PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 week, 4 days ago
2-1/2 minutes, I think from 1996:
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 week, 5 days ago
Is Thom Hartmann wrong? I keep thinking an oligarchy is in the making. It’s Trump U postdoc time.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month ago
I wonder if Trump is a wannabe redneck and/or cowboy, but I know for sure he’s a natural born prick when it comes to how he treats people and fantasizes how to MAGA his way to infamy.
Here’s one of the well grounded guys he should have kept around.
11 minutes long
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
View from across the pond in the forum Politics 1 month ago
I am posting this as a jpeg because I cannot gain access to the site to copy it. It is behind a paywall. I buy the paper every Saturday (The Irish Times). Let me know if you agree with this Irish economist. I would agree strongly with the points he makes.
Clicking on the picture should increase the size and make it legible.
PopeBeanie started the topic
Geology in the forum Science — the kind that requires evidence and reason. 1 month ago
This is about some new things learned from the Jan 2022 Tonga eruption.
10 minutes long, followed by 1-1/2 minutes of credits:
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month ago
About 2 minutes long:
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
You can tell from their outfits that it is a completely heterosexual themed song. I am going to impress my girlfriend by playing it on a loop.
Be careful you “Macho, Macho Man”.
She said to me: “Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk “…. -
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
You can tell from their outfits that it is a completely heterosexual themed song. I am going to impress my girlfriend by playing it on a loop.
Be careful you “Macho, Macho Man”.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
You can tell from their outfits that it is a completely heterosexual themed song. I am going to impress my girlfriend by playing it on a loop.
Unseen replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
BTW, if you bring up the song’s lyrics, there are fifteen references to men or boys and not one to females.
However, the writer of the lyrics has recently said that it’s not a gay anthem. He gets annoyed when people say it is.
It definitely IS a gay anthem, adopted by the gays as such, whether he likes it or…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
BTW, if you bring up the song’s lyrics, there are fifteen references to men or boys and not one to females.
However, the writer of the lyrics has recently said that it’s not a gay anthem. He gets annoyed when people say it is.
Unseen replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I don’t know if it’s still true, but the YMCA used to offer dormitory-type accommodations for males along with gym facilities, a swimming pool and a locker room with attached shower. For gays, it was kind of a meat market, in the colloquial sense. And the facility offered closed doors behind which they could get to know each other better.
BTW, if…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
When I first heard “YMCA” at a MAGA rally, I thought it was being played as part of some weird ‘anti-woke’ campaign. Later I realized they had no idea about the history of the song. When I saw a bunch of red MAGA hatters dancing to it and giving it the double fist pump routine, I literally fell off the chair in laughter. No doubt Trump cannot…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The schmuck doesn’t even play guitar. But it is hard to figure out if Trump of Musk is the better dancer of the pair. The whole convention was getting down to that gay anthem “YMCA”….so clueless.
Unseen replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The thing about his guitars is that, if they are anything like his watches, they are far less valuable than their price tag would indicate.
Plus, if you’re going to emulate a Gibson guitar go all the way. You see, while his guitars look like Gibsons, having the single cutaway body desoign and dual…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
These idiotic Texans in charge have no idea what their so-called bible or the US Constitution represents. Big state with small thinkers.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Legislative confusion in Texas over banning or permitting sexually explicit material in school libraries. (Hint: Bible, yay or nay?)
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Unseen replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 3 weeks ago
They real plan is to privatize social security/medicare and get that money into the stock market. So first they have to screw it up and then they will get away with it. America is dumber than a box of hammers.
Hopefully, dumb as they are, it will become undeniable that the food shortages, restaurant closures, increasing rents, and…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The new powers that be in the forum Politics 1 month, 3 weeks ago
They real plan is to privatize social security/medicare and get that money into the stock market. So first they have to screw it up and then they will get away with it. America is dumber than a box of hammers.
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