Could an atheist apply to work for Trumps’ new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division?
The god of Christians decided to speak directly to a judge in order to sway the jury.
The Catholic picket line is pitiless.
This weeks’ Woo: Homeopathy for farmers is foolish and immoral.
Should we apply “Ethical Labels” to medicines tested on animals?
Climate Change: It is causing the sea floor to sink as warming increases.
The philosophy of falsifiability in Science.
Higher Education is drowning in BS.
Only the truth can prevent the harm of wilful ignorance.
On female rage with lungs full of burning.
Further to a discussion this week, what will happen to us when our brains merge with A.I.?
The stick as the unsung hero in human evolution.
What does it mean to have “Free Will”?
Getting it wrong on Free Speech and social justice.
Human rites and the rituals that bind societies.
Critical Theory and the new bourgeoisie.
For some people dying alone is not such a bad thing, once their house is clutter free.
Why a second lasts only one second.
Some photographs taken last week.
While you are waiting for the kettle to boil…..
Coffee Break Video: Tracie Harris from the Atheist Experience. How peaceful religion kills. Minds that are free from fear. See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income.