.
I could hear deep slow labored footsteps. They sounded miles beneath us, but I knew that wasn’t the case. And then I felt the vibration. A sickening wave of a nauseating low hum forced me hard into my chair, my legs and knees weak and useless. I could hear the basement stairs creaking underneath a massive shifting weight. I wiped cold sweat from my face. The nausea was unlike anything I had ever felt. I heard the knob of the cellar door be gripped, and then turned. Slowly. The door began to open. The vertical crack of darkness from the creaking door seemed to release an even more intense low frequency hum. I tried to stare into the darkness, to see. To see IT.
But the putrid vibration was overwhelming. My body contracted. My legs and arms were drawn inward. My entire body gripped the chair. I could feel the muscles of my face contorting, and my eyes, as much as I fought to keep them open, closed. Tight.
I could hear It. Moving across the wood beams of the living room floor. They seemed to be groaning and splitting. The sickening waves of vibration seemed to rattle every loose object in the house. I wanted to cover my ears, but the piercing hum kept me frozen in place. I tried to scream out, but the muscles of my jaw refused. So I listened to it, coming closer and closer. Ripples and waves of the sickening sound covered me. I felt myself on the verge of fainting. And I welcomed it.
But then It was gone. I opened my eyes. Just the three of us, in a quiet undisturbed house. Nothing seemed out of place. Except for the open cellar door.
That was three months ago. We haven’t spoken since. And each night, despite making every effort to be busy or out of my house altogether, I find myself standing at the window which faces their house. Looking out across our ordinary lawns. Staring at that wall. At 8:18.
May 25, 2020 at 2:53 pm #31635You put it in “quotes” but then talked about it like it was a real thing. So what did you actually mean?
The concept “post-modern neo-Marxism” is said not to exist, but I’m not too sure actually. Post-modernism seems to go on about Marx quite a lot.
I put it in quotes because even though the label may or may not be an accurate one, those people (social justice warriors) really exist.
The quote “free thinking is just white supremacist bullshit” is a sincere one from real life.
May 25, 2020 at 3:42 pm #31636Simon I cannot make sense out of what you just said. Nobody was talking about social justice warriors. It has absolutely and literally NOTHING to do with the cartoon or the conversation.
May 25, 2020 at 3:51 pm #31637Nobody was talking about social justice warriors.
Social justice warriors are said to say things like “everything is as true as everything else”, and really do say things like “free thinking is just white supremacist bullshit”.
The people in the cartoon, referred to as “post modern neo-Marxists”, are social justice warriors.
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