Sunday School

Sunday School July 19th 2015

This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Reg the Fronkey Farmer 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #934

    There has been a major change in public attitudes in America towards the idea of a non-Christian becoming President according to a new Gallup Poll.

    Do Christians ever really stop to think why their religion is losing or are they too consumed with their own persecution complex?

    Ken Ham, the Young Earth Creationist who believes “millions of years” is a “disease” now reckons that Richard Dawkins is not an atheist because he can’t “prove his atheism”.

    Post-Homophobic Christianity in America.

    A gospel singer is proud that a fan has suffered delusions from listening to her music.

    A conversation about being a non-believer within the black community (with audio).

    A Russian atheist site was blocked by a court ruling for insulting some puny god that does not exist.

    The war in Bosnia may be over but genocide deniers rob mourners of their peace.

    An interesting article on sexual liberation and sexual oppression.

    The cost of being a well-paid Catholic in Germany.

    The Turkish legal system has not yet declared ISIS a terrorist organisation.

    The trauma of Apostasy in Muslim communities.

    How does the UNHCR deal with opposition to gay rights or criticism of religion when it has become the foreign policy of its member states?

    Good riddance to Atticus Finch?

    Five bizarre fossils that got scientists excited.

    It’s very cold on Pluto.

    It’s getting warmer here on Earth. Have our oceans passed the tipping point?

    CERN have discovered a new “pentaquark” particle.

    This week’s Woo: Reincarnation.

    Ten things we did not know last week. Some pictures taken this week.

    Coffee Break Video: Former President Jimmy Carter on the reasons why women and girls are still being mistreated around the world and a road trip with some Young Earth Creationists.


    Have a great week everyone! I am very happy to see so many new members this week. I am still working out the best ways to post on the new site. As always please feel free to email me any articles you think I should mention.

    I have made a decision to stop reporting on any more depraved atrocities by the religious (Christian or Muslim) because I get too angry. This week alone I read of 14 separate stories from around the world. It is just too negative. Let me know what you think.

    The photographs are excellent this week.

    Ken Ham will be coming to Belfast later this summer. We are organising a Science Fair for the same weekend in an attempt to counter his BS. Again any ideas are welcome.

    I have set the links to open in a new window so no more clicking the back arrow 🙂



    After reading about what Ken Ham has to say, I was thinking the worse part is that we will never know that we are right and he will never know that he was wrong.



    Oh very nice Sunday school Reg. I especially like the reincarnation woo of the week. So easy to forget about this little woo (as it so rarely comes up and is so rarely linked to agression or nasty behaviour on the part of such woo-meisters).



    Thanks as always for putting your time into Sunday School Reg!!! I believe in your judgment when it comes to whether to post stories or not. It is angering but I also look at it as an opportunity to do something. We can get angry and then get up and do something….Alternatively you could always post them in the Lobbying group and then we could find solutions to do something to help stop it…maybe….. 🙂

    I think organizing a huge gay pride parade for the day Ken Ham comes to town would be amazing… one would go see him! LOL!!!! Everyone would want to go to the parade and have a party!!!



    This is pointed to by the “religion is losing” link from the second item; it describes that author’s experience with Xians cutting off people in their own families for being apostates. It has a good analysis, methinks, of whether that sort of thing is truly Xian behavior (a possible response to the “no true Scotsman” fallacy that many of them so love to bring out, when they get more worried about Xianity’s reputation than they are about certain despicable acts).


    @ StevelnCO, yes it is a good article. Christians seem to lack the ability to understand the damage they do at times. It is like they have no emotional awareness of how their words and acts affect others. It is because “religion poisons everything” that their sense of empathy is warped. Many see the suffering of others as something that will be rewarded in the future rather than needing action now.


    Atheist Northern Ireland have organized a barbeque event for July 26th in Belfast as part of the Gay Pride calendar. They will stand by the LGBT community irrespective of anyone religious or non-religious status. The event is called “Hotdogs not Dogma”. The guest speaker is Gita Sahgal.



    Hotdogs not dogma! LOL!!! I love it!



    After reading about what Ken Ham has to say, I was thinking the worse part is that we will never know that we are right and he will never know that he was wrong.

    I already know, Robert! Sure as eggs is eggs 🙂



    So wait a minute. I make joking references to doG all the time.

    Do I have to be godmatic about it?



    After reading about what Ken Ham has to say, I was thinking the worse part is that we will never know that we are right and he will never know that he was wrong.

    I already know, Robert! Sure as eggs is eggs :)

    Is this a sneaky reference to green eggs and (ken) Ham?


    Here is an old TA video of Ken Ham.



    I have created a PDF file with all of the non-video articles for easy reading on phone or tablet. I’ve made it public so anyone can download it off my google drive. Surprisingly it is only 10Mb … and most joyously … I’ve left the comments sections out!

    The link is here.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Davis.

    Gary Bergeron

    @ StevelnCO, yes it is a good article. Christians seem to lack the ability to understand the damage they do at times. It is like they have no emotional awareness of how their words and acts affect others. It is because “religion poisons everything” that their sense of empathy is warped. Many see the suffering of others as something that will be rewarded in the future rather than needing action now.

    “Why religion is losing” was familiar territory for moi….
    When I was 11 yrs. old, I asked a question to a catholic nun after catechism class and her answer was a very hard, roundhouse, coming from wayyyy back there, slap on the face. If a desk had not been on my left side, I would have hit the floor.
    This woman remains in my mind as the meanest person I’ve ever known….but, I’m thankful every day for that slap…because it opened my mind and I began to question the catholic church and it’s practices.
    Thank you, Sister Annabel…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Gary Bergeron.
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