The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one?
This topic contains 165 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by TheEncogitationer 1 year, 11 months ago.
October 24, 2022 at 7:46 pm #45164
Johan/michael i think you really have had a psychotic break. I hope you will seek help. If there are other people in your life who care i suspect they have asked you to seek help. I am just a stranger of course but it seems probable that your health/well being is at stake. If my suspicion is correct then you should not ponder whether it is all a coincidence or you really do need professional care.
My health/well being is perfect, Brother. Come over and see for yourself. With today’s tech you can actually “be with me” in my hometown. Which I am Perfecting via Cyberspace, Brother. And of course the important Meeting with the Real Jesus, Zola of course, Brother. Whom I prepared for your visit.
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October 24, 2022 at 8:04 pm #45169I still have no idea what the point of all these prophecies are, since they appear only to be recognisable after the event.
It seems to me a useful prophecy might help you to avoid misfortune, or gain success. But if you only recognise that something was prophecy after the event, that would defeat the purpose.
It’s a bit like reading last weeks Sagittarius horoscope and adapting it to fit whatever happened in your life and ‘interpreting’ the horoscope accordingly.
Consequently, if a prophecy needs interpretation, it is immediately futile.
October 24, 2022 at 8:23 pm #45170michael17/Johan you have not answered me why you are utilizing both names/profiles
My name/profile is correct, no relations to Johan in name nor Christology. But the Christ mind is an actual genesis as I described. But as to which verse is correct, It depends on wether you addressing spiritually or bodily.
October 24, 2022 at 10:54 pm #45177put a name into it Strega wrote:I was still have no idea what the point of all these prophecies are, since they appear only to be recognisable after the event. It seems to me a useful prophecy might help you to avoid misfortune, or gain success. But if you only recognise that something was prophecy after the event, that would defeat the purpose. It’s a bit like reading last weeks Sagittarius horoscope and adapting it to fit whatever happened in your life and ‘interpreting’ the horoscope accordingly. Consequently, if a prophecy needs interpretation, it is immediately futile.
I will tell of future things to occur. The Third Temple will be built in Jerusalem.
The houses of Oldenburg ( includes the kings of Britain and a host of others, Bourbon ( Kings of Spain and a host of others) and Nassau (Kings of the Netherlands and other royal lines). The three remaining Houses of Europe (Remaining Royal bloodlines in Europe of the ten horns) shall be totally uprooted and replaced by the beast to come who will stand in the reconstructed Jewish Temple and proclaim himself God.
These Three Houses are the last remaining Houses of the Houses prophesied in the Books of Daniel (uprooted horns) and the Revelation.
At the writing of the book in 95 Ad seven heads of the Roman Empire prophesied.
Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27 BC – AD 68)
Flavian Dynasty (69–96)
Nervan-Antonian Dynasty (96–192)
Severan Dynasty (193–235)
Constantinian dynasty (303–363)
Valentinian Dynasty (364–457)
House of Theodosius from 379—476This is the beast with seven heads and ten horn with the Harlot riding it, Babylon the Mysterious ( Rome and Constantinople, Seats of Latin and Greek Orthodox Rites also referred to in prophecy as the beast that looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon connoting the darkness behind it.)
The Euphrates will dry up in the future to make way for the armies of the East ( The Euphrates is drying up now which is a portent of things to come. Biden being of the Latin Rite and Putin being of the Orthodox Rite with their respective Pope and Patriarch echo the temporal power returning to the Roman/ Orthodox Church and it Coronating the wicked one to come.
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October 24, 2022 at 11:02 pm #45181Even if I followed that – what does it recommend you do? Is there any use to knowing ‘the beast’ is going to do something if we have no idea who that is and cannot prevent it doing it’s deed?
October 24, 2022 at 11:26 pm #45188@Johan – I will assist you to meet with Jesus and His Mother. Who are both a Reality now on earth.
OK, an assist would be great? I have heard nothing about this and I have atheist contacts all over the world.
I am celebrating Diwali today and my Hindu friends were amazed when I told them this. But they don’t grasp the profound importance of this information as they just keep asking me if I gave up Catholicism as I am a vegetarian. I don’t think they will be able to help me here.
I will ask my Jewish scholar friends in Harvard and in Eilat if they have heard about this. They are usually on top of their game when it comes to such matters. I have seen them debate the meaning to the Chug (as in sphere in Isaiah) for weeks. You really don’t know the mean of the word ‘pedantic‘ until you read that email chain! They would have sent me something if both of them were now back on Earth. I am sure they would have informed me. But nothing, nada.
I will be meeting with some Ahmadiyya Muslims at the weekend and I will ask them as they are board members of a worldwide Muslim alliance.
I have regular debates with Jehovah Witnesses and not a word about it from them have I heard. And they would be leaning on my doorbell to announce this to me. Take that Atheist! And yet they are nowhere to be seen?
But if it is really a reality now on Earth that they are both here and you really want to assist me could you send me there address for starters? Just to get the ball rolling. They are not in Wyoming by any chance? I once heard Jesus just left Chicago and was reported to be on His way to New Orleans as anything is possible for Him, in my opinion.
October 24, 2022 at 11:30 pm #45190Even if I followed that – what does it recommend you do? Is there any use to knowing ‘the beast’ is going to do something if we have no idea who that is and cannot prevent it doing it’s deed?
As it is written, “ Behold, I have told before that when it comes to past you might believe”. Thus, the only thing you can do is believe God that you might receive eternal life.
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October 24, 2022 at 11:34 pm #45191@michael17 – I will tell of future things to occur.
If that is our future Michael I think I will be going to the Shitting Pants shop tomorrow to get me a pair and a spare. There will be trouble if they are playing bad pop music though.
October 24, 2022 at 11:41 pm #45193You see, I knew the world would end before I collected my first Social Security check.
October 25, 2022 at 1:08 am #45196@michael17 – I will tell of future things to occur. If that is our future Michael I think I will be going to the Shitting Pants shop tomorrow to get me a pair and a spare. There will be trouble if they are playing bad pop music though.
Well black is all the rage in Jerusalem nowadays 🙂 25, 2022 at 1:15 am #45197I still have no idea what the point of all these prophecies are, since they appear only to be recognisable after the event.
I think it’s all about street cred. Either that or it was the iPad to distract the children of the times.
Jeremiah: Hey, God?
God: Yes Jeremiah?
Jeremiah: So, um, I don’t want to say that your Word isn’t good and all—it’s great really—, but it’s starting to feel a bit thin. Like, we’ve covered adultery and shellfish, and dudes doing butt stuff together…
God: Oral is out too. And heavy petting.
Jeremiah: Wait? Really? Shit. There goes my Saturday evening. Anyway, I was having a bit of a chat with the lads and we were wondering if maybe there was a sequel coming? Maybe an expansion or something? We’re finding there’s a lot it doesn’t really get into.
God: Jesus Christ, I’m working on it. Cut me some slack. These things take time.
Jeremiah: Jesus Christ?
God: It’s a saying. Or at least it will be.
Jeremiah: I see. Well, maybe we could get like, a sneak peak at the next few chapters? Something to tide us over?
God: I’ll tell you what. Make some prophecies. Something vague. Tell ’em I told you to say it. That’ll give them something to chat about at the water cooler for a few centuries.
Jeremiah: Water cooler?
God: Must you do that?
Jeremiah: Sorry. So, seriously, you just want to make it up? Like, improvise? Won’t they see through that when it doesn’t come true?
God: Nah, they’ll see what they want to see. Trust me, it’s not a big deal. I’ve been winging it since Genesis.
Jeremiah: Wait, are you saying you don’t have a plan?
God: Of course I have a plan. A plan to wing it.
Jeremiah: Well, fuck.October 25, 2022 at 4:07 am #45201Nice Autumn, Mark Twainesque, with a dollop of Autumn.
October 25, 2022 at 1:57 pm #45202rrrr..Autumesque with a dollop of Twain
October 25, 2022 at 2:35 pm #45203Ok Michael, I’ll bite. What I read from your posts is that Prophecy (which is vague and needs interpretation) is there to demonstrate the existence of god and that this (generalised) foretelling of the future is a technique to persuade humans of god’s existence- and should people believe this, they will get eternal ‘life’.
That is my ten second take. Is that your point?
October 25, 2022 at 8:17 pm #45204Ok Michael, I’ll bite. What I read from your posts is that Prophecy (which is vague and needs interpretation) is there to demonstrate the existence of god and that this (generalised) foretelling of the future is a technique to persuade humans of god’s existence- and should people believe this, they will get eternal ‘life’.
That is my ten second take. Is that your point?
Essentially, assuming belief bares fruit.
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