Sunday School
Sunday School November 17th 2024
This topic contains 27 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by jakelafort 2 months, 3 weeks ago.
November 17, 2024 at 12:02 pm #55275
The Suicide of a Nation. Do you agree? Let me know in the comment section!
‘Anointed by God’: The Christians who see Trump as their savior.
Federal judge blocks Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law in public schools.
Oklahoma’s Ryan Walters quietly cancels plan to buy Trump bibles with taxpayer dollars.
Muslims in Iraq want to legalize the abuse of female children.
The Heritage Foundation’s ‘Project Esther’ isn’t really about antisemitism.
World of Woo: Anti-vaccination idiots and the deaths of over 100,000 children.
Environment: COP climate talks aren’t working and need an overhaul.
Can we tackle poverty and climate change at the same time?
Do animals have the same rights as humans?
The personal nature of belief and coming out atheist.
A new system of Logic could boost Critical Thinking.
The hard problem of consciousness revisited.
Two essential questions about life in the Universe.
Long Reads: The moral lives of atheists. The nature of natural laws. Republican victory and the ambience of Information. The Curse of the Bahia Emerald. What happens when your partner becomes a conspiracy theorist?
Sunday Book Club: Orbital by Samantha Harvey.
Some photographs taken last week.
While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……
Coffee Break Videos: Philosopher Michael Sandel on what Trump’s win says about American society. Sam Harris: The great problem of our time. Why Trump’s betrayal of Ukraine may cause WW3.
November 17, 2024 at 12:05 pm #55277Have a great week folks!
Whenever people are certain they understand our peculiar situation here on this planet, it is because they have accepted a religious Faith or a secular Ideology (Ideologies are the modern form of Faiths) and just stopped thinking.
–Robert A. Wilson
November 17, 2024 at 4:24 pm #55279The article “The Suicide of a Nation” overlooks the long running efforts of FauxNews (and possible Russian trolls) to give the nation the psychological state of depression that led up to this suicide attempt.
November 17, 2024 at 4:59 pm #55280That article also overlooks that humans are led from without. The Trump cultists were saying the same thing about democracy. If she is elected our democracy is over.
“Before the election, there were plenty of warnings that Trump would seek to rule as an authoritarian, placing unqualified loyalists in key government positions who would do his bidding regardless of any constitutional or legal impediments. These warnings were discounted apparently—because, you know, as Trump’s ads hammered home, it is much more important to make sure transgender women do not compete in women’s sports.”
That is giving humans way too much credit. OBVIOUSLY the warnings were no shit Sherlockian siren songs. As long as humans continue to be pack animals that take their cues from their ideologies reason will always be sacrificed at the altars of ideologies. That forever tendency is only amplified by algorithms.
November 17, 2024 at 5:03 pm #55281Oh and that reminds me how the constant bombardment of certain words with horrifying imagery and association persuade the sheeple. Genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide, genocide.
Have i mentioned how the Israelis are committing crimes against humanity and genocide on a scale never before seen? Genocide, genocide, genocide…
November 17, 2024 at 5:22 pm #55282Remember the HUAC? The House Un-American Activites Commity. Get ready for its return as ORLP “Office of Religious Liberty and Patriotism”. Proposed by Ryan Walters.
November 17, 2024 at 7:01 pm #55284The true impact of the KJV on the founding of this country:
Massachusetts was founded by puritans persecuted by the ‘church of England’.
Contrary to KJV
Pennsylvania was founded by Quakers. Also persecuted by the ‘church of England’.
Contrary to KJV
New York was founded by Duch capitalists.
No known tie to KJV
Louisiana followed Voo-doo, as far as I can tell.When they banded together to form a union, They wisely concluded that a state religion was a bad idea. All religions needed to be respected to keep the peace.
This country was founded IN SPITE OF the KJV.
That is how I’d teach the importance of the KJV on our founding.November 17, 2024 at 7:26 pm #55285“Do Animals Have the Same Rights as Humans?”
I say Humans have the same rights as other species.
Animals do not respect any rights of other species. Why should we?
[place obligatory cat joke here]
Dogs accept our authority, so we give them a pass. Some jurisdictions put it into law.November 18, 2024 at 4:25 am #55289Am aghast at just how reprehensible the far left is. The linked article is ok and touches on a terrible injustice but is only scratching the surface of the hypocrisy and harm done by the far left. And i keep thinking you can’t make this shit up in a novel and have readers suspend disbelief. Trump and his followers. How in the world is this guy their champion? Charisma? How? First time I listened to him thought to myself what a moron. One thing after another with him and the public is inured to what would be an ending for another character.
And the far left…well just ineffable in their treachery and hypocrisy. As long as that Jew hating morality play keeps playing it is all good. Lets pick on the best nation in the middle east and give a pass to the bad actors. Lets make a cult that represents a quarter of humans with its 7th century morality sacrosanct. I don’t have any idea how the good tenets of humanism could have been betrayed to a greater degree than they have. Unless AI somehow saves us we are on a highway to extinction. Nothing changes.
November 18, 2024 at 11:17 am #55292The BRICS countries replacing the US dollar in international trade needs to be getting more attention. I wonder if anyone in the new Administration is giving it any thought?
November 18, 2024 at 3:04 pm #55293China has a huge looming upside-down pyramid demographic/real-estate crisis (and will invade Tiawan in a few years just to survive by holding semi-conductor production as leverage), and Russia has both a War and demographic crisis going.
If India wants to attach itself to that mess, good luck.
The Russian ruble is exactly worth a US penny this morning, down over 40% from a 2022 peak. Of course, that valuation is suspect as the Russian government forces its rate of exchange with foreign currencies somewhat “arbitrarily”. Personally, I wouldn’t bet a penny on 2 rubles.
November 20, 2024 at 7:00 am #55316This Jew hating shit is all over the globe thanks to lefties and Islamists. And really i hate to even say Islamists as though their credo is divorced from Islam itself and not a natural outgrowth. Ever notice it is not Jews who are the agitators? Wherever they go they are law abiding and high achieving. Muslims? Yeah. Not so much. Next time there is a humanitarian crisis in middle east i don’t think the European nations are gonna be so quick to statue of liberty welcome the give us your wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Let Muslims help Muslims will almost surely be the mantra.
November 20, 2024 at 5:43 pm #55318Manifest is the world of the year. I am not surprised as I have hear so many people claim to be doing it.
Manifesting is what psychologists call ‘magical thinking’ or the general illusion that specific mental rituals can change the world around us.
November 21, 2024 at 1:43 am #55323While i know our faith in the efficiency of the free marketplace of ideas is overstated it is the best we have to fight lies. Ideological echo chambers are more efficient at preserving those lies. But without the disinfectant it is just hopeless. So i am hoping for more and more debates. The lies of the left have gotten so much traction that even the mainstream rhetoric influences people who are not ideological and have no dog in the fight. Maybe under Trump the anti woke agenda and policy against Jew hatred will make our universities more like universities. Bring on the best Terrorist professors to debate the best pro Isreal speakers. LETS FUCKING GO! Goddamn ball! I should say though this philanthoropist guy might not be too bright if he thinks the population increase of Gazans is the defense against the lie of genocide. We shall see.
November 21, 2024 at 9:13 pm #55330A new system of Logic could boost Critical Thinking.
This is really interesting, in that it uses Wittgenstein’s definition of the meaning of words – how they are used in real life; in what contexts – in a way that can be understood by computers. A computer can analyse the way a word is used by humans, and so, its meaning becomes machine-readable data.
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