Sunday School

Sunday School November 24th 2024

This topic contains 81 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #55353

    The religious indoctrination of America’s public-school students.

    Trump, the Religious Right, and the hollowness of Christian morality.

    Here are the 5 Project 2025 authors Trump has already nominated for his Cabinet.

    I only heard today that Tucker Carlson was attacked in his bed by demons. That explains a lot!

    Texas State Board of Education approves Bible-infused curriculum.

    ‘Hold on, I’m speaking’: CNN host clashes with MAGA school official over Bibles.

    Kenneth Copeland is a bullshit artist and a vile liar for Jesus.

    When religion starts to interfere with your everyday life, it’s time to give it up.

    World of Woo:  I now ask anti-vaxxers why they want children to die of diphtheria. Maybe Dr. Oz will sort it out as vaccination rates decline.

    Environment: How is the world doing on tackling climate change?

    Scientists uncover new textbook case of human-driven evolution.

    The dark energy pushing our universe apart may not be what it seems.

    It may not be the case that the Universe is fine-tuned for life.

    How self-evolving LLMs could change everything in AI. See also the first video below.

    How ancient Europeans changed at the dawn of agriculture.

    In the Quantum World, even points of view are uncertain.

    Long Reads: How Jordan Peterson fooled young men into thinking he’s the world’s smartest man.  The Electoral problem for Democrats: It’s the Neo-liberalism, Stupid. Does Religion generate higher levels of self-reported Well Being? 5 coincidences that make our existence possible.

    Sunday Book Club: Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality.

    Some photographs taken last week.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Videos:  This is a great video. A discussion on the anti-science of God. Visualizing the atomic nucleus. Life isn’t meaningless, the question is.  Inventing God: Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality.


    Have a great week!

    Religion. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.

    Ambrose Bierce.



    That freaky Kennedy piece-o-shit will cause many unnecessary deaths. I view him as a mass murderer. It only takes a thin layer of bullshit to fool my average pathetic, hapless, clueless boomer cohort and many zoomers as well. Diseases such as measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio and smallpox will make their triumphant return if that asshat doesn’t get muzzled quickly. FAFO time for sure.



    Thanks, Reg!



    “This is a great video.”

    Is that two AIs talking to each other?



    Is that two AIs talking to each other?

    Yes…..and they are talking about us! 🙂


    Simon Paynton

    How Jordan Peterson fooled young men into thinking he’s the world’s smartest man.

    I don’t know what to think about Jordan Peterson.  I admire him for standing up to the woke bullies about free speech.  I think his “rules for young men” probably have done a lot of good.  Beyond that, he has said some apparently misogynistic things.  I don’t think his theories hang together.  Maybe he’s a better psychologist than he is a philosopher.


    I was going to write something about JP’s new book but it is not worth it.



    How Jordan Peterson fooled young men into thinking he’s the world’s smartest man.

    I don’t know what to think about Jordan Peterson. I admire him for standing up to the woke bullies about free speech. I think his “rules for young men” probably have done a lot of good. Beyond that, he has said some apparently misogynistic things. I don’t think his theories hang together. Maybe he’s a better psychologist than he is a philosopher.

    I know what to think about him. What a bag of hot air. Guy couldn’t even answer “do you believe in god” a few years ago. Had some sort of mental breakdown and now he’s running a church. Maybe Trump will appoint him as his spiritual advisor.



    Had some sort of mental breakdown and now he’s running a church. Maybe Trump will appoint him as his spiritual advisor.

    We heard it here first!





    I was intrigued by that video but i can’t help wondering if it is authentic.

    If it is and it’s drawing on external information and making value judgments and conclusions about human endeavors then…

    Then what? Well i suppose it presages a form of intelligence that will take precedence over all humans. AI or alien intelligence citing that Israeli i linked has already devised a strategy never used in over 2000 yrs in the game known as go…has beaten our best in chess…has outperformed our evaluators of charts and radiographs regarding health and the universe and recognizes patterns that are far beyond our capability and enabled by the processing of so much more data. Oh, and of course it is in its infancy. We can only extrapolate far greater breadth of dominance in intellectual pursuits.

    Furthermore, as we become more and more dependent on AI it affords AI ready access to control us. And i can’t help wondering how the point i keep making and that nobody i have ever heard or read makes-that humans are with few exceptions mindless hunks of flesh and can be trained to believe ANYTHING and adopt the most degenerate ethics. Control the disposition of information and you control the beliefs and ethics of the subjects.

    Since we are on a collision course with our destiny i would readily roll the dice and cede power to alien intelligence to train us like we train our pets to be better citizens.


    Belle Rose

    Had some sort of mental breakdown and now he’s running a church. Maybe Trump will appoint him as his spiritual advisor.

    We heard it here first!


    😂 😂 😂 😂 😂



    Is that two AIs talking to each other? Yes…..and they are talking about us! 🙂

    Chess match between two supercomputers:

    Computer 1: Pawn to King 4

    Computer 2: Resigns


    🙂 Even A.I. sees no freewill .


    Simon Paynton

    Even the great overlord, AI?

    Here’s a take on freewill.  The perception is one of (limited) freedom of choice at any one moment.  This perception is a conscious perception.  This conscious freedom of choice can be further limited or shaped by subconscious factors.

    Yet the background physical substrate upon which perception and consciousness “lives” is, most of the way down, a deterministic one of cause and effect.

    Do all our choices, all the results of our executive decisions, have external causes?  Or are some of the causes free conscious deliberations – free thoughts?

    Is not one choice wiser than another, with respect to long-term flourishing and survival?

    In short, we have a combination of freewill and restriction, in reality.  @unseen, you’re asking that all causes of our decision-making are external.  I’m saying that some of them are internal: i.e., free thoughts.  How free are your thoughts?

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by  Simon Paynton.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 82 total)

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