Sunday School

Sunday School July 7th 2024

This topic contains 23 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Unseen 7 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #54215

    Simon Paynton

    The simplest definition of “the truth” is “the truth is that which is the case (whether you know it or not.”

    Surely it means “that proposition that corresponds with that which is the case” or “that proposition that is consistent with that which is the case”.



    “This is shorter: “Truth” is a human concept, otherwise irrelevant in a universe before any consciousness in it has emerged”

    That is a variation on the introduction to philosophy tree in the forest quip.

    How about some truth quotes?

    If you insist.

    Truth serves nobody so nobody serves the truth.

    Truth is not aesthetic unlike the designed lies about Israel and Jews.

    Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all. Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    Tell the truth or i will beat you senseless and god will thank me for doing so.



    Truth doesn’t have to be logical and realistic. Fiction does.



    “Truth doesn’t have to be logical and realistic. Fiction does.”

    Truth is not dependent on belief or opinion.

    Good fiction has to be logical and realistic or in some way cause the reader, listener or viewer to suspend disbelief. Fiction in ideology/cults and religions are clearly not tied to the above strictures.



    The simplest definition of “the truth” is “the truth is that which is the case (whether you know it or not.”

    Surely it means “that proposition that corresponds with that which is the case” or “that proposition that is consistent with that which is the case”.

    A true proposition is one that corresponds with the truth, the truth being that which is the case.


    Simon Paynton

    Truth doesn’t have to be logical and realistic. Fiction does.

    But truth / reality is logical, that’s one of its properties.  If you pull out facts from here, there, and everywhere, you find that they are all consistent and sometimes form patterns.


    Simon Paynton

    the truth being that which is the case.

    Surely reality is that which is the case.  Truth is a quality of a proposition.  The proposition has a truth value: true or false.



    Truth is not a construct.

    Reality, however, maybe?

    Or are they inextricably linked?



    The proposition has a truth value: true or false.

    A truth value is a linguistic/logical utterance or statement about the truth.

    You’re c0nfusing statements about the world, which can have a truth value, with what they are statements about the world, which is truth itself.

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