Our world is a shared experience, diversified by individual perspectives.
How do we (atheists) define it?
How do philosophers define it?
How do scientists define it?
How do theologians define it?
How do others, and history and myth define it?
How do YOU, personally define it?
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“Consciousness Group” policy here:
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Specialized Areas of the Brain in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Reg!
Related to my previous post…
I think it’s useful to know that Jaak sorted his primal list largely based on the order in which they probably evolved in brains, so it also reflects largely on which parts of the brain have the “deepest” physiology and evolved usage.
More advanced…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Specialized Areas of the Brain in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 7 months ago
I mentioned this before but just in case it was missed, here is the final talk by Dan Dennett at a series of lectures given in Dublin last year. (Start at 7:00 if you want).
List of speakers here with several talks that are relevant (or just interesting). 5 Nobel Laureates among them.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Specialized Areas of the Brain in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 7 months ago
First, some terms and concepts, to highlight the underlying binary nature of how the nervous system and brain operate, although some of you may want to skip the details and jump into the video.
- Our brain is a complex signal processor that evolved from simpler brains, that evolved from simple sensory and control circuits.
- Brains receive sensory…
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
#meta: group curation, notes & history, etc in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 9 months ago
PopeBeanie note, 15 Jan 2020: I moved the post below to this topic, from the topic blah blah, because I realized how rambling it was, and because I wrote a better — or at least a shorter — reply to Unseen.[…] so if one of these Turing-humans gave you art and it was good enough to be bought and sold on the fine art market,…
Unseen replied to the topic
Defining Consciousness in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 10 months ago
If I created a very smart machine that turned out paintings, and it had a very human interface (Japanese automatons are becoming creepily believable in terms of their “social stimulus value,” so if one of these Turing-humans gave you art and it was good enough to be bought and sold on the fine art market, would that necessarily imply a…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Defining Consciousness in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 10 months ago
Posting here rather than repeating like a broken record in Unseen’s topic:We already know that decisions happen before we are aware that we made them […]
It still feels like I made the decision, whether or not it feels like it took time to happen. No definition of “experience” or “I” or “consciousness” or “sub-consciousness” can…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
For Starters… in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 10 months ago
Here’s a ten year old “Rama” video that’s still insightful, even if we’ve since updated theories about “mirror neurons”.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Development of Consciousness in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 10 months ago
(I wrote the following post for Unseen’s excellent topic “Why Are We Conscious?“, but decided to post it here instead so as to not distract from his intended topic trajectory. I love this topic and think it fits well here. Most significant imo is the link to Jaak Pansepp’s work in the next-to-last paragraph.)
Again, it comes down to…
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
Like I said, consciousness may simply be an accident. One that happened to certain beings on the planet, or maybe just to you.
That’s reasonable, or at least I’d say a long series of accidents that were selected by evolution to live on in genes. Life itself was shaped that way, in uncountable series’ of uncountable accidents and…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
If you really want to doubt, how can you be sure that you are conscious of anything real at all?
I’m not well learned in philosophy, so my opinions will often be relatively uninformed. That said…
I visualize “the hard problem” as being difficult, only because we so strongly tend to assume there must be some kind of meta nature…[Read more]
Unseen replied to the topic
#meta: group curation, notes & history, etc in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
Sorry. Forgot to put quotes around the Wittgenstein quote. The very last paragraph is me not he.
PopeBeanie edit: I fixed it (post #24552).
PopeBeanie started the topic
#meta: group curation, notes & history, etc in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
This topic will be most uninteresting!
If I could hide it easily, I would.
For the sake of editorial transparency, I’m just documenting here how I exercise my stated Consciousness group policy to edit and curate posts and/or topics when I feel it furthers the interest of the group, and furthers the group’s usefulness as a resource to non-group…[Read more]
Unseen replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
I don’t think it’s necessary for a sophisticated system (or even being) to interact with and manipulate its environment to be self-aware or possess what we know as consciousness.
Perhaps it’s just an accident. Lucky or otherwise.
When you study Wittgenstein, you have consider some seemingly crazy ideas. Okay, you are conscious, but can you know…[Read more]
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
I agree with y’all. Funny how this only seems important to me now, at 65 years old. Answers to whys can be so cloaked in mystery, wonder, and feelings, and the hows are just textbook, pedantic, and require work. Mysteries and dramas are more fun, at least in a group setting like an audience or congregation. Just add fairy dust for the shared…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
In studying morality, the questions are all about “what” do we do and “why” do we do it?
_Robert_ replied to the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
Perhaps how is not as inspirational as why. As an engineer my schooling and career where consumed by the how. When I started managing a team of engineers in developing a doppler weather RADAR, I found that I really had to drive in on the “WHY” we were doing this to inspire the team to figure out “HOW” we were actually going to do this.
PopeBeanie started the topic
The "Hard Problem of Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 11 months ago
So here is where that word “why” bugs me:
In Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness (1995), Chalmers wrote (copy/pasted from wikipedia):
It is undeniable that some organisms are subjects of experience. But the question of how it is that these systems are subjects of experience is perplexing. Why is it that when our cognitive systems engage i…
PopeBeanie started the topic
Specialized Areas of the Brain in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 12 months ago
Moving to/from/in Places (only 9 minutes)
(I’d like to talk someday about how a fairly constant, group-conscious awareness of compass and relative directionality and distance is built into American Sign…[Read more]
PopeBeanie started the topic
"Embedded Consciousness" in the forum Consciousness 5 years, 12 months ago
This is an area of theory and study that emphasizes how brains evolved and function solely in the context of how it supports the survival and natural evolution of the physical body it’s in. As human intellect expands its boundaries from surviving in caves, bands, or tribes, to arts, sciences, widely social and political interests, it’s too easy to…[Read more]
Simon Paynton joined the group
Consciousness 6 years, 1 month ago
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